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Posts posted by vitor

  1. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of:

    • The Workflow.
    • Alfred.
    • macOS.

    In addition to:

    • The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.
    • Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.

    Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.

  2. 6 hours ago, Erik E said:

    I understand that I need to split the argument to variables


    Right idea, wrong tool. You do have to split the argument, but not into variables. In this case you have to do it in the code itself. Try this Workflow.


    6 hours ago, Erik E said:

    To break it down


    Thank you for breaking it down so well. Made it really easy to understand what you were after and how to code the behaviour.

  3. On 12/16/2021 at 1:07 AM, Uupis said:

    Is there anything else I can do to attempt to get to the bottom of this?


    I imagine not. I can reproduce the behaviour you mention on Monterey, though this is something I haven’t tried in previous versions.


    On 12/16/2021 at 1:07 AM, Uupis said:

    I can imagine that this is a macOS issue


    I suspect you’re right. That being the case, there might not be a fix possible from Alfred’s side. I’d wager the previous behaviour was simply incidental, thus why it wasn’t documented (I think).

  4. 5 minutes ago, Saez said:

    Unfortunately it's not working.


    Well, it is doing what you asked but I don’t know if what you asked for is correct. I adapted Dean’s code above which is expecting a name, not a URL. Does Music support playing a playlist from a URL? I don’t know; I never touched Apple Music (neither the service nor the app).

    So you need to figure out what input Music needs to play the playlist, which you can do by reading the dictionary or searching online. My code showed you how to pass the argument to your code but you need to figure out what the correct argument is.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Saez said:

    I never worked with API


    Forget “API”, then. The acronym may be more confusing than helpful until you’ve done some coding and intuitively realise there’s nothing to it.

    What you probably want to do right now is have your List Filter send the playlist name as the argument, then have a Run Script Action with language set to /usr/bin/osascript (AppleScript) and code (untested):

    on run argv
      tell application "Music" to play playlist (item 1 of argv)
    end run

  6. 2 hours ago, ecstaticax said:


    Glad to read that!


    2 hours ago, ecstaticax said:

    - update .zshrc with path to newest ruby

    That’s not necessary and won’t do anything regarding the Workflow.


    2 hours ago, ecstaticax said:

    - eventually update workflow path to google drive in global enviroment variable.

    That’s also not necessary for most people nor ARM specific. That is part of the Workflow instructions.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ecstaticax said:

    modified your script to execute that version


    Note that change will be overwritten on Workflow updates. But it’s stable now and all reported kinks have been ironed and feature requests implemented, so there’s no plans for updates in the near future.


    8 minutes ago, ecstaticax said:

    placed in /usr/local/opt


    Using the gem command from that ruby, you have to gem install sqlite3.

  8. @ecstaticax You are posting in the wrong place, the Workflow’s thread is another. Its first post explains how to set your Google Drive path, and the second explains how you can find out what it is if you set it to an atypical location.


    You also seem to have a possibly broken Ruby installation. If that will be a problem is early to see, but it wouldn’t be surprised if the culprit were the restoring from backup. Apple doesn’t seem to have tested migrating machines from one architecture to another nearly enough, nor would I ever trust them to even do an acceptable job at it.

  9. Spent more time with it, and JXA suffers from a bug (I had encountered it before in the context of deleting) where one can only act on one file, multiple files, or one directory. If there is a directory in the list and one other path, it breaks. But regular AppleScript can do it:


    on run argv
      set pathList to {}
      repeat with pathString in argv
        copy ((POSIX file pathString) as alias) to the end of the pathList
      end repeat
      tell application "Finder" to select pathList
    end run


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