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Help with working with List Filter

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Here is the workflow I want to modify : https://transfer.sh/Cj2ht/knowledge-map.alfredworkflow 


I want to make a List Filter that will activate a script filter depending on what result was chosen. So if I have a list filter like so : 




If I activate on 'learn anything' it will pass 'learn' as query and then activate the script filter with 'learn' spelled out in Alfred. 


How can I filter through each of the 'list filter items' and fire off certain script filters depending on what item was activated without having this issue of it passing something to a script filter and opening a non empty script filter prompt?

Edited by nikivi
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You can cheat. Add an Args and Vars between the Filter and the Script Filter and leave its Argument box empty. It’ll still pick the correct direction, but then continue without passing anything.


Although on the other hand, since this workflow is mostly for yourself and about your mind maps, maybe the Script Filter should be replaced with another List Filter. Change the loop to something like

for line in $(grep --extended-regexp '\[.+\]\(.+\)' < 'learning.md'); do
  sed -E "s|.*\[(.+)\]\((.+)\).*|\1,,\2|" <<< "${line}"
done > some_output_file.csv

And it’ll create a some_output_file.csv that you can just drop on the new List Filter. But that would either need to be rebuilt every time you make changes to the original file (a pain if you update it frequently) or be done on the fly by the workflow every time (may be a bit slower, and seems a bit wasteful).


Thank you for the note on the README, by the way. It was a fun note to read.

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Thank you a lot. It's working amazing now. :)


One thing however that is strange is one of the objects doesn't seem to trigger after an argument is passed and I have no idea why as the argument that the filter catches should be correct.


If you have the time, here is new updated workflow : https://transfer.sh/1EXbw/knowledge-map.alfredworkflow


The part not working is 'images'. It should show a list from the script filter but it doesn't show anything. However if I just use it like this :




It works. 

Edited by nikivi
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Also I think I broke Alfred. When I start the prompt, all I get is this : 




I get no mouse cursor, can't type anything. The only fix for this is to restart Alfred I guess. :( 


Have been having these weird glitches quite often with Alfred but I should probably move this issue to 'bugs' rather than have this here. 


I also often get moments where I can't even call Alfred at all. I press my hotkey trigger and nothing shows up, nor can I use any of the workflows. The only solution is to go to Activity Monitor, force quit Alfred and start again. It doesn't happen too often (maybe once in two-three days, but still is incredibly annoying).


Perhaps that maybe the reason why the above workflow is not working for me? I really think I did everything right, it passes 'images' as arg : 




The argument filter catches 'images' too : 




And yet when I activate on 'images' alfred prompt just dismisses. :( 

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