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Posts posted by vitor

  1. 2 hours ago, jeremy382 said:

    Spotlight and Alfred will not search for anything on my Mac.




    On 12/24/2021 at 1:03 PM, vitor said:

    it’s on Spotlight’s side that you need to fix the problem, as Alfred uses Spotlight’s indexing to find files.


    This is not an Alfred problem, it’s a Spotlight problem. That’s were you need to concentrate your efforts.


    2 hours ago, jeremy382 said:

    when I search using Spotlight while indexing is occurring, it shows a progress bar


    If it’s still indexing, then wait for it to finish. The first one can take a long while.

  2. 4 hours ago, bobmclane said:

    Is there a way with workflows (or other means) of having my, lets say top 10 commands with a {query} argument



    4 hours ago, bobmclane said:

    and it paste or execute that command into my open terminal while I'm in my VM?

    Can you already do that without Alfred? If so, Alfred can streamline that. But it seems like you’re wanting to automate your VM software and the guest OS, and that depends entirely on them.

  3. Welcome @mkhsv,


    Simply connect the Open URL to a Copy to Clipboard Output to copy the link. Then connect it to a Run Script Action with Language set to /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript) and Script Application('System Events').keyCode(48, { using: ['command down'] }). That will fake a ⌘⇥ which is the fastest way to get back to the previous app; there are more proper ways to do it (save the current app and then go back to it), but they are slower and require more code and more changes to the Workflow.

  4. I see the usefulness in muting your microphone from a Hotkey, as it’s a way that should work universally across apps.


    I’d be wary of calling it a way to take control of one’s privacy, though. Just like the Workflow can unmute the microphone programmatically, so can anyone else, which means muting it doesn’t offer any protection against those who are shady.

  5. Apple certainly means to scare you when you enable the option:


    Which is true. And it’s why I don’t provide warnings in the Workflow, since the browsers do it themselves. Activating the option means your browser can be controlled programatically, which is the only way this Workflow can work but it also means it opens the gates to other tools. I never heard of malware which did anything via this route, which isn’t to say it couldn’t be built.


    Standard care about which tools you tend to run apply.

  6. 16 hours ago, nande said:

    Running OSX Monterey, latest version of alfred and latest version of php from the brew command.


    When debugging, never say “latest” but always the exact version. With “latest” we don’t know if you mean the latest beta or stable version, nor do we know if you’re really on the newest version. You may think you’re up to date but be mistaken, or might be a version behind because the auto-update hasn’t kicked yet, or we may be on what we think is the latest version but isn’t, or a multitude of other reasons. “Latest” also makes it difficult for people who face the same issue later on and find the conversation, as they’ll have no idea if their version matches the one in the report.

  7. There is an alternative way to invoke Alfred. Create a Workflow and connect a Hotkey Trigger to a Run Script Action with Language set to /usr/bin/osascript (AppleScript) and Script tell application "Alfred 4" to search. You can download a ready-made Workflow.

    If it works, it’s a seamless workaround until the cause is rooted. But even if it doesn’t work, it will still be important information.

  8. Saving the second post for debugging instructions, if they are ever needed.


    When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of:

    • The Workflow.
    • Alfred.
    • macOS.

    In addition to:

    • The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.
    • Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.

    Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.

  9. Usage

    Search all your shortcuts via the sc keyword or search by folder name with scd.


    • ↩: Run the shortcut.
    • ⌘↩: Run the shortcut with an argument.
    • ⌥↩: Open the shortcut for editing.

    Use the Universal Action to run the shortcut on files or as another way to provide an argument.


    The list of shortcuts is cached for faster results. An immediate cache rebuild can be forced with ⌘⌥⌃↩.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source



  10. 22 minutes ago, Bhishan said:

    Somehow the cmd A is not working ( I do not see any selected text, but I see them when I directly press them in my keyboard though)


    Would you share a video? This is very likely a problem on your side; I can’t reproduce at all.


    23 minutes ago, Bhishan said:

    the output file name is not `hello.txt` instead it wrote {var/fname}.txt


    You can’t use Alfred’s {var} inside scripts, you have to use what the language itself expects. In this case, you need to make it "${fname}.txt" (mind the quotes, or you’ll have issues with filenames with spaces).

  11. 43 minutes ago, Bhishan said:

    How to use AppleScript for that instead of using `Key Combo`?


    That’s not going to fix your issue. You’d be faking the keypresses anyway, so it’s the same solution run a different way.


    Are you sure your browser is the active application at the time you run your Workflow? Also, are you sure you don’t have a text input selected at the time you run it? If so, what page are you running your Workflow on? It works fine for me.

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