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  1. Since authy discontinued the api this workflow works as long as you got the data before the closing of API. wondering if the library will be update with the new api https://www.twilio.com/en-us/blog/migrate-authy-to-verify There's an issue on github. https://github.com/momaek/authy/issues/34
  2. I've installed the script but i've no idea how to start using it. i typed "time" but nothing shows up in alfred.
  3. I just noticed the notifications now. sorry for lack of support. did you solve the problem? should I update anywhere the instrcution/package? (This is the first time i share one workflow)
  4. I've to change the initial scritpt to this `/bin/bash` and then add only `authy fuzz --alfred $@` in the normal workflow i had `cat: command not found`
  5. Slack set status This workflow allow you to set various status, DND, and to close/reopen slack app from Alfred http://www.packal.org/workflow/slack-status-set https://github.com/esseti/alfred-slack-status Dependencies To genrate the token the workflow relise on an App that I've had to create in slack. If you already have a personal token `xoxp-..` you can use that one. PS: this is my first workflow. Screenshots
  6. Can anyone explain how to setup github in oreder to share the workflow code? is there a template for the structure or a common structure that one should follow?
  7. the `mdutil` is disabled after each restart. any idea how to keep it enabled?
  8. Since the last update of google drive it seems that is not working anymore. any idea?
  9. Is it working in big sur? 11.2.3 to me does not work.
  10. So far it's great. one thing would be to add a shortcut to open the file / folder in drive. not sure if it's possible or this works on the files on the HD
  11. Hi all, so far i've used typinator for this, but since i switched to Alfred I found myself a bit lost to acomplish the same goal as before. my problem is that i've many servers that have the same ending, examples test1.my.domain.com test2.my.domain.com i usually setup a rule that is .my.d. -> .my.domain.com but this with alfred works only if the string starts with .my.d. so that test1.my.d. does not transform to the right url. is it feasible?
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