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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Another update. Configuration now has its own dedicated option. I removed the “resetpinaddsettings” way of work, you can now configure it via “configurepinadd” (issuing it again will overwrite your settings). I did this so the option that disappears can now be more clear — by default it’ll just show you a message informing you that it’s getting the relevant url and title, and if your account isn’t yet set, it’ll warn you of that; it is also now simply called with “pi”, which means that by the time you finish writing “pin” to input your tags, it’ll have already started working on getting the tab’s url and title, making even more unlikely the previously mentioned scenario of being too fast typing.
  2. Good news, everyone (cue Hubert Farnsworth). You can now safely return to the newest version. Not only is the truncated tags issue solved, the workflow is even faster than it was. I thought about it, and found what I believe to be an acceptable solution. The workflow doesn’t look as good on the editing window, but why should that even be a factor? Here’s the part that I don’t like — instead of showing you only the configuration options or only the bookmark adding options, it’ll now do a kind of hybrid. If you don’t have your account set, that option will appear, but so will the other two (add bookmark, and add private bookmark). However, since you probably will only need to configure it once, and that’ll be the first time you use it, Alfred should display this as the first option, which is good. When your account is already configured, the option will still show when you first type “pin”, but it’ll disappear once you type your first character after that (when you start inputting your tags); doing this is what allows it to still run the script that’ll get your tab’s url and title. Yes, it’s still possible to be so fast as to go past it (even though it would make it not add the bookmark, instead of truncating the text), but from my tests, you’d have to be stupidly fast — I could only do it while really trying hard, and had to be so fast I could only add a single one‐character tag, as even typing two characters was enough time for the workflow to catch everything correctly. I’ve removed the old version and the warning from the original post, please try it out, and let me know if you find any issues.
  3. At the same time, that is also what I recommend you do when finding the keyword hard to remember or unintuitive. Just substitute it for the first thing that comes to your head — don’t try to think of “the best one”, the one that first pops to your head now is very likely the first that’ll pop into your head later.
  4. Update. It now warns if you try to “play” and have no unwatched files.
  5. I was going to suggest it returned the short URL, but since you’re manipulating the string, and not using the API, that would take some work. I would suggest however, that instead of having the user post the URL into Alfred, you’d just get it from the clipboard via pbpaste (you’re already using pbcopy anyway, so why not).
  6. From what you reported, I wonder if this isn’t something keyboard/language dependent (which could possibly make it a more complex task). I have a portuguese keyboard, which means that when I press “~”, it actually does not output a “~” immediately, it instead shows it as a kind of placeholder, waiting for another key. What happens is that if I type a character that in portuguese may use a tilde (such as “a”), I get that character — so typing “~a” will give me “ã”. What this means is that, contrary to what happens in your cases, if I type “~/” I actually get the correct output from Alfred (a single “/”).
  7. Sure. I’ve update the top post, in case anyone else wants it. The download link is right at the end.
  8. Nothing, that is the point. If you follow my instructions you’ll end up with a modified version of this workflow. You then just need to call it, and it’ll do everything — download the video and get the audio.
  9. After making some tests, I was able to reproduce the problem. The bad news is that there is currently no way to avoid that in Alfred unless the workflow goes back to its previous, slower, mode of operation. You can understand why, then, I’m a bit thorn on this. The problem arises from how Alfred operates, even though it’s a feature, not a bug. You’ll notice it’s not the tags themselves that get truncated, it’s the full text you type into the workflow. This happens when the script filter didn’t have time to update with everything you typed. So we need to either give it a moment before pressing return, or go back to the previous version. Needless to say, I find neither of those options optimal, but unfortunately it is also out of my control, as this is something having to do with the way workflows in Alfred work. The optimal solution, however, would be to not have that limitation at all, and I’ve started a thread with that request, where you can voice your opinion — the more interest there is, the more likely this is to be considered/implemented. There’s also another thread with a similar request, that you can follow.
  10. I disagree. If that’s the kind of thing you do so often that you want a workflow, that doing it that way is definitely slower. The method I’ve outlined takes longer to setup, granted, but you only have to do that once, and in the long run it’s way faster, if only because it’ll be a one step process with a single keyword, instead of a multiple step process where you have to type the keyword, wait for it to download (which varies from video to video), start another process to convert it, wait for that to finish, and delete the video. It’s a small tedious process multiple times, versus a big tedious process once. Perceived speed is often better than actual speed, psychologically (if only to us, users of software like Alfred). “Set it and forget it” is arguably the better option — that is why workflows are great.
  11. I very much second this request, although my interpretation on how it should work is slightly different.
  12. There are many workflows that need configuring before being used (mainly the ones that need some type of account login/setting). However, there's no practical way of implementing that via Alfred. I find making users edit settings manually or having a separate option that'll always show in the results, for an action you typically only run once, to be non-optimal experiences. For this purpose, I have two workflows that employ a script filter, that does something like this if (settings_file_exists) show xml with text — “configure your account” arg — <some_string_to_let_the_script_know_it_is_a_configuration> {query} else show xml with text — “do your action” arg — {query} Even though this works well with DownVid, since only the configuration is needed (the else part takes no input); with PinAdd, not so much. The problem here is that since PinAdd takes {query} as the xml’s arg, if your computer is slow at the moment or you type too fast and then press return, Alfred will act immediately, without waiting for the xml to rebuild/re‐output with the updated {query}. Realistically, I only need the xml to build once, and then take the full, correct, untruncated {query} as the argument, where requested. Perhaps script filters aren’t build around this idea, but there is clearly a need for it, as currently you only get one of the worlds — either you can show different options depending on the case but you can’t really type some action to be passed through (script filters), or you can get the action perfectly but without having options (keyword input). My suggestion is then, perhaps instead of creating more options in script filters for specific cases, maybe create a separate category like “keyword filter” or “keyword conditional” or some better name. What this would do is allow you to specify some code to run as soon as you enter its name (much like script filters do), but this code would run only once, outputting some predefined xml, and would take a full argument passed through, much like the keyword input.
  13. Update. The upload JSON was pointing to the wrong files, so you’ll need to download it again to receive further updates.
  14. Change the second line to be ls *.png | grep -v icon.png | xargs -I {} mv {} ${HOME}/Desktop/
  15. Here are the instructions on how to change this workflow to get the audio from videos, instead of (or in addition to) the video. I warn you that it may be a lengthy process (it’s not difficult, it just takes a while, specially if you do not have some things installed). youtube-dl uses ffmpeg to extract the audio, so you likely need to install it, but I cover that in the instructions. 1. Open a terminal. 2. Install homebrew (if you don’t have it). It might ask you to install XCode’s CLI tools. ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" 3. Install ffmpeg (again, if you don’t have it) by running brew install ffmpeg 4. After it finishes, you can close the terminal. 5. Open the workflow, and after that double-click the topmost “Run Script” node. 6. At the top of the code that appears, paste this export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" 7. Now you’ll have to make a choice. Keep in mind that it’ll still download the video, but it’ll then extract the audio from it and delete the video (or not, that’s the choice). 8. If you want to always download only the audio, change (a few lines under getfile() {) python youtube-dl --no-playlist --newline --output "${downdir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "${link}" > "${progressfile}" to python youtube-dl --extract-audio --no-playlist --newline --output "${downdir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "${link}" > "${progressfile}" If you want to keep both the audio and video, change it to python youtube-dl --extract-audio --keep-video --no-playlist --newline --output "${downdir}/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "${link}" > "${progressfile}" 9. You can now save. You’re done. Steps 2 and 3 can take some time, particularly 3 since it will download and compile from source (ffmpeg can take some time). If you have any difficulty with any of the steps, please state what problems you’re having, and we can work from there.
  16. Thank you. There’s no need for credit, though, I outlined the steps, but you’re the one who built it.
  17. Before reporting an issue with downloading, open a terminal then copy and paste the following code and press ↩: PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" brew upgrade yt-dlp Then try again. If the download still fails, return to the same terminal window and run: yt-dlp "YOUR-URL-HERE" Replacing YOUR-URL-HERE (but keep the double quotes) with the URL that is failing. Then report the error on the yt-dlp issue tracker, as they’re the ones who’ll be able to fix the issue. The workflow relies on that tool for the downloads.
  18. Update. Fixed a bug where it wouldn't delete files with single quotes in the name.
  19. Usage Download video from a plethora of online sources via the dv keyword. Download audio with da. Your clipboard and frontmost browser tab are checked for links. ↩: Download.⌘↩: Download full playlist.⌥↩: Toggle adding to Watch List. Alternatively, download with the Universal Action. Check download progress via the dp keyword. ⌘↩: Restart download.⌃↩: Cancel. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  20. Update. Nothing major, it now gets rid of temporary files after each run (from the way it works now, adding this won’t slow it down). I prefer to leave caches and settings as clean as possible.
  21. Thank you all, it’s good to know the difference is as noticeable as I hoped it’d be. Agreed, something quicker would be more convenient, as would be having a single separator. My only worry is to not set something that could possibly be used as a tag, that’s why I’m a fan of repeated characters for this (something like “||” or even “,,”). I’ll do some tests.
  22. Yes, I had forgotten that part. Glad you could figure it out. After you finish setting it up (maybe add an icon to it), you can share it here, if you want to.
  23. I apologise, there’s a mistake there, I use “pbcopy” so much that I always write it the few times I meant to type “pbpaste”. python webkit2png "$(pbpaste)" mv *.png ${HOME}/Desktop/ It should work now.
  24. Tip. If you change the first line to read python webkit2png "$(pbcopy)" then you don’t even need to type or paste the url in, just write “w2p”, and when you press return, it’ll get the URL from your clipboard.
  25. Update. It now outputs notifications (it’s nice to know the action you’ve selected got through). When deleting files, instead of simply moving them to the trash, it uses applescript to delete them. This will give you both that satisfying “send to trash” sound and will give you greater flexibility, like having access to the Put Back option in the trash, or being able to press ⌘+Z to get the files to their original locations (you need to do it once for each file).
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