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Everything posted by OmarKN

  1. Hi and good day, To launch Tex-Edit Plus I thought was a child's play, so I have a trigger then a working Apple Script: ----- tell application "Tex-Edit Plus" activate set bounds of front window to {400, 810, 1280, 1260} end tell ----- but without success. Anyone can see the reason why? / with best regards, Omar K N Stockholm, Sweden
  2. Hi and good day, Got the API key & almost everything working fine now, except for when I use the hotkey to launch the Translate API workflow it always proposes the word ”trans”, although it is ”tr ” set as keyword. Also a system sound can be hears at that moment. - I restarted the Mac, - removed all other earlier versions of translate workflows from Alfred - checked other apps if they use the same hotkeys So to make it work I always have to delete the letters "ans" to get the letters "tr ", what could be the reason here? Some old plist maybe? (debug doesn't do anything for workflows) / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  3. @zimma187 do they have a script, too? nothing i can see on their page though, if you know :-) / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  4. Hi Shawn, Got the API, although didn't see anywhere I would have to pay. + don't know where to enter it / in the script? (it has only: php action.php "{query}") When in Alfred I type "tr" it actually worked the first try!!! but later not, then it always falls back to "trans" and sends me to the Google translate webpage. Could you please shed some light on this topic :-) / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden (PS: the .configure action does work) (PS: On the packal.org/workflow/translate - page there is vs. 1.3.1 for download, although there seems to be an update version 1.3.2 )
  5. Hi and good day, My php seems to be ok, ( PHP 5.5.27 ) - on Yosemite - I get: "Type to translate…" then: Alfred wants to go on to the web, "Search Google:" Hopefully this can be resolved, maybe it's Google's fault? / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  6. Hi and good day, Don't know why this isn't working here, I'm using "cpy [x] with space, Argument Required. And the script: (/bi/bash) —————————————..————————————- #!/usr/bin/python from datetime import datetime import os notesFile = '/Users/okn/Documents/capi01.txt' # your path and filename go here n = datetime.now() theNote = n.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')+'\n\n'+"{query}" # to reformat the date see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-get-current-date-time-in-python/ theSeparator = '## Notes ##' theTemplate = '# NoteTitle\n= Notebook\n@ tag1' if not os.path.exists(notesFile): with open(notesFile, 'w') as file: file.write('{}\n\n{}\n\n{}'.format(theTemplate, theSeparator, theNote)) else: with open(notesFile, 'r') as file: notes = file.read() with open(notesFile, 'w') as file: sections = notes.split(theSeparator,1) notes = sections[0]+theSeparator+'\n\n'+theNote+'\n'+sections[1] file.write(notes) —————————————..————————————- I only changed the path and the if / else argument from dfay. What am I missing here? / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  7. Hi and good day HzlzH, Phantastic script! How would I have to tweak the script if I want to use my Branded Short Domain http://liv-isl.in/which redirects to bitly.com? What would I have to write together with the API key? I guess it would be somewhat like this row: 1 : {'api_url':'https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten?format=json&login=hzlzh&apiKey=R_e8bcc43adaa5f818cc5d8a544a17d27d&longUrl=','title':'bit.ly','des':'http://bit.ly/'}, Also, could I then skip the step of the shorteners' list, if only 1 shortener is set and the other 5 or 6 are deleted?! / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  8. Thank you! I wanted to use ^ ⇧⇧ but the "double tap" message didn't disappear = couldn't clear all of it, so I set it to: ^ double tap . / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Hi and good day, I don't know how to solve this in a better way than quitting Alfred. Sometimes I'm using a typing-from-the-clipboard-shortcut (instead of pasting), however this starts Alfred (which I have set with ⇧ twice to open the little fast-entry window). Is there a way to avoid this behaviour? Or how to deactivate Alfred for a while instead of quitting it? / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  10. Hi and good day, In the first Alfred Window, where everything is done, it doesn't stay very long! How to keep it up longer? The moment I activate/ click on another app the Alfred Window disappears, but maybe I still need it. / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  11. Hi and good day hamiseixas, Not sure what this workflow does, in Alfred I get: ”Text Shortcut Not Found” ? And I do have TextExpander snippets, but if I write ts and then the abbreviation, it will expand at once. ? / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  12. Phantastic! THANK YOU! / / with best regards, Omar KN Stockholm, Sweden
  13. Hi and good day, Say mostly I want to access: /Volumes/LC1/Documents-LC1/_HTo/… Is there not a simpler way than to always paste the path into the search field? Should I set this as default somewhere in the prefs? ( haven't found anything there. ) (And please if where could one read more about this, - chapter no.?) / with best regards, Omar K N Stockholm, Sweden
  14. > for you to quickly jump back to Finder. This is very neat, thank you. As for the return to the previous app. I can live with Apple's own cmd+tab shortcut in OS X as mentioned by Andrew. / curious for more, with best regards, Omar K N Stockholm, Sweden
  15. Hi Andrew, Actually I wasn't aware of this shortcut (had seen it, but forgotten) from OS X and it is a good one - thank you! However it is not 100% touch proof, because with the above one has to make sure to touch the CMD key first, otherwise it won't work, and if touched a moment to long, it will wander away through the apps! A stable 2-key shortcut to return to the previously used app would more stable. And in the same vein, I'd need a workflow to return to Finder - not the default folder in Finder, but Finder in general, = any last used Finder window. Is this possible with Alfred? with best regards, Omar K N Stockholm, Sweden
  16. Hi, A workflow which I would like to use is when active with a specific app or when in Finder, and want to go to the previous active app, with its window(s). Can this be done with Alfred 2 ? with best regards, Omar K N Stockholm, Sweden
  17. Hi, For my websearch workflow I'd like to use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page but when Alfred delivers the local version of wikipedia in Swedish language. Where can I set which wikipedia I can use, in this case: en.wikipedia.org ? with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  18. SOLVED! >Please just write an example with "open" and a path. I now found out I don't have to write "open", just the path, that's it! As here: /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo/w will show all files starting with "w", then it's simply to choose from the list which to open!!!! with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  19. Thank you, but if you could just give an example of how to open a file in Alfred - if possible, because in the Terminal i can open any file, f ex if I write: open /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo/w-mou.rtf As it's now, Alfred opens Google if I write the above command. >Type '~' and select the file you want to open. Hit ↩ or ⌘O YES, I can do that, except for the Alfred window is too small, many files in the folder, I want to do something like this: open /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo/*mou* = with the * if I don't remember the exact name AND if Alfred doesn't show more than ≈ 13 lines (files). Please just write an example with "open" and a path. with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  20. Hi, good day, Will Alfred still find / let me browse among files if I only know _part_ of the filename? Should I work with * ? For searching / opening. with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  21. Hi, Say I have my files in folders like this: /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo/[FILES] this path opens up when I write the " ~ " alright, how do I write : open /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo/[MY-FILE] ? with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  22. >Hopefully this gets you going. Yes really, I'll dig into it. And if there is a general tutorial. Thank you! with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
  23. Hi, In Alfred Prefs > File Search > Advanced I set there [x] use custom home folder as: /Volumes/main_HD/Users/omarkn/Documents/_Wie_HowTo for opening files in this folder. But when I write open in Alfred, I only get OPEN FILE with CMD 4, this is not specific - ? What else to do, or can I read somewhere in a tutorial? with best regards, Omar K N (Stockholm, Sweden)
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