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Posts posted by ctwise

  1. This is one of those plugins with the power to change the way you use your mac, making you more productive in the process. I loved that in Quicksilver and i got really excited when I saw this plugin for Alfred.


    But it's not quite usable still, even with Benzi's version the first load is really slow and caching doesn't seem to persist.


    Do you guys think it will be possible to improve this in the future?


    Probably, but it's going to require Objective-C coding. I've played around with it, but haven't gotten as far as I need to. 

  2. I'm not really following what it is that you're looking for. By creating a hotkey and setting the argument to "Selection in OSX" you can grab the selected text and then use a Copy To Clipboard module to copy that data to the clipboard. What is it exactly that you are wanting to do with the data?


    It's the part in between that's the problem. I can mostly get there by doing something like this:



    # had to comment out below line because you can't just echo large amounts of random crap to the shell

    #`echo "{query}" | command-line-application`

    # instead I have to save the contents to a file




    file = Tempfile.new

    file.write selection


    `cat #{file.path} | command-line-application`


    Now, if I could just have the selection auto-copied to the clipboard, I could do this:



    `pbpaste | command-line-application`

  3. The hotkey option to pass selected text through to the next stage in the workflow is a problem for many cases. For example, if I select a large chunk of text and try to pipe it through to the clipboard, I'm going to have to save it to a temporary file first to avoid escaping issues. I would like the option to trigger a copy directly from the workflow instead.

  4. As a programmer, I often write emails, posts, white papers, and other such things with code embedded in a rich text document. I would love to share a workflow I am working on with the world but I'm having a hell of a time trying to get what should be simple to work.


    Here's the vision:

    • Write some code in a document
    • Select the text
    • Fire a global hotkey which triggers an Alfred workflow
    • Copy the text
    • Use an AppleScript to format the text to a Monaco font, perhaps with a background color, etc.
    • Paste the text back (which, in theory should replace what's selected)

    I am falling down miserably at this. Here's something I've tried but I'll admit my AppleScript-fu is a little novice.


            set old to the clipboard
        end try
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
        delay 0.03
        set input to Unicode text of (the clipboard as record)
        set txt to quoted form of ("<span style=\"font:14px 'Monaco'\">" & input & "</span>")
        do shell script "echo " & txt & " | textutil -format html -convert rtf -stdin -stdout | pbcopy -Prefer rtf"
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
        delay 0.03
        set the clipboard to old
    end try


    And just in case you need to see it, this is how I have this particular applescript configured in Alfred's workflow:




    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks folks! Loving version 2 so far!


    You can't echo your results, you need to save it in a text file. The shell is barfing on the html.

  5. I send a lot of PDFs to work. Microsoft Exchange (at least our version) has a bug that makes uncompressed PDFs invisible in emails sent from anything other then Outlook. So I have to compress them first. It would be very helpful if the file actions included an option to compress the selected file(s) before emailing them. I can create a file action workflow for the 'Email' case but not for the 'Email To..." case.

  6. Here's a ruby project that generates random phrases:



    passphrase_wordlist = [
    items = []
    4.times do 
        begin loc = rand(passphrase_wordlist.length) end while items.include?(loc)
        items << loc
    puts items.collect {|loc| passphrase_wordlist[loc]}.join(' ')
  7. Would anyone know if it is possible to use Alfred to generate passwords similar to or based on http://passphra.se/ (which is itself based on the awesome http://xkcd.com/936/ )


    Is there some way to tap in to their generator, or achieve the same results some other way?


    Just wanting to know if it's possible, and if so then I can do the legwork myself and try to figure it out. I'm pretty beginner level on this type of stuff, so I'm just wondering if it's something that would be worth investing time in.




    The phrase is randomly assembled from the below list. Just write some code that does the same:



    var passphrase_wordlist = [
  8. Hello all,

    I'm looking to write a workflow for a project management system I use. The system has projects. Projects have tasks and milestones. Tasks have subtasks. They have a REST api I've used several times before through both PHP and Python.


    I'd like to use the feedback mechanisms to let the user start typing a project, and auto-populate as they type. The thing is, I want them to do more things with that project after they've selected it.

    Here's the flow I'm imagining:

    1. User starts typing "foo My Pro" and they see some project appear: "My Project 1" and "My Product Launch"
    2. User chooses "My Project 1"
    3. User hits spacebar
    4. User starts typing "Add a " and options appear for "Add a task" and "Add a Milestone".
    5. User chooses "Add a task"
    6. User hits spacebar
    7. User types a task name and hits enter
    8. Task submits to the chosen project.

    Is all of this possible with the new v2 workflows? If you tell me it is possible, I'll move forward to try and make it happen... excitedly. :)





    It's possible, but it's a bit of a hack. People are simulating this with text markers. So:


    1. foo My Pro -> script filter sees this is a project lookup and outputs a list of projects. Each project auto-completes, like: 'My Project 1 > '.

    4. foo My Project 1 > Add a -> script filter sees the embedded '>' and provides a list of tasks that match 'Add a'. Each entry auto-completes, like 'My Project 1 > Add a task > '.

    7. foo My Project 1 > Add a task > my new task -> script filter sees two embedded '>'s and uses the task name to add a task to project 1.


    You can use anything as the separator, there's a unicode character that looks similar to '>' but isn't the same character. The rest is just text processing to strip out the text between the markers.


    If you mark an entry as 'valid="no"' then it can only cause an auto-complete and won't trigger anything else. 

  9. Alfred never had this function by default. If you had this before, it was more than likely an extension.


    You could easily create a new workflow (using the Essentials->Keyword to Script template), set your keyword, and then set the script to:

    dscacheutil -flushcache


    In 10.7 and 10.8, it's changed to:


        sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

  10. Hey,

    I just tried this in Chrome and it doesn't seem to populate results back to Alfred.

    I'm just getting stuck on this screen:



    It works, it's just very slow and very stupid. It's not a very smart workflow. The bookmark entries exposed by Applescript are much larger then what's visible in the menu structure. An xml dump without typing anything is 98 megs.

  11. ...I was hoping we could get a delay-for feature?


    Everyone's been asking for this. There's no clean way to simulate it in a script either, since there's no state stored across invocations for the same Alfred window. Until it gets added the best hacks are going off of length or other trigger. In your above example you might wait until you see a valid ending, e.g., 'mx'.

  12. This is best explained with an example:


    The Amazon Suggest and Google Suggest workflows work fine on fast internet connections.

    On a slow connection however, it can take a noticable amount of time to load the suggestions.

    To make those Workflows more usable, i tried to alter them to output the input value as first feedback item, and do that before any connection is even made. The problem now is, that the output of a script is only read once, when the script finished executing. This python script:


    import time
    xml = """
    	<item uid="0" arg="~/Desktop" valid="YES" autocomplete="Desktop" type="file">
     	   <icon type="fileicon">~/Desktop</icon>
    xml = """
    	<item uid="0" arg="~/Desktop" valid="NO" autocomplete="Desktop" type="file">
     	   <icon type="fileicon">~/Desktop</icon>
    	<item uid="0" arg="~/Desktop" valid="YES" autocomplete="Desktop2" type="file">
     	   <icon type="fileicon">~/Desktop</icon>


    outputs all items, but does so only after 5 seconds, while i think the expected behaviour would be to output the first item immediately, and then the other ones after 5 seconds.


    A related problem I have is that when a script outputs multiple <items> groups, only the first one is processed. If Alfred would only read the last one, and combined with the previous problem, a script could also change feedback items while it is running.


    It's not what you want, but in my version of Google Suggest (and similar workflows) I timeout the network request at 1 second. If the request times out, I just give back what was typed by the user.

  13. All I can say is that I'm really sorry, and I'm certainly not being obtuse. I am EXTREMELY sensitive about the feedback of Alfred and am very stressed and disappointed about this specific feedback. I knew that not migrating v1 was going to be an issue, but didn't realise that a small handful of users were going to be this upset.


    There has been a HUGE amount of pressure on both me and Vero to get Alfred v2 released. I am the only developer of Alfred and have spent 9 months, 16 hours a day including weekends to completely rewrite Alfred v1 (which was built from the top down and needed a significant architectural change to pave the way for the future). It would have delayed Alfred v2's release by 2 months if I had added a bug free migration from v1 to v2, a delay which I simply did not want to entertain.


    David stepped in and offered to create some migration tools to get the essentials copied over so we could get Alfred v2 out as soon as possible, which has been a great help, and has satisfied the absolute vast majority of users upgrading.


    If I spent the next 2 months working on migration, by the time it's finished, most people will have migrated anyway and these 2 months could have been better spent on what love and do best... planning and improving Alfred.


    Andrew, you've made a great product and I'm quite happy with what you created. The workflows are a huge improvement over Alfred v1 and so are the rest of the improvements you've made. Personally, I feel that the increase in capabilities means that people need to re-examine their settings for Alfred v1 in light of Alfred v2. Even the little things like Google web search now have far more capable workflows that show suggestion results. I feel you did the right thing by releasing now. Many thanks.

  14. This is kind of an edge case for me, but I could't find a way to solve it. Since Alfred doesn't give to option to scape backslash, I cannot parse specific Windows paths (or anything that might end with a backslash). Basically an ending backslash automatically escapes the single quote or double quote and thus breaks the syntax of any of the scripting languages allowed. I tried with Ruby's <<SOMETHING string delimiter, but the backslash, since it's not escaped, it's treated as an escape character and it's not shown.


    Hope it makes sense




    This tiny ruby script:



    x = 'c:\path1\path2\path3\file.doc'
    puts x
    Will print:
    Because single quotes (') don't honor escapes. So if you used this:
    x = '{query}'
    Then you will get the query without issues.
    Be aware however that you will need to treat that string carefully. If you insert it into a double-quoted string or command string (`) then Ruby will attempt to process the slashes as escapes.
  15. I'm recreating quite a few keyword to AppleScript workflows from Alfred 1 that are all quite similar to each other.


    Is it possible to duplicate or export then import to speed up the process. I tried exporting and saving it as a different name to the one in Alfred but when importing it still said it was replacing the original workflow.

    Probably goes off the bundle id.

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