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Quick add/edit snippets


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I love snippets, I just wish it was easier to add and edit them. There's something about navigating the Alfred UI that puts me off making new snippets that means I don't do it as often as I wish I did. It feels like there could be a workflow that would allow you to type something like "{snip} text text text text {name:txt}".


If this isn't possible with Alfred, does anyone know of another app? Like maybe a quick add snippet from the Services menu or something?

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I've adapted https://github.com/derickfay/import-alfred-snippets to run from a workflow and would be happy to post it.


First though, let me ask @Andrew are there any problems likely to arise from adding a .json file to "...Alfred 4/Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets/" while Alfred is running?  I haven't encountered any but it still makes me nervous to mess with the preferences of a program while it's running.

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40 minutes ago, dfay said:

are there any problems likely to arise from adding a .json file to "...Alfred 4/Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets/" while Alfred is running?  I haven't encountered any but it still makes me nervous to mess with the preferences of a program while it's running.


Nope. That's how sync works. Alfred fully expects files in its prefs bundle to be changed by other programs. You just need to be wary of changing its other files in ~/Library.

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12 hours ago, deanishe said:

Alfred fully expects files in its prefs bundle to be changed by other programs. You just need to be wary of changing its other files in ~/Library.


Yep, this is correct :) 


Also, don't forget you can use cmd+s in Alfred's clipboard history to save something you've coped to the clipboard as a snippet.




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