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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thank you very much!
  2. Is there a way to change to color of the emoji from yellow to another skincolor?
  3. I have seen that dialog box you posted with: Workflow not configured Open Spotify Install Library Settings I did open Spotify, got the code on my clipboard (pasted in TextEdit to test if it was really on my clipboard) and choose Install Library. But then nothing happened. Did that many times yesterday and today. Today suddenly when I did it for the first time today, the outputlog I've send arrived. You can contact me at ####
  4. The logs I've send you are the only ones created. If you want to continue this conversation by email I'm okay with that.
  5. Done, everything, but it still does not work. Still having my initial problem.
  6. How do I get inside the workflow file to get that dir? There's no "View Package Contents".
  7. This morning I did it again with the workflow you send me and suddenly INSIDE the workflowfile in a dir called workflows, appeared the log files. Get them here.
  8. Installed, now I'm stuck at waiting for minutes... (and no logs yet...)
  9. Yes, I did that and double checked everything multiple times. Isn't there another way I can create that file myself?
  10. There is only a settings.plist in there, generated today. I don't get any notification at all... Maybe it's worth mentioning I sync/store my Alfred Workflow in my Dropbox?
  11. How long does it take to create that JSON file? It doesn't get created here, although I really had the info copied on my clipboard... What to do?
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