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Everything posted by CarlosNZ

  1. Whoa! I only just realised you can set alternate actions based on the modifier key (option etc.). This will make a big difference to my EggTimer workflow.
  2. Very handy. Thanks. You could also add a hotkey trigger to display the selected text in Large Type:
  3. Here's my ping info, FWIW: PING tom-hunt.co.uk ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time=332.933 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=329.912 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time=331.134 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time=329.560 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=47 time=329.999 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=47 time=330.360 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=47 time=333.005 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=47 time=330.807 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=47 time=330.670 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=47 time=331.371 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=47 time=332.046 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=47 time=331.088 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=47 time=328.528 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=47 time=330.328 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=47 time=329.237 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=47 time=333.149 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=47 time=333.245 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=47 time=331.902 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=47 time=331.151 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=47 time=331.249 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=47 time=329.392 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=47 time=329.671 ms ^C --- tom-hunt.co.uk ping statistics --- 22 packets transmitted, 22 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 328.528/330.943/333.245/1.320 ms Quite a bit slower than the other guys it seems. This is at my work computer which has a pretty fast connection normally.
  4. Yes, I have never seen anything other than a blank notification (other than the title). Tom, is it possible that you have some specific local php settings on your system that some of us don't have? I've never used php, so my installation is the bog-standard, out-of-the-box OS X installation.
  5. Yup, go the workflow panel, double-click on the "Copy to Clipboard" item, and deselect the "Automatically paste to front most app" option:
  6. Yep, I agree. Was just thinking this myself the other day.
  7. I don't know if it's the same for zsh, but for bash I discovered (thank you Google) that aliases aren't loaded by default when running scripts. I had to add this to the top of my scripts: #Enable aliases for this script shopt -s expand_aliases which did the trick. Hope that helps.
  8. Thanks for the feedback, Clinton. Yeah, was looking at something like that. Will have to check the licensing terms to see if bundling them with the workflow will be allowed, but that looks like the way to go if I can. Makes sense. I've always just used 150 minutes, but it shouldn't be a big deal to implement this. It'll probably in the form H:M, where the colon ":" will the determining factor for the script to decide if it needs to parse the hours and minutes. Look for to an update in a day or two. Cheers.
  9. Download. (Or get it in the AlfPT repository) I was just noticing that Alfred 2's snippets allow for current {date} and {time} fields in the pasted output. Nifty, but I would have liked a little more control over the specific format. I was right on the verge of posting this as a feature request when I thought, hang on a sec, that would be really simple to whip up as a workflow. And so I did. The default keyword is timedate, and the default hotkey is Ctrl-Shift-D. This brings up a list in Alfred's results with the current date and time presented in a variety of formats. Select one and it gets pasted to your frontmost app. To customise the list of available formats, just enter timedate edit, and the text file will open for you to edit (with a syntax reference included). Hope it proves useful to someone. EDIT: Added screenshot. ---- Update: 27 January 2013 You can now hold down the "option" key when making a selection to suppress auto-pasting the output. ---- Update: 28 January 2013 Now uses recommended working directories for storing config info, so this is the last time an update will overwrite your time/date strings. You can now select where the date/time strings file is stored (Hello Dropbox syncing! ) via a GUI dialog (via Applescript). Update: 30 January 2013 Changed the bundleID and workflow name - I've deleted the old version from AlfPT and re-added as a new workflow.
  10. Actually, it did eventually work, but it seemed to be a long wait. I don't understand why it has to do it every time though. I'm having to wait a good 10 seconds every time I run the command before the list shows up.
  11. I believe Andrew has said that none of the user-specific environment settings are loaded when shell scripts run. This is to make them able to be transferred freely to other users without compatibility issues. You just have to make sure you call the full path rather than any aliases you have set up. For example, in my own (bash) scripts, I can't just use "growlnotify" like I normally would, I have to put the whole "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify" into my scripts. Personally, if it's a command I'm going to be using a lot, I just manually add an alias at the top of the script. Or just do a find-replace when you're done. )
  12. Hey folks, I've been chugging away building a new version of my EggTimer extension to take advantage of Alfred 2's new features. And now it's ready for whoever would like to to have a playaround with it and see what they think: EggTimer v2.0 It will also be available at Tom's Alfred Repo, but I personally haven't had a chance to test that yet, so let me know how it goes for you. Now, it's very much a beta, as there's several things that don't work as well as I'd like yet, but I'm pretty pleased with how the integration with Alfred 2's new live results feedback via the Script Filter is working. My aim is to have a really nicely polished, easy-to-use (no users fiddling with config files) workflow ready to release by the time Alfred 2 goes public, so any comments or suggestions are most welcome. It's ready! (22 March 2013) I've included a full summary of all the functionality in the documentation included in the download (enter timer help in Alfred), but here's just a quick overview of the features: Simple timers Auto-repeating timers Alarms (set a specific time) Snooze function Repeat function Recent Timers list (choose one to restart) Full integration into Alfred's results window. Couple of quick caveats: EggTimer currently requires growlnotify to display notifications when timers finish. This is because the timer process completely decouples from Alfred to run in the background, so it can’t feed back its output to Alfred. I’m working on a solution to use a Notification Centre alert option to make this as seamless as possible to the user. Currently, running timers won’t restart after a crash or a reboot. I’m working on a solution to this which I aim to have working soon. Okay, that's about it. Enjoy, and let me know how it works for you. ---- 21 January 2013: Updated to beta 2 Changes: Timers/Alarms now use a “while…” loop to check due time against time of day (instead of just sleeping for a duration). This prevents the problem of timers running late if the computer was put to sleep. (Don't know why I didn't just do this to begin with.)---- 24 January 2013: Updated to beta 3 Changes: Now uses recommended working folders for storing timer info and preferences. The main benefit from the user point of view is that future updates won’t overwrite your timers and preferences. Timers and Auto-timers now accept hour:minute input. Syntax is timer HRS:MINS Reminder. Can now stop timers from the timer list using the option-key modifier. Kind of an ugly implementation though, as it will display the same information regardless of whether it’s context-appropriate. Trying to think of a better way to make this work. (Suggestions welcome!) Timers will be restored if they have crashed. This is only partially implemented though, because it’ll only check if you actually run the workflow. It won’t restore them at login yet, which is more important. Working on it. Miscellaneous minor tweaks. ---- 27 January 2013: Updated to beta 4 Changes: The big one: will now resume timers after restart/re-login. EggTimer adds an entry to the OS X launchd daemon to check for and resume timers at startup. You will be prompted to give permission for this on first launch of EggTimer. New keyword/workflow structure. Check out the workflow config panel to see what’s what. If you’d prefer the old ones (all starting with timer), just change them yourself (eg. repeat -> timer repeat). You’ll note that from the timer list (timers or hotkey Ctrl-T) you can also select to launch a new timer or alarm (courtesy of Alfred’s new Applescript-ability). Now has a “nuke” option (timer nuke) to reset EggTimer back to initial blank config. (Deletes all working folders, cancels running timers, uninstalls startup item.) Fixed bug with “08” and “09” minutes entries when using hrs:mins timer format. More specific icons and other miscellaneous UI tweaks. beta4a Fixed minor (and embarrassing) regression. ---- 28 January 2013: Updated to beta4b Changes: Fixed absolute path reference preventing permission dialog from launching. 28 January 2013: Updated to beta4c Changes: Doh! One more pesky absolute path eliminated. There's still a bit of weirdness with resuming timers after a login though, so I'm still trying to figure that out. Maybe answer "no" to installing startup item for now..beta4d Okay, the problem was fairly minor (just me being scatterbrained ), so the startup check should work nicely now. Here's hoping!--- 22 March 2013: Updated to v2.0 (final) I've finally integrated proper notifications for the completed timers. It will work with either Growl or Notification Centre, depending on what you have selected in the workflow config. growlnotify is no longer required, and you'll find "EggTimer" as a properly registered application within Growl's preferences (where you can tweak it). Miscellaneous tweaks and tidy-ups (including documentation - timer help to display)
  13. Probably a good idea to inform the user that it's happening though. IMHO.
  14. Yeah, I'd like to be able to select whether the output goes to a notification, or to Large Type, depending on conditions in the script. I realise this is probably not that feasible under the current architecture (one module just captures the output of the previous), but maybe it could be configured to look for certain trigger words. eg. if the output begins with "%LT%", then echo to Large Type rather than notification. Well, that's one way to do it, anyway.
  15. Hmmm, I'm still getting the perpetual "Updating icon cache" and no further progress. I've got the latest version from this thread. I do have a very slow and flaky internet connection at the moment (long story). Could this be a problem? (FWIW, the '_icons' folder in the workflow has 33 icons in it)
  16. Is zsh installed by default on OS X? If not, that'd be why. But you can always launch into another shell environment from within bash though, right?
  17. http://cl.ly/MHBA A fairly basic word count workflow for Alfred 2. Keyword "wc" shows clipboard word count in Alfred results box: And a hotkey shows the word count of either the selected text (Ctrl-W by default) or in the clipboard (Ctrl-Shift-W). It's currently set to show notifications using Large Type, but you can replug the config to go to "Post Notification" if you prefer.
  18. That's a good idea. Will try it out. Thanks for the tip.
  19. I have a question. If I'm using the valid="no" attribute for an informational line, what can I do to make sure this line is always at the top of the list. Alfred is prioritising based on previous choices, but you're never going to actually select an informational line, so it's dropping down the list. Surely an info line needs to always go at the top of the list? Any way to control this?
  20. Okay, I think I've got something worked out. When it's working, it's going to be pretty neat I think. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, simonbs. [Edit: and aiyo! ]
  21. It seems awfully clunky to create a new text snippet. Alfred makes a lot of stuff so much quicker, so to have to stop, go to the preferences and manually enter a new piece of text for a saved snippet feels like a drag. I wonder if there couldn't be an easier way of creating snippets on the fly. The simplest way would be to allow you to perform an action on one of your clipboard history entries, to "store as snippet". Or, just a command in Alfred: "snippet <new text clipping>". Heck, this would be a perfect thing for a user-created workflow. I'd do it myself, but that "snippets.alfdb" file is a bit to impenetrable for me (and, I'm assuming, not designed to be messed with externally).
  22. Heh. It probably is quite cool, but I already have plenty of tools to do that kind of thing, and I always want to fiddle round with settings too much for it to be much use as in an Alfred interface. But that's just me. What are you using as the backend processor for the conversion?
  23. Okay, I see what you're saying about controlling when certain things occur (feedback, notification, etc.), but a Script Filter input will only match commands as they are typed, not when the user has finished and pushes enter. So I don't have a means of letting the user enter "timer 5 Do something", and then pressing ENTER to set it off.
  24. I think I get what you're saying. And I think I did try something like that. However, the nature of script filters is that they execute the script after every key press (that's how the fancy Google-complete thing works), so in my case it just kept spitting out multiple notifications as the reset of the argument (the ones that aren't "stop") is typed in.
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