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AlfredModeration — Tools to help moderate the Alfred forums

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This workflow is officially deprecated. You can find the old source on Github.


A set of tools to help moderate the Alfred forums.

Call mod to show a list of help categories. Each one will have items related to a particular subject, such as linking to specific documentation pages or posting common help snippets.


:alfredmoderationforceupdate will force an update on the categories that rely on parsing the official documentation.

Edited by vitor
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Probably the most niche Workflow I’ve ever built.


Naturally, any user that usually helps out in the forum is welcome to use the Workflow, but it may be most useful to other moderators (ping @deanishe@Vero, and @Andrew).


In the Snippets section you’ll find common help snippets I use. They’re set as a List Filter, so they’re easy to edit/add/remove. I’d like to expand that section, but that’s likely the one that’ll be more different between users. Some may prefer to have the snippets as actual snippets or change the wording.

Either way, at least the troubleshooting section may be useful to all. I thought about adding more sections of the documentation, but the others don’t lend themselves as well to being parsed and transformed automatically.

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