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Quick access to popular libraries, frameworks & tools online developer documentation.


With all these great frameworks & libraries out there, it's hard to master each one of them.
D2 (Developer Documentation) provides links to online documentation of the most popular frameworks, libraries and other development tools, so you’ll able to get some answers quickly.


Workflow can be downloaded from Packal.


Think of another great link to add to D2?

  1. Open D2 repository on Github
  2. Make sure the link is not already in the file
  3. Edit data.json file
  4. Add your link object to the bottom of the array:
  "name": "Tool's name as appear on its website",
  "description": "Tool's description as appear on its website, up to 100 characters",
  "tags": ["lowered", "case", "tags"],
  "link": "direct link to documentation / api page, e.g. https://emberjs.com/api/",
  "timestamp": "current date as YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2017-01-01",
  "credit": "your_username@some_website, e.g. nire0510@github"
  1. Submit your PR



Edited by Nir
how to submit new links
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  • deanishe changed the title to D2 - Developer Documentation

I just had a look at the workflow. You're downloading data.json every time the workflow is run. You should really consider caching it for at least an hour or two. (Or better yet, caching the feedback you send to Alfred.) It would make the workflow a lot faster.

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6 minutes ago, Nir said:

with local cache (4 Hrs.)


Why 4 hours? Does the list change that often? It seems to me the list should be relatively stable, and even more so as time passes. Once a day should be fine, no?


Tangentially, why not make the Workflow itself open-source in the repo?

Edited by vitor
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@vitor it is relatively new so it gets updates frequently (2 Hrs.).

Later on as list will be more baked, I'll make it less frequent.

I might adopt your suggestion and make it an open-source project later on, thanks :)

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