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Alfred does not switch to the "space" reserved for finder since El Capitan


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Hello all, I cannot reveal the "Space" reserved for Finder with Alfred anymore, since mac os updade. 
Here is exactly what I mean, I have been as precise as possible to eliminate possible misunderstandings. 


-iMac 27 " running mac os "El Capitan" 10.11 (15A284)
-Alfred updated in version 2.8 414 
-There is at least 4 spaces set up. 
-Spaces do not "rearange based on most recent used". 

-Finder is set to be used on space 3 only. 

-Safari is set to be displayed on space 1 only. 
- At least 1 Finder window is opened (on space 3)



Steps to reproduce : 


-open Safari (which then open on space 1)

-open Alfred

-type in "finder" to trigger the action "open finder app"
-press enter



Expected Results: 
(as previously observed before El capitan update)

-The view will change to space 3 to reveal the opened finder window


Observed Results:

-The Finder becomes active but the computer does not change from space 1 ( safari) to space 3 (finder) to reveal the previously opened window. 

Am I the only one to observe this ? 



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Am I the only one to observe this ? 


It looks like this is a Finder specific bug in OS X, which I'm able to reproduce without Alfred.


If I setup my El Capitan Mac to what you describe and then switch to the Safari space, open Spotlight then type "Finder" and return, Finder becomes active in the menu bar on the Safari space but doesn't switch to the Finder space.


I suspect that this is because Finder is, in reality, always available on every space in the form of the menu bar and desktop, even though the windows are assigned to a specific space.


One workaround in Alfred could be to use the 'find' keyword for the folder you want to start browsing finder in, for example, if I type "find preppeller" into Alfred, it will switch to the Finder space and open a new Finder window.





[moving to noted]

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Can I just asked that if I use the cmd+Tab (keep tab button pressed) and select finder by hovering it with my mouse and then releasing the Tab button it does go to the open window. So there is definitely someway that ElCap has changed Alfred behaviour. 

Thought, you know, it's one of those things, when you're used to used it, and it suddenly does not work anymore, it's... annoying. 

Thank you for replying. 

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Can I just asked that if I use the cmd+Tab (keep tab button pressed) and select finder by hovering it with my mouse and then releasing the Tab button it does go to the open window. So there is definitely someway that ElCap has changed Alfred behaviour. 


Likewise, if you click Finder in the dock, it goes to the correct space... but if you try to use Spotlight to open Finder, it doesn't switch to the correct space.


I agree that it's annoying, but unfortunately, Alfred doesn't have control over this behaviour.


You may find that a future OS X update by Apple will fix this behaviour.

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