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Everything posted by paulw

  1. Thanks, deanishe. Would multiple word queries work in my script filter with some kind of quoting? I can't seem to get multiple words to work with your built-in workflow, either though. Can you give an example?
  2. This is great, thanks. Especially since the WordReference workflow won't work for those of us who didn't get an API. I added another script filter to let me just type in the three-letter language codes myself, if I want, with keyword ".trans" and script: python translate.py {query} So I can just type ".trans eng fra word" and get an output.
  3. I'm wondering what folks are using this workflow vs using the built-in workflow template "Paste as plain text from hotkey"? (In Templates > Clipboard)
  4. I'd like to use this workflow as well. Please repost (or post on Packal.org)!
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