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Posts posted by dfay

  1. Something's gotta be messed up on their end.  The URL above still works fine for my on Safari for iPad, where I tested it earlier.  But Safari for Mac produces the error message above. Same with Firefox for Mac.  I can even be viewing results on the iPad then use Handoff to open the same page on the Mac & get the error.


    Strangely, you can enable the Developer menu then click

    Develop > User Agent > Safari - iOS 11.0 - iPad 

    and it will work.


    Bizarre.  I'd email the site admin b/c I doubt they intentionally want the site to work only with Safari for iPad.


    Or you can try this workflow and modify it to add your search or something:


  2. I've run into a hitch.  I want to use this to search a list of categories, then again within the same workflow to search elements within a category.  But the second run is always displaying the cached results of the first.  I tried duplicating the script and running each separately but it seems to still use the same session_id and hence display the cached results instead of the results of the second run.


    Any quick & easy ways to reset the session ID?  I suppose I could duplicate it & change the os.getpid() to something else. 




    I ungraciously and crudely solved the problem by


    1. duplicating the file,

    2. editing the duplicate copy

    a. changing line 45 to 

    SID = 'fuzzy_session_id_2'

    b. changing the end of line 311 to 


    I call the original in the first run and the modified duplicate in the second.  I'm sure it could be done more gracefully/elegantly/pythonically but that approach works for me.

  3. Could we get native support for querying a SQLite database?  It seems this is already being done in a lot of workflows (e.g. with Zotero, Mail, Ulysses) and/or is needed for updates (Notes).  I am faced with the prospect of reverse-engineering one of these to try to write a workflow that would query a MaxQDA coding scheme.  But the use of SQLite seems so widespread it might be helpful to include it natively in Alfred.  Or if not in Alfred itself, in one of the workflow libraries (my vote is for python since @deanishe has probably done 90% of the work required already....).



  4. Yes, I'd agree with all of this, especially the part about not worrying about the language.  Except this: don't start with AppleScript.  It's possibly the language I use most often for automating my Mac, but I think it would be to easy to get bogged down in its many quirks as a novice. My vote would be for python.  I learned it from an O'Reilly book but I'd say if you're serious spend the $29 for Learn python the hard way.

  5. Not video but I’d start with the list filter docs : https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/list-filter/


    with the template name as title and the template itself as arg


    at the end you’ll want to add a copy to clipboard object.


    The custom forms were just html forms and maybe a bit of javascript on the front end.  Depending on the checkboxes etc. selected it would include various bits of text in the body , compose the subject line etc., then on submit it went to an email cgi ( http://www.bu.edu/tech/services/cccs/websites/people/forms/ponyexpress-overview/ - it seems to still be alive 15 years later! ) .


    You could probably do the same thing with AppleScript and Pashua for the front end.

  6. Yes. Two immediate options are to use snippets or a list filter with the text. Which option you choose might depend on how many different pieces of text you have to paste etc.  Once you get a feel for list filters you might also use this 

    which I have been gradually using to replace my list filters.


    But.... When I was going similar work 15 years ago my solution was to write a form where I could check a few boxes and have the email / document generated automatically.  That would beat creating a document and pasting into it hands down.

  7. I tried using Alfred as a Spotlight substitute for the first year or so I owned it.  Then (I forget why - maybe when v2 came out) I reset to the default search targets & went all in with workflows and custom searches.  I've gone back to using Spotlight for files, and disabled most of the distractions that Appeal has been throwing in....I don't need random Apple Music cluttering up my search for files are work - if I wanted to look for music I'd open iTunes (or more often these days, Music on IOS).  But for serious file search I use HoudahSpot (which, like Alfred relies on Spotlight indexing below the surface).

  8. # fuzzylist
    Fuzzy, self-updating list filter workflow for Alfred 3 & 4

    This is a workflow template - it does nothing as is.


    ## Usage:
    - create a csv file like you would for an Alfred List Filter, with an optional fourth field containing the path to an icon file for that result.
    - name the file *list.csv* and add it to the workflow directory

    On the initial run, the workflow will create a file list.json for output to the fuzzy search.  If list.csv is modified, it will update list.json .  


    ## Credits
    - uses fuzzy.py by @deanishehttps://github.com/deanishe/alfred-fuzzy


    ## Download


    workflow at https://github.com/derickfay/fuzzylist/blob/master/Fuzzy List Filter.alfredworkflow (v. 0.3 as of 2022-03-30)


    ## Working on 12.3


    v. 0.3 now uses Python 3 and works on MacOS 12.3

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