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Posts posted by vitor

  1. 13 hours ago, LudoMC said:

    as I also have external volumes indexing issue but that will be in another thread


    The issues are probably related and have the same solution. Omitting relevant information makes it harder to figure out the cause.


    13 hours ago, LudoMC said:

    what I could check, test, etc.


    Have you followed all the troubleshooting steps?


    13 hours ago, LudoMC said:

    fresh Monterey install on new laptop


    But did you use the Migration Assistant?


    13 hours ago, LudoMC said:

    I of course re-indexed several times


    How long have you waited between reindexes? Those should take a good while, so doing it multiple times before it’s done might just be delaying it.

  2. On 5/12/2022 at 6:00 AM, dov-ber said:

    the best practice to organise files


    There is none. Which is why there are so many ways and apps to do it. The best way to organise files is the best way which works for you. Some people have files scattered all around but tag them well, while others never tag but use meticulous folder hierarchies. It also greatly depends on the types of files you regularly deal with—searching for PDFs can be easier than searching for images because we can search by the contents of the former.

    I organise my files hierarchically because that’s how computers work. It’s the most robust way to ensure your organisation won’t be messed up when you need to move them around. That matters to me because when I upgrade macOS, I mostly do fresh installs. On the same vein, I wouldn’t trust any app to dictate my organisation, especially not a VC-backed company which can be sold or be discontinued at the most inconvenient of times.

    Alfred—by contrast—works with the system, it doesn’t impose a methodology. I organise my files in folders with a sensical hierarchy. When I need something, I search for it in Alfred by the file’s name or some directory where it should be in and drill down until I find it. The files which aren’t organised or that I’m working on tend to be on the Desktop or the Downloads folder, so I built RecentlyAdded to quickly reach those. Finally, I have a couple of File Filters for common targeted searches.

  3. 5 hours ago, Samplex said:

    slow sites like ANU QRNG


    It’s faster than the previous version of the script when including special characters, so that doesn’t really seem like a concern. It’s not like it’s too slow for a user-generated action. But if you have better suggestions, I’m open to them. The requirements are that it uses true randomness and that the result is returned as a string or JSON. For the previously used solutions I had to parse the HTML response, which worked fine but has the potential to break on its own due to website changes (though granted, those sources are unlikely to). One of the goals of the update was more robust future-proofing, hence removing the Ruby dependency (before its inevitable removal from macOS) and changing the source to something with a cleaner output.


    5 hours ago, Samplex said:

    And why remove password that contain special characters?


    Given the new source, I’m still deciding on the approach for that. I may append every ASCII punctuation symbol to the returned string a random number of times for each, then make them part of the final shuffle.

  4. Welcome @Henri,


    Please see the second post on this thread. It teaches you how to properly set the correct Google Drive path and how to provide the necessary information for debugging (I need the output of !gddiagnostic).


    8 minutes ago, Henri said:

    hvc@Henks-Mbp20 GoogleDrive-107294463187826979929 % ls

    ls: .: Operation not permitted


    You probably haven’t given your Terminal Full Disk Access, under System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Full Disk Access. Alfred will need it too, to access the directory.

  5. 1 minute ago, jswifty said:

    where I run the terminal command `make bootstrap`.


    And how are you running it in your Workflow? If you call it in a Run Script Action, it should halt execution until that command returns (exits). Unless your command returns immediately? What happens when you run it in a terminal, are you back at the command prompt before that dialog disappears? If so, that’s what you need to fix: you need to make it so however you’re invoking the dialog, does not exit before it is gone.


    open with the -W flag maybe of help (check man open).

  6. On 4/29/2022 at 5:44 PM, justice said:

    Is it likely that this is something that could be fixed?


    If you are on Intel, "${HOME}/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/bin/python2.7" -m pip install PyObjC on a Terminal may suffice. No one has ever given me confirmation either way on that solution.


    1 hour ago, damagekko said:

    Not fixable, I guess the author would need to rewrite the whole workflow.


    That is incorrect. As noted by @justice, everything but the pasting works. The crux of the issue is a single file, lib/pasteboard.py, which tries to use the Python Objective-C bridge to store multiple data formats to the clipboard at once. There are a few ways to go about fixing it, from rewriting that file (and the code which calls it, which is short), to only caring about plain text, to getting PyObjC to install on Apple Silicon.

  7. 1 hour ago, cpeneranda said:

    search directly in the "recent" folder of the finder.


    That is not a folder but a special view, you can’t search it directly.


    There are other Workflows which aim to do what you seek. However, the results won’t be exactly what you see in the Finder’s Recents. I’ve looked into it in the past, and while you can massage mdfind (which uses the Spotlight metadata) to give you a semblance of the same results, it also shows a ton of junk you won’t be interested in (and thus have to be removed) and it leads to a conflict between showing too many results (which is slower) or too few. That’s why I never added the option to this Workflow; I always found it lacking in comparison.

    But certainly you may disagree and find a Workflow which fits you well. Searching for “recent” on this Forum or GitHub should produce more results (here’s another).



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