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I developed a fairly robust workflow for Asana. Its main purpose is to allow for the fastest possible adding of tasks.


You can read more about it and the instructions for its use on my site:



And you can download the workflow here:



There are also instructions in the workflow Readme.

It has fairly comprehensive error handling, but if you find any bugs, please let me know!


Credit to David Ferguson for his workflow PHP class, without which I probably couldn't have pulled this off. :)

Edited by mannieschumpert
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Well, it's currently not typo-friendly. It's case-sensitive, so first, make sure you're entering the workspace name exactly as it is named in Asana.


Also, I just need to be sure you're not mixing workspaces and projects. aspace only works to set an existing workspace as the target, and aproject only works to set an existing project as the target.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A) This is fantastic, thank you very much for building this.


B) When you were building this, did you come across a way to auto-assign tasks when they are created? I just tested this and it worked well but auto-assigned the task to me. I'm wondering if there's a way to set it to assign to my virtual assistant.


If anything comes to mind, I'd love to hear it. If not, no worries at all. Again, thank you so much for making this!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yep, that did the trick.

Im surprised no one commenting on this yet, we must be lacking Asana users around here. Which is a shame, Asana is really great, and so it is this workflow. Thanks man.


If somehow you're stuck at the second step of choosing a zone, just pick any zone, then start the process over.

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you workflow works great! For some reason i always get "error: invalid entry..." when i try to assign task to another user.

Also any idea if there are any plans to have it show the list of outstanding tasks? then maybe command + enter checks it complete .. that would be super awesome 

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Sweet! the new version works great! Is there a way to over ride what project task goes into using an option? Or do i have to switch it every time? Maybe when i type aproject and press another key (command, right arrow etc) then the task will go into that project?


Thanks a lot for working on this! Honestly your extension is the only reason i am still with asana since i can't stand using web interface to quickly create tasks. 

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  • 1 month later...

Sweet! the new version works great! Is there a way to over ride what project task goes into using an option? Or do i have to switch it every time? Maybe when i type aproject and press another key (command, right arrow etc) then the task will go into that project?


I'm not sure the functionality you propose is even possible. But you don't have to set the target every time. Once you set the target, you don't have to set it again unless you need to switch projects. It's as it is because generally you will focus on one project for a period of time, and won't need to change back and forth much. In this way, it also encourages focused workflow.

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Congrats! You found an edge case!


For some reason, if a task is added to a workspace Asana won't show it unless it is explicitly assigned to you.

(If you set the task target as a project, due dates should work as expected.)


I thought I had covered this quirk, but it looks like I missed it!


Anyway, I updated the download link with the fixed version.

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