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Everything posted by albertkinng

  1. Another Question regarding what shows up. How can I get Open With as the first one in the list? In Alfred V1 I was used to select and hit enter to get the list of options, now I need to scroll or use the down arrow to select the Open With. I don't want the open at the top. Can I put open with as the first option?
  2. ok, so I use the same workflow but for apps? can you explain a lil bit more. kind of lost here. Do I need to make a change on the Favs workflow or not?
  3. LMAO please I'm not a N00b! I know that. Let me explain to you my case scenario: I select an audio file or a couple of ones and launch Alfred select "open with" and THEN I need to browse the app I need. If there is a way to have always available a list of Most used apps? I hope now you get the idea!
  4. IS there a way to intead of fav folders add fav apps? I really need a way to always have on the list a couple of fav apps.
  5. ok, I always launch Alfred to open files on a couple of apps, and I always use the same apps isn't a way to have always a couple of Apps first in line every time Alfred is launch? I hate to scroll to the app on the list everytime because the other apps are never used for anything! any trick/ hack? settings for this? Pretty please please?
  6. Well any new app have a priority of regular costumers upgrading nice experience. Even Adobe Let's you keep all your settings even thou some of them wont work.
  7. I'm with you. If I wanted something complicated i just get a copy of Quicksilver or Launchbar but I choose Alfred for the simplicity to add complicated tasks. now it seems I bought V2 and I don't know where to start. and I mean I received a receipt but never the serial number!! and that's just the start!
  8. we are on the same boat my friend... I have so much in my old Alfred that it will be a headache if they answer I need to start all over again.
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