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Everything posted by vitor

  1. You can turn it on in Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History.
  2. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to: The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.
  3. Hello @dhanya, Unfortunately that’s not enough information to diagnose what is happening. Could you please provide your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to: The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster. Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.
  4. The API doesn’t allow that, so support can’t be added until OpenAI adds it.
  5. @ncb2 Assuming you’re using the workflow by fniephaus, you’ll need the Python 2 installation from above and to download a fixed version of the workflow, since that one wasn’t updated for Python 3.
  6. The mds command? Not sure what you mean. Yes, that’s why it’s an option. Verifying signatures and notarisation are expensive operations. Apple’s server may need to be contacted especially for the latter. AppleScript is slow, but not that slow. It’s fast enough for that number of results, and it’s done efficiently. I have workflows which handle more results than that without breaking a sweat. Another thing you can try is to remove quarantine even from the signed and notarised apps. That is because apps without the quarantine bit are skipped, so removing it from those will skip the check, and be faster. By the way, congratulations on the gaming awards! I don’t own a Playdate, but if I ever get to try one I know whose games I’ll want to try first.
  7. That’s a copying mistake. Should have been chatgpt_api_endpoint. Fixed. Thank you.
  8. It’s still possible to comment on closed issues. Not without making the code slower and more convoluted. The finish reason is imperative for the code to know when to stop and how to proceed. If that model doesn’t send that key, it’s not implementing the API correctly.
  9. It’s just an example of a common situation where that happens.
  10. The merging happens when two items are copied in quick succession. In 100% of the cases I’ve seen of that behaviour, it was because something was causing a copy too fast. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/kb/iterm-copy/
  11. Please add further information on the GitHub issue, so we don’t split the discussion. But remember that as per the moderator’s note: So if you find the cause and can submit a PR (something janky is fine, as long as it works and I can evaluate) I’ll can look further into it. Otherwise, as stated previously, it would be untenable to support every quirk from every model. Either they support the API correctly or not, and the workflow works with the ones who do.
  12. Unfortunately I’m out of ideas so far, we’ve covered everything I could think of that might affect this. You’re the only report of this, so it seems that something on your machine is blocking the action. If I get more reports, maybe I’ll get more clues to be able to investigate further.
  13. We may have found the problem. Turn on each of the disabled ones in turn and do steps 5 and 6. One of the disabled ones is likely to be the missing piece.
  14. When you ran step 4, did you get a notification about a background process? If you go into System Preferences → General → Login Items, do you see an osascript item, and is it on?
  15. What are the contents of ~/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/Library/Application Support/1Password/Data?
  16. No, you did things right, I just need more information to start ruling things out. Do this next: Disable “Detect Changes” in the Workflow’s Configuration. Run :1pextras → Force Update Items. Enable “Detect Changes” in the Workflow’s Configuration. Run :1pextras → Force Update Items again. Change the title or username on an item in 1Password. Check if it worked. Really search for `Update` to make sure it’s not further down the list. If it still did not work, restart your Mac and do steps 5 and 6 again. Sonoma 14.4 broke a bunch of stuff, one of them related to this.
  17. @mrzumo I’ll consider that for the next version. I’ve also moved your post to the correct thread.
  18. When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of: The Workflow.Alfred.macOS. In addition to: The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.
  19. That only happens after results are updated, and whatever options sticks until the next update. Even so, I need to see it to understand what is and is not happening. Open the debugger, then make a change to an item in 1Password and save. What does the debugger say?
  20. Welcome @Zhibin He, If you go into the Workflow Environment Variables and add a new https_proxy key, it should work.
  21. The Perplexity AI docs say their API is the same as OpenAI, so that would already be possible by changing the API endpoint. I’ve moved your post to the relevant thread which explains how.
  22. You can copy the current chat to the clipboard with a shortcut, then use another workflow with a keyword to save the chat in the format and name you want to the folder you want.
  23. Updated to 2024.2. macOS 14.4 stable broke searching of manual pages with man (FB13690576), so they are now retrieved by location. This alters the results list slightly, as retrieving descriptions one by one takes too long. But by showing the path in the subtitle, it’s now possible to differentiate between different manuals with the same name (e.g. for a tool which ships with the system but you have installed a more recent version with Homebrew).
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