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jopemachine last won the day on May 16 2022

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    South Korea
  • Interests
    * Contributing to open source.
    * Developing tools that can save someone's time.

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  1. I remade my chrome-workflow built with awgo. Previous workflow (alfred-chrome-workflow)'s features are reimplemented by go language, some useful features added including tab searching, browser switching, profile switching. https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-chromium-workflow I appreciate to awgo's author @deanishe I'd never have made it without this awesome library. Any idea or feedback would be appreciated
  2. I'm sorry for the late reply. Run `ch > conf` command, and press enter. And then the config file open, you can edit the browser to the Edge. You can refer the https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-chrome-workflow#-search-options
  3. Will the overwriting issue still remain even if I compress the alfy workflow into alfredworkflow?
  4. Thanks for your advice. I will try to build workflow with other language like Go next time if possible.
  5. I made a simple workflow using Squoosh. I hope this helps to someone Any feedbacks are welcomed. https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-squoosh
  6. I made a simple workflow for awesome-stars This enable you search starred github repositories through awesome-stars repositories. https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-awesome-stars Related: https://github.com/maguowei/starred
  7. Transform selected text to markdown-table or apply markdown grammar! https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-transform-markdown
  8. https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-transform-quotemark Change all quotemarks to other quotemarks in your selected text easily,
  9. I've never noticed the value is totally wrong.. In 0.1.3, I changed the variable name to currency back again. And I specified possible variable names table in Github readme. Thanks for your comments again
  10. Thanks for pointing it out. I really appreciate it. I think I need to do a little more work about this.
  11. I changed the variable name to `countryCode` in alfred-nintendo-switch-price-compare@0.1.2
  12. EN is country code, and currency is the currency unit of the country, "EN" (which is dollar). It is used in url (API) of eshop-prices.com. Looking it again, I think maybe 'country' or 'country code' better fits as variable name more than currency.
  13. Search and display prices for Nintendo Switch games. You can search for the price of each country in the unit of money you want. https://github.com/jopemachine/alfred-nintendo-switch-price-compare You can change currency unit in below tab (Workflow Environment Variables)
  14. Sorry for my bad english, I meant that I didn't understand how can I use Universal Actions in result. `The action field is the value that is passed to Universal Actions when you use Show Actions on it (hit TAB by default) instead of arg. -> This became my question's answer, thank you for your answer
  15. Documentation said I can forward to scriptfilter's script 'Action' value like below. "action": { "text": ["one", "two", "three"], "url": "https://www.alfredapp.com", "file": "~/Desktop", "auto": "~/Pictures" } and I tried to forward above value to my scriptfilter. Then what is the result that I can expect from this?
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