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Everything posted by CarlosNZ

  1. I assume that's for a Transmission on the same machine. I was hoping to remotely access my home computer's Transmission from my work computer. I'd be very impressed (and a little concerned) if it was able to do that straight out of the box!
  2. The clipboard auto-paste-to-front-app feature for the clipboard history and snippets is great, so I like to have it switched on. However, there are a minority of situations where it can be quite a nuisance. Would it be possible to make it so that holding down a modifier key (say, option) when selecting an item from Clipboard History or Snippets temporarily suppresses the auto-paste feature (or turns it on, if it's normally off)? It seems like it would be quite an instinctive thing from a user point of view, as the paradigm of modifiers for alternative outputs is fairly well established in Alfred already, so it feels like this would be a natural fit. (I'm loving the beta, BTW. It's getting better and better all the time. Just as soon as iTunes support is in, I think I'll be able to send my faithful old Alfred 1 into permanent retirement. )
  3. Very nice bunch of utilities. If you add "Toggle hidden files" to the collection, it'd be just about complete! Just one thing - I'm not particularly keen on entering my password in plain text in a config menu. Any chance you could whip up a little Applescript (or something) to prompt the user for their password each time? (I might do this myself if I find some time.) Cheers, and thanks for the workflow.
  4. Rather than create a workflow for such a basic function, why not just install Dockables, and then "Sleep Display" becomes an app which can be immediately launched from Alfred anyway. That's what I use for doing precisely this. Or you could just reassign the hotkey and use AS.
  5. Yeah, ideally you should be able to access the full selection of (context appropriate) file actions from Contact fields.
  6. I'd say it's likely to be the way your scripting language is handling the strings. I had the opposite problem the other day, when a new line was being added when I didn't want it. Turned out to be a bash thing, which a bit of googling helped me to solve. What language are you using for your script? Are you sure you're outputting the fully quoted version of your text string?
  7. Okay, it's updated now. Let me know if it's behaving properly for you.
  8. Thanks for pointing that out. In my testing, I had thought that removing the + didn't matter, as the numbers I tried worked without it. However, I now realise that they only worked because the number matched existing contacts in my iPhone address book, so the iPhone was smart enough to call it anyway. But I just tried it with a number I don't have stored, and sure enough, it failed. I'll update the workflow to fix that. Cheers.
  9. Don't panic! Andrew is on the case: http://www.alfredforum.com/index.php?/topic/337-copy-to-clipboard-output-copies-a-literal-query-when-there-is-no-input-accepted/
  10. Okay, call me blind or stupid, but where am I supposed to enter my Transmission remote details to get this workflow working?
  11. You could do this quite easily by having the hotkey launch a Script Filter, which just generates the list of options before passing the selection on to a "Run Script" action.
  12. Yup, I noticed this too. I think this is an Alfred quirk, as the "Copy to clipboard" output is pasting a literal "{query}" string when there's no input. I'll make a note of it to Andrew. Cheers.
  13. Yup, I really need to learn a proper programming language. I think good old bash scripting has taken me about as far as it can. Any recommendations?
  14. Hi sylumer, did you know that if you use Growl for your notification, then you can configure it to use an Audio notification? It's under the "Actions" part of Display Styles.
  15. Hey, just building a workflow to upload images to ImageShack, which is going to help me enormously with quickly adding screenshots to these forum posts. Anyway, I really don't know what I'm doing with pattern matching more complicated than simple wildcards and the like (I really should just sit down one day and get to grip with regular expressions, but anyway) so I could do with a bit of a hand with this. Here is the returned string after a successful image upload via the API: {"status":"1","version":8,"timestamp":1358818117,"base_url":"imageshack.us/a/","id":985332702,"rating":{"ratings":0,"avg":0},"files":{"server":"805","bucket":"2397","image":{"size":60860,"content-type":"image/png","filename":"screenshot20130122at225.png","original_filename":"Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 2.25.12 PM.png"},"thumb":{"size":2283,"content":"image/jpeg","filename":"screenshot20130122at225.th.png"}},"resolution":{"width":162,"height":533},"exif-info":{"exifcompression":"Deflate/Inflate","exifimagesnum":"1"},"class":"r","visibility":"yes","uploader":{"ip":"","cookie":"21b3c8f8a1b525290dadd25ef12ab2ce","username":"CarlosNZ"},"links":{"image_link":"http://imageshack.us/a/img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.png","image_html":"<a href='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/' target='_blank'><img src='http://imageshack.us/a/img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.png' alt='Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us' border='0'/></a>'","image_bb":"[URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/] [/URL]","image_bb2":"[url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/][img=http://imageshack.us/a/img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.png] [/url]","thumb_link":"<a href='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/' target='_blank'><img src='http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.th.png' alt='Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us' border='0'/></a>'","thumb_bb":"[URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/] [/URL]","thumb_bb2":"[url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/][img=http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.th.png] [/url]","is_link":"http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/screenshot20130122at225.png/","done":"http://imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img805/2397/screenshot20130122at225.png"}} That's all one line! I'm after that URL that I've highlighted to be returned to the user. What kind of funny-looking awk/sed/grep expression might I use to extract that? Many thanks in advance for any tips you might be able to give me. Cheers.
  16. Very nice, but can you get it work on a file, rather than just an arbitrary string? Cheers.
  17. And a cheeky little workflow to go with it. http://cl.ly/MLMP (Keyword: blur)
  18. Not so much a bug, as just something that could potentially create confusion. Check out the following screenshot: One would think that the "something" keyword sends a single input to the script, which splits to two output modules. However, the keyword is actually the one doing the branching, but Alfred doesn't draw the split until after the script, which is visually confusing. It only becomes clear if you move the script icon up a bit: It's not a huge deal, but it'd probably be worth cleaning up before the final release, no?
  19. Okay, so I can just get my workflow to create a subfolder in those working directories called "myworkflow.bundleID" and that's all Alfred needs to associate the workflow with the appropriate storage folder?
  20. Good stuff. Just one thing - why did you package these in zips? You do realise that Alfred workflows and extensions are just zip files with a different extension, right?
  21. Oh, and will the workflow's data in those working folders be automatically deleted when the workflow is deleted/uninstalled in Alfred?
  22. Okay, good to know. I've just been using the workflow folder itself for storage, so I'll update that for future releases. Also, what's the deal with the BundleID? I would have thought that that was what Alfred used to recognize workflows as unique. However, currently, when you install a new version of a workflow that you already have, Alfred creates a 2nd duplicate version of it, even when the BundleID is identical. I take it that this will be sorted out in a future beta release?
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