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Help with Applescript

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I have a workflow that works fine with NSApplescript however I prefer to run scripts in the background with /usr/bin/oascript.  I often have difficulty passion the arguments to Alfred with oascript.  Here is a section of a workflow that I cannot get to work with oascript.  I have tried all types of escape sequences but none work.  The script runs find in AS editor.


on alfred_script(q)
 tell application "Terminal"
  do script q in selected tab of the front window
 end tell
end alfred_script
tell application "Terminal"
 do script "{query}" in selected tab of the front window
end tell


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Maybe I was not clear I have no problem getting this to work in NSAppleScript the problem is getting the code to run in /usr/bin/oascript.  The following code does not run work in oascript.  


tell application "Terminal"

 do script "{query}" in selected tab of the front window
end tell
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I have a workflow that works fine with NSApplescript however I prefer to run scripts in the background with /usr/bin/oascript.  I often have difficulty passion the arguments to Alfred with oascript.  Here is a section of a workflow that I cannot get to work with oascript.  I have tried all types of escape sequences but none work.  The script runs find in AS editor.


This code runs fine in NSApplescript

on alfred_script(q)

 tell application "Terminal"

  do script q in selected tab of the front window

 end tell

end alfred_script


This code does not work in oascript

tell application "Terminal"

 do script "{query}" in selected tab of the front window

end tell


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I have a workflow that works fine with NSApplescript however I prefer to run scripts in the background with /usr/bin/oascript.  I often have difficulty passion the arguments to Alfred with oascript.  Here is a section of a workflow that I cannot get to work with oascript.  I have tried all types of escape sequences but none work.  The script runs find in AS editor.


This code runs fine in NSApplescript

on alfred_script(q)
 tell application "Terminal"
  do script q in selected tab of the front window
 end tell
end alfred_script
This code does not work in oascript
tell application "Terminal"
 do script "{query}" in selected tab of the front window
end tell




[merged in duplicate topic]


Could you post your workflow using osascript as this should work as expected.


Agreed. I created a temporary workflow and pasted your code it and it works just as expected. Perhaps there is a simple setting/configuration item that needs to be tweaked to get this to work the way you want. If you could post the workflow, I could take a look at it and let you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the workflow with both the NSApplescript and Oascript.




Found the issue pretty quick. The run NSApplescript doesn't have all the escaping options that Run Script does so, when you passed the text to the Run Script item, all the escaping options were still enabled and the text passed into it was being escaped. Think about it like this..


If you typed: "cmd pwd"


NSAppleScript got: cmd pwd

Run Script got: cmd\ pwd


It escaped the space in the input. Obviously this would cause an issue. If you turn off the escaping options in the Run Script item, it should work fine.

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