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Posts posted by Ddyracer

  1. Nothing, that is the point. If you follow my instructions you’ll end up with a modified version of this workflow. You then just need to call it, and it’ll do everything — download the video and get the audio.

    Nothing, that is the point. If you follow my instructions you’ll end up with a modified version of this workflow. You then just need to call it, and it’ll do everything — download the video and get the audio.

    From your first post I got the impression i had to do a little bit of the 13 steps after the setup. Well, ill give it a shot.
  2. I disagree. If that’s the kind of thing you do so often that you want a workflow, that doing it that way is definitely slower.

    The method I’ve outlined takes longer to setup, granted, but you only have to do that once, and in the long run it’s way faster, if only because it’ll be a one step process with a single keyword, instead of a multiple step process where you have to type the keyword, wait for it to download (which varies from video to video), start another process to convert it, wait for that to finish, and delete the video. It’s a small tedious process multiple times, versus a big tedious process once.

    Perceived speed is often better than actual speed, psychologically (if only to us, users of software like Alfred). “Set it and forget it” is arguably the better option — that is why workflows are great.

    After setting it up what do you have to every time for the workflow to work?

    I don't DL YouTube vids often so i could just use your workflow, then convert natively I guess.

  3. Download




    This workflow mutes the system volume with the Keyword mute, meaning that all sound coming from the computer is stopped. Typing mute again will re-enable sound. It's pretty simple, but effective:





    Remember to disable the iTunes mute Keyword, if previously enabled: Preferences > Features > iTunes > Keywords > Mute iTunes




    If you want a finer degree of control, you could also rig it to work in conjunction with the iTunes mute Keyword if this workflow's Keyword is changed to something different, say "muteall".









    Nice, it mutes everything i like it.

  4. Hey,


    I was just wondering if it may be possible to get an "On Open" trigger. While I have in mind when alfred opens...do this, it could potentially be extended to when application X is opened, do Y. Just a thought but it might be confusing. I just figure there has to be a better way to run a workflow automatically when alfred begins (such as open all applications you would use in a normal work day)


    I understand if this isn't something you want to add but at least for me I thought it would be helpful.


    Like the action results?

  5. Using Alfred v1 I could very easily set a keyword to reveal a folder and or to open a file using just the return key.  It was dead simple.

    Using Alfred v2, and being a simpleton with where scripts are concerned, I seem to need more steps to achieve the same result.

    Am I missing something here?

    Please put me right.  I do love my Alfred which was, incidentally, my Dad's name which makes me laugh sometimes.


    So, do you need help or do you want a workflow (which i assume you know how to do) made easier?

  6. Hello everyone!


    So this is what I am trying to do. I have a folder in which I keep a few text files (ToDo).


    With Alfred 1, I had a global hotkey to open that folder. But now with Alfred 2 I think it would be cool it to just type whatever in Alfred, like "myfolder" and it would list all the items inside that folder, selecting a item would open that item.


    I know I could just type the whole file address in Alfred, but that would not be practical.


    Is there any easy way to do that? Do I even need a workflow?



    Thank you,


    I can't really help you if you wish to reveal in finder with a keyword, as i can't get it to work. But, if you want to browse the files in Alfred that's easier, just select no argument.


    It's in Templates> Show Alfred> File System Navigation for Specified Path



  7. I'm trying to get ideas about how can I make my workflow update itself, so the user doesn't need to pay attention to any announcement or whatever.


    So, those who have created and shared workflows, does any of them update automatically? If so, how did you achieve that?



    Some have alleyoop, which gives a list of updates and downloads, but you still have to re-import the workflow. Andrew (Alfred's Pa) is working on bringing native support.
  8. Awesome!

    Thanks for so much help.

    I must ask: Where do I put the path? (Sorry if my question is too elemental, I just really want to get this right).


    If you double click the hotkey, a dialog window comes up, then type into the text field at the bottom of the window.

    Glad I finally understood, It was stupid of me to not improvise here.

  9. Hey! 


    My bad if I did not explained my self better.

    Here's what I mean:

    On the Template you refer, we must first have a typed path on any app, then, if i select it, then it will send alfred and show that file path on alfred. Then I can navigate in it.


    What I what is different:

    I want to press a hot key and directly take me to a folder I constantly check. Skipping the typing or selecting a path from an app.


    I could be mistaken, and not how to properly use it. By I've tried many, many ways and still no luck! all I could do was to s file filter, but this will not show in the way they are arranged in the finder. 




    You want to reveal the path In finder? It can be done. I will try later.

  10. Exactly!, But I would love to start the navigation from a specific path, not from the home or the HD. Do you know how to make a hot key to navigate from specific folder?



    The template can do that though, with a hotkey. I guess im an idiot, I don't see what the difference is in what you requested.

  11. Hi, thank you so much for your answer.

    What you post it is not what I'm looking for, that opens a path from a selected text.

    What I want is to press a hotkey, and that alfred will show a folder and navigate with keys see its contents.


    In other words, like in v1 that used to have Path and Url.





    You want to browse your directory right? In Alfred you can do this by navigating with the arrow keys. 

  12. My Alfred doesn't work anymore, it shows no applications at all. I killed all prefs, I deleted the app itself, I reinstalled anything, NO CHANGE. Contacts and web searches work, but THERE ARE NO APPS AT ALL.


    Try this:



  13. Dear alfred team,

    I want to know, how long my preference will be backup in the APP? It seems that there is no option to choose the time, like one day or one week.

    Another questions, Does my history in Alfred will be saved in my alfred preferences?

    thanks for your help


    Backups stored forever.

    If you mean query history its stored for 5 minutes and can stay for 20 searches if you use the up arrow. Then, It refreshes to the latest searches.

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