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Everything posted by vdesabou

  1. No I let user do it. I tested it by re-invoking again, but that's too much intrusive, alfred window will appear and takes focus every time..which is quite annoying
  2. Yes that's right. It is not updated automatically, you have to re-invoke the workflow again, but you can also press a key (space for example) to see the progression, because it will re-trigger processing and sends an updated XML. All the code is available on Github if you want to have a look
  3. Hi, Suggest you remove everything in App folder, you can access it by invoking spot_mini_debug, and then browse to app support folder like this Remove library.db and settings.db in there. If your library is totally different, you can also remove artwork directory (but the next update will have to re-download everything) If you still experience issues after this, please raise an issue on github page by invoking "spot_mini_issue"
  4. It has been added to 4.2: History 4.2: Implemented suggestions described in https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues/14
  5. Hi, It's been a while Good suggestions. I'll see what I can do. Would you mind opening a ticket here https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues/new so that we can discuss further details if needed ? Thanks
  6. History 4.1.2: Add spot_mini_issue command to report a bug or propose enhancement.Fix a potential issue with Library update.
  7. ok... Can you open a ticket here https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues/new We will discuss the problem from there I'll have to provide custom workflow to see what's going on in your case. Thanks
  8. I've made a fix for this: History 4.1.1: Now use free TCP port for communication between workflow and Spotify App Helper. Please check for update in the workflow settings menu, and install the 4.1.1 version. Let me know if you still get issue
  9. Hi, Sorry for late response. Can you execute in Terminal this command: netstat -an | grep 17693 And send me the output. I use TCP port 17693 to communicate between the workflow and Spotify App, so if this port is used on your system, you'll get the problem you experience. Thanks
  10. Hi, Just wanted to say thanks for this great workflow!
  11. History 4.1: Improved Mini player App. Removed configuration of country code, it is now done automatically.
  12. Quick updates (if you have version 4.0 already, you can use Check for Update now ): 4.0.2: Added debug area in Spotify App, this will help debugging issues with library update, if any 4.0.1: Fixed a problem where notifications are not working
  13. Version 4.0 is available!! I have updated the main post to include all details. Here is the change log: 4.0: Choose workflow themes: green or blackDisplay and browse Related ArtistsDisplay Artist biographyDisplay current track lyrics Use any of your playlists (including the starred playlist) as the Alfred PlaylistClear your Alfred Playlist (exluding the starred playlist)Auto-Updater: check for update once per dayCheck for update in SettingsVarious enhancements
  14. Yes, this is fixed in version 4.0, which is the next major update on which I'm currently working on. I hope to release it before christmas.. Cheers!
  15. Don't bother with the debug file, I've reproduced your issue. You're right, we can't launch subscribed playlists and update them. I'll see how to fix that
  16. Hi, I'm here to help I tried to reproduce using playlist 'Re-energize' but I get no problem playing it. Please provide the debug file as explained here: Troubleshooting If you experience an issue with the workflow, use the "spot_mini_debug" command, it will generate a spot_mini_debug.tgz file in your Downloads directory. Then send this file to me.
  17. New Version: 3.8.5: Fix issue with some weird playlists with some kind of corrupted tracks
  18. Nice workflow! And thanks for the PHP serialize tip, I think I'm going to use it instead of an ugly CSV kind format Cheers
  19. Please grab version 3.8.4: 3.8.4: Added more error checks when setting Alfred Playlist URL
  20. It seems to be working fine, see: Make sure you don't add some extra spaces or things like that. Let me know if this is still not working.
  21. This is not a url. What I'm expecting is something like spotify:user:napstersean:playlist:3vxotOnOGDlZXyzJPLFnm2 Use the application instead of web app maybe. Also past the url into a text editor before copy/pasting here because the forum seems to transform the url badly
  22. Oh, is there at least one track in this playlist? If not try adding some...
  23. Thanks! Can you access this playlist in a web browser (right click on it in spotify->copy HTTP link)? Also can you provide the Spotify URI of this playlist (by MP if you prefer), I'll try on my side
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