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Posts posted by biati

  1. A new update has beed released 3.0.2

    • Changed: Time keyword changed to "argument required" to not display results when not required
    • Improved: Configuration menu, when entering to a submenu now you can go back to the main menu instead of closing Alfred
    • Improved: Updates message in results
    • Improved: Previous settings migration
    • Fixed: Round units conversion

    Update directly from the workflow or download the latest version from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases

  2. A new update has beed released 3.0.1

    • New: Quart now defaults to US Quart (0.946353 Liters) to mimic the same results as other converters. You can sill type 1 uk quart in liter or 1 ukqt in liter or 1 us quart in liter
    • Improved: Decimals formatting
    • Improved: Added eurs keyword
    • Fixed: Temperature conversion not working
    • Fixed: Cache folder not created for new installations
    • Fixed: Forgot to change the name of a env variable after a PR in time conversions

    Update directly from the workflow or download the latest version from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases

  3. A new update has beed released 3.0.0


    • New: Now the Workflow settings are saved in the workflow variables..
    • New: Added support for data storage: Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte, Exabyte, Zettabyte, Yottabyte, bit, Kibibyte, Mebibyte, Gibibyte, Tebibyte, Pebibyte, Exbibyte, Zebibyte, Yobibyte.
    • New: Added US Gallon in Volume conversions
    • New: Added Fluid Ounces in Volume conversions
    • New: Gallon now defaults to US Gallon (3.78541 Liters) to mimic the same results as other converters. You can sill type `1 uk gal in liter` or `1 ukgal in liter` `1 uk gallon in liter` or `1 us gal in liter`
    • New: Pint now defaults to US Pint (0.473176 Liters) to mimic the same results as other converters. You can sill type `1 uk pint in liter` or `1 uk pint in liter` `1 uk pt in liter` or `1 us pint in liter`
    • New: Added stopword `as` so you can type `1 kilometer as meters` or `1km as m`, etc.
    • New: Added stopword `en` (spanish) so you can type `1 kilometro en metros` or `1km en m`, etc.
    • New: When downloading rates the workflow will rerun it's query to update the results
    • New: The workflow was restructured and some parts were rewritten
    • New: Added millas, milla, miles, mile, keywords so you can type `4 miles in feet`
    • New: Updated documentation and examples
    • Improved: Updater, now displays notifications using alfred and will also notify you in the results
    • Improved: Updated translations
    • Improved: Added space between number and unit/currency for better readability
    • Improved: Removed some dependencies
    • Fixed: Subtitle not formatted according the currency locale in crypto conversions
    • Fixed: Error in subtitle for time conversions (milliseconds)
    • Fixed: Incorrect Time Unit Conversion
    • Fixed: Incorrect crypto conversion when downloading updated currency rates
    • Fixed: crypto currencies result now displays default workflow icon instead of an empty space

    Update directly from the workflow or download the latest version from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases

  4. A new update has beed released 2.1.0

    • New: Removed exchangeratesapi as it now requires an API Key
    • New: Added exchangerate.host
    • New: Improved configuration. Now displays a list of time zones to choose from
    • New: Improved configuration. Now displays a list of currencies to choose from
    • New: Improved configuration. Now displays a list of languages to choose from
    • Fixed: Unable to run/save configuration on certain cases

    Update directly from the workflow "Open Alfred and type calculate check for updates" or download manually the latest version from the releases page https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases

  5. exchangeratesapi now requires a an access_key, the change was made without notice https://github.com/exchangeratesapi/exchangeratesapi/issues/117

    In the meantime adding a fixer API key will fix the conversion problem https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything#currency-options


    I'll look in to this to see if keeping exchangeratesapi is worth it or find an alternative that does not require an access key. Still I recommend adding a fixer API Key as it provides support for many more currencies.

  6. On 1/22/2021 at 12:40 PM, Kevllar said:

    @biatiThis is a killer workflow. Thank you for building this. I can eliminate multiple workflows because of this. 


    Is there an easy way to exchange the string "VAT" for "HST"? In Canada, we use HST instead.


    Thanks for the great workflow. Is there a way to support you or buy you a beer?


    Hi @Kevllar I'm glad you like this workflow. For now there's no way to change that string, I'll try to find the best way to allow users to configure this 😀


    Again, I'm really glad this workflow is useful, you can donate any amount you want to my PayPal account.


  7. 8 hours ago, JulianW said:




    I had the same issue and the update fixed it for me.


    However, the currency calculation does not work as expected on my end.

    I added EUR, USD, AUD and CHF as base currencies, but I see some strange behaviour.


    Typing "100 eur" (or "100eur" or "100 euro" or "100€") does not bring up the base currencies.





    Typing "100 usd" brings up the base currencies, including USD which then shows 1,100.00USD, which doesn't seem right.





    Using "100€ to $" doesn't seem to work at all for me.


    I hope that is helpful.




    Hi, unfortunately that does not help me at all to know what's happening. If you have a Github account you can check the issues template here https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug_report.md so you can respond some questions and provide the required information so i can take a look.

  8. On 7/6/2020 at 10:24 AM, fatherfork said:

    @biati When I first installed your (awesome) workflow, I could do "time +30days" and it showed me the date 30 days from now. After editing a few settings (eg. timezone, measurement, base currency), it no longer shows me the date, just how long 30 days is in weeks and the timestamp. I've tried formatting it in different ways with the same outcome as well, time now + 30days, etc. 


    I've also deleted and reinstalled the workflow, but it keeps the settings. Is there a way to reset the workflow to original settings?


    Hi @fatherfork an update was just released, please try it and let me know if the update solves your issue.

  9. Updated 2.0.3


    - New: Improved currency conversion speed.
    - New: You can use quick calculations for VAT.
    - New: Added calculate clear to easily clear the workflow cache, settings or both.
    - Changed: Vat action modifiers to be the same as currency, etc.
    - Fixed: months to year calculation
    - Fixed: updater error causing the workflow to not work


    Download the latest release from https://github.com/biati-digital/alfred-calculate-anything/releases or open Alfred and type calculate update

  10. On 5/26/2020 at 11:01 AM, tosbsas said:

    I might need some help. I am Lima, Peru that's GMT -5 but the workflow does not read that correctly. I tried to set base timezone but time is still wrong. I tried with UTC with P -05:00 and all the options there are :((


    Hi @tosbsas you need to set the timezone like America/Lima 





    Please try it and let me know if it works-

  11. Hi everyone. 


    I don't know what's the best way to notify about updates to the users? do I simply put a comment here? do I update the main post? I just want people to know that the workflow is maintained in case they want to use it.


    Anyway the workflow was rewritten, added cryptocurrency support, there was 3 or 4 updates with bug fixes and improvements since the last time I published a comment here in the forum.

  12. 15 hours ago, xilopaint said:


    I know my currency code but if I enter it via `Set base currency` and `Set currency locale` I don't get my currency properly formatted.



    It seems your workflow is not accepting capital letters, so "Y" is being converted to "y" which gives different results for a date format.


    I've published a fix for the configuration error, the settings are now saved keeping upper and lowercase.


    For the other thing you mention please first try the update otherwise you need to be more specific, what's your currency, your locale, give me an example of the output you are expecting, etc. something that helps me to make some tests otherwise there's nothing I can do.



  13. 1 hour ago, xilopaint said:

    I'm struggling to configure my currency and date formats. Is there a list anywhere that could help me with that?


    The workflow includes a list of currencies, just Open Alfred and type calculate select "list available units and currencies" then you can type your country name to get the currency code (press enter to copy the currency code) or if you prefer here is a list online https://www.iban.com/currency-codes


    For dates, you can find here the available options to format the date the way you want. If you do not understand what you have to do in that page then go to this other page you can visually create the date in the format you want. In the section "Build your own" you can  for example select how you want to display the day (24 or Sun or Sunday, etc) do the same with the rest of options and at the top you'll see the generated code for example: date('F l Y'); the part you need is inside the quotes so just copy F l Y if you need more help just let me know.

  14. On 11/20/2019 at 10:09 AM, NathanMcKnight said:


    Thanks for your prompt response! The new version looks good.


    I found a couple of other things in the way it calculates area, volume, and small scale calculations that you might be interested in taking a look at...






    Hi @NathanMcKnight I've updated the workflow to fix the problems you mention, please note there are some conversions that are not yet supported for example:


    1 m3 to m
    1 ft2 to in
    144 in to ft2


    The rest should be working fine, I'll be adding more units as soon as I have some free time. 


    To install the update just open Alfred and type calculate and select check for updates.

  15. On 11/20/2019 at 11:06 AM, Peter U said:

    This workflow is awesome!  However, I'm not able to use decimals in currency conversion, neither with point (.) nor with comma (,). Does it only support integers, or have I missed a setting somewhere? it works with unit conversions.

    Also, a feature request: Calculation of workdays that exclude weekends, e.g. today + X workdays.

    Would be perfect for quickly calculating delivery dates. 


    Hi, I'm glad you like this workflow, about decimals and commas in currency I've fixed the error, I'll publish the update tomorrow.


    About the workdays calculations I like that idea, it has been implemented, please check for updates tomorrow just open Alfred and type calculate and select check for updates.


  16. 9 hours ago, NathanMcKnight said:

    Great workflow! I just started playing around with it, and noticed a small bug. When subtracting percentages, it seems to have trouble subtracting round number percentages.


    For example:

    100 - 3% = 70

    100 - 30% = 70

    100 - 300% = 70


    Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see how far along you get!



    Hi @NathanMcKnight thank you for trying the workflow, the error you mention has been fixed in version 1.0.5 please download the latest version from Github  also automatic updates have been added so this is the last time you have to manually download an update. Thank you for your nice words.

  17. On 11/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, vitor said:


    Culinary units are used outside of the USA, and have precise metric measurements.


    @biati How are you handling auto-updates? Does the Workflow support them? If not, I can help you set it up with OneUpdater (disclaimer: I’m the author).

    I found some references to Packal inside the Workflow. Did you upload this to Packal, download it again, and made updates on that version? Either way, using Packal is no longer recommended, as the website is abandoned and buggy. The official place to share Workflows is the forums.


    Hi @vitor I've added OneUpdater, did some tests and it seems to work without problems, it's now available in version 1.0.5 with some changes and bug fixes and a new way to configure the workflow. Thank you for OneUpdater it is really simple to use.


  18. Hi @vitor is there a difference between setting "download_type" to "github_release" and setting the download type to direct and in the workflow_url setting the url to the latest release for example "https://github.com/user/repo/releases/latest/download/weorkflowname.alfredworkflow"?


    Also after implementing the updater I did a test and it notified me about and update (it downloaded the workflow from GitHub correctly and asked me to update, everything good here) except that there was no update, the thing is that I forgot to push the updated "info.plist" to GitHub (the one in GitHub said 1.0.0) while my workflow was in version 1.0.4, so it appears that the updater only does a simple comparison  like $v1 !== $v2 instead of actually checking if the release version is bigger than the current version.


    So my question is do you think this could cause an issue (not now and not in my case) in the future with any workflow where the author forgets to change the version or something happens? or am I just dumb for making such mistake?


    Anyways, I think this is awesome, it's really simple to implement and it could basically be implemented in any workflow. As a new Alfred user I spent a few weeks looking and testing workflows you can find 3 or 4 different versions of the same workflow, outdated information, outdated links, etc. and it appears that there's not a single source where everyone could look for workflows (apart from the forum and I'm not sure this is the best way) I hope OneUpdater could become the standard for handling updates. Thank you for sharing.

  19. 7 minutes ago, Thomas Dunne said:

    Really interesting and useful.


    But I've noticed some cooking and everyday small life US-American units aren't supported:


    For example, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups... and fractions: 1/8 inch, 1/16 tablespoon


    It'd be nice to have those.


    Hi @Thomas Dunne you are right, as a non us citizen I forgot to add those units, I'll be updating the workflow with this and if I find some other useful units I'll add them.

  20. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:

    You're bloody fast with the updates!



    I'd leave that at 6, tbh, or even 1 or 2 if a fixer.io API key is set. If the workflow pulls the exchange rates just before the site updates them, users may end up using rates that are up to 48 hours old. Your worse case scenario is basically (update interval * 2) - 1 second, so you should try to minimise that.


    Hi @deanishe You are right, 24 hours is a lot, I've followed your recommendation and changed the update interval to 2 hours for fixer.io and 12 hours for exchangerates api. The updated workflow can be downloaded from Github 


    Thank you for giving a try to this workflow.

  21. Hi @deanishe I'm glad you liked the idea of using each digit as a script filter 😊 I won't zip the exported files anymore.


    @vitor @deanishe


    About the currencies, sorry for the confusion, I've added support for fixer.io also the previous functionality still exists so there's no need to create an API Key for fixer but in case you want to use fixer you can configure the API key with calculate set fixerapi yourapihere 


    Also I've incremented the cache from 6 hours to 24 hours.


    Not sure if I can edit my original post to update the information but you can find the updated readme on Github

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