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Everything posted by dfay

  1. Updated to filter based on query. I am leaving assigned and unassigned in the output -- this can be easily changed by editing list_hotkeys.py in the workflow directory & changing the line: results = start+end to # defined hotkeys only results = start or # undefined hotkeys only results = end
  2. Yeah, you're right, something must have changed in the hotkey config .plist b/c I've discovered that in fact no newly-added workflows with hotkeys appear....I shouldn't have based my code off of a year-old workflow....now to figure it out.
  3. I am working on a workflow that lists all installed hotkeys by parsing the .plists for installed workflows. It can be found here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4384-workflow-picker/?p=26471 and the specific file that's causing me problems is list_hotkeys.py . Everything worked fine until I installed a new version of one of my other workflows (Case Hotkeys) -- it would show all the installed hotkeys as expected. After updating the other workflow, its hotkeys no longer appear. And if I run the script from the terminal, they do not appear in the output. There are no error messages in the Alfred debugger, and all the other hotkeys still appear, just not the ones from the newly updated workflow. But if I go into the python interpreter and manually execute the code, it will read the .plist in question correctly, and I can see that all the properties that should lead it to be included are there. So I am puzzled. Just to double-check, I installed the latest version of the Mavericks Tags workflow ( http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3383-mavericks-tags-file-and-email-tagging-with-alfred-2-updated-to-v14/ ), which used to appear, and now my script can't find the hotkeys for that workflow either. Any suggestions?
  4. Updated with keyword to list all installed hotkeys.
  5. I've posted an updated version set up for use with hotkeys - once you set the corresponding keys for your step 3 above, it should provide the automated process you're looking for.
  6. Yeah, it's reading your .plist correctly but it seems there's no 'categories' key in your plist. This probably means you haven't created any. I just posted an updated version which should handle this situation and just default to All.
  7. Try the new version I just posted as well -- it should avoid the error message in any case.
  8. This is odd, b/c it means the script has successfully read your prefs in ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.plist (which aren't synced) and found the syncfolder key therein. And the path that is created looks correct. Looking in the ....Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/workflows/prefs.plist file, the only thing that is in there is the list of categories. Two questions for you: - are you running Alfred 2.2 or later? This is the version that introduced categories, and the file may not exist in prior versions. - have you placed any workflows into categories? It may be the case that Alfred only creates the file if new categories are created, not by default.
  9. Workflow Picker Newly updated to work with Alfred 3 Select from Installed Workflows I have more workflows and associated keywords and script filters than I can remember. Rather than going into Alfred’s Preferences, I wanted a quick way to see the keywords & script filters available in the workflows I have installed, (optionally) grouped by the categories that have been available since Alfred 2.2. Inspired by Shawn Rice’s Workflow Help workflow and deanishe’s Appscript workflow, I put this together. There are five keywords: wfa - List all installed keywords/script filters wfp - Select a category to list keywords/script filters wfc - List keywords/script filters within a category alphabetically wfg - List keywords/script filters within a category, grouped by workflow hot - List all hotkeys (this does not execute the hotkey - it’s just a way of seeing them all, and potential hotkeys which have no key assigned) By default, wfp outputs to an Applescript which calls wfc on the selected category. This can easily be changed in the workflow layout in Alfred Preferences to call wfg instead. Alfred 3 compatible version hosted at https://www.dropbox.com/s/14sxodqbyoqa74n/Workflow Picker 3.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Details to manually update for Alfred 4 are further along in this thread.... Version History: 2014–05–13: initial release 2014–05–15: 1.01 updated to make sure prefs.plist file with categories exists 2014–05–15: 1.02 added wfa, updated prompts 2014-05-20: 1.03 added hot 2014-05-22: 1.04 updated to make afp and hot filter by query 2016-05-20: 3.0 updated for Alfred 3
  10. Thanks - I have Alfred running on three machines, had a beta on one, & didn't upgrade all at once, so it was probably a syncing issue. Actually....I just looked now (on a different machine) and they are back - so maybe it synced back from one of the others with the categories intact?
  11. Hi Stephen....nice to see your automation work continuing (I had given you some feedback on the Skim / Markdown citation scripts last fall). Unfortunately I am also getting errors with this - as soon as I start typing a query, I get the message Error in workflow 'com.hackademic.bibquery' days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 Here is the full error log from Alfred - I didn't get a chance to look much into it but it looks like the error is coming from one of the libraries you're using, not your code itself. [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 15:06:18 workflow.py:1199 ERROR days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/workflow/workflow.py", line 1197, in run func(self) File "bibquery.py", line 442, in main filter(queries, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 420, in filter simple_filter(query, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 310, in simple_filter data = read_cachedir() File "bibquery.py", line 83, in read_cachedir bib_data = ccl_bplist.load(_file) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 271, in load return __decode_object(f, offset_table[top_level_object_index], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 245, in __decode_object val = __decode_object(f, offset_table[value_refs[i]], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 126, in __decode_object return datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = date_value) OverflowError: days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 15:06:19 workflow.py:1199 ERROR days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/workflow/workflow.py", line 1197, in run func(self) File "bibquery.py", line 442, in main filter(queries, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 420, in filter simple_filter(query, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 310, in simple_filter data = read_cachedir() File "bibquery.py", line 83, in read_cachedir bib_data = ccl_bplist.load(_file) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 271, in load return __decode_object(f, offset_table[top_level_object_index], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 245, in __decode_object val = __decode_object(f, offset_table[value_refs[i]], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 126, in __decode_object return datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = date_value) OverflowError: days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 15:06:19 workflow.py:1199 ERROR days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/workflow/workflow.py", line 1197, in run func(self) File "bibquery.py", line 442, in main filter(queries, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 420, in filter simple_filter(query, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 310, in simple_filter data = read_cachedir() File "bibquery.py", line 83, in read_cachedir bib_data = ccl_bplist.load(_file) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 271, in load return __decode_object(f, offset_table[top_level_object_index], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 245, in __decode_object val = __decode_object(f, offset_table[value_refs[i]], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 126, in __decode_object return datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = date_value) OverflowError: days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 15:06:20 workflow.py:1199 ERROR days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/workflow/workflow.py", line 1197, in run func(self) File "bibquery.py", line 442, in main filter(queries, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 420, in filter simple_filter(query, scope, wf) File "bibquery.py", line 310, in simple_filter data = read_cachedir() File "bibquery.py", line 83, in read_cachedir bib_data = ccl_bplist.load(_file) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 271, in load return __decode_object(f, offset_table[top_level_object_index], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 245, in __decode_object val = __decode_object(f, offset_table[value_refs[i]], collection_offset_size, offset_table) File "/Users/username/Dropbox/Sync/alfred/alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.34B64201-8299-4E7C-85A1-F7736E15E97E/ccl_bplist.py", line 126, in __decode_object return datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = date_value) OverflowError: days=-1259767745; must have magnitude <= 999999999
  12. I am getting the error intermittently still...some files with spaces work perfectly, others give the "Finder got an error: Handler can\U2019t handle objects of this class." message. I'm puzzled. I'll see if I can figure out what is making the difference. Thanks for all your work on this.
  13. I had spent a bit of time putting my 50 or so workflows into a mix of the default categories and 4-5 custom categories. I just updated Alfred to 2.3 (264). All of the workflows that were in one of the default categories are still categorized. All of the others are now "uncategorised." (also Alfred is using British English spelling of categorize )
  14. Also....if I uncomment the display dialog on line 5, cmd+return displays the correct file but the spaces are escaped with %20. in Applescript Editor, this works: set f to "Dragonfly:Users:somebody:Documents:unruh 2014 evidencing the resti.pdf" tell application "Finder" to reveal f but this set f to "Dragonfly:Users:somebody:Documents:unruh%202014%20evidencing%20the%20resti.pdf" tell application "Finder" to reveal f gives the same error message.
  15. Thanks - I have the latest pre-release. Here's what I see - [return] to open in Bibdesk works fine, but the debugger displays a message: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Exited with error code but no message - [cmd]+[return] to reveal attached pdf in finder doesn't work, debugger says [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.applescript] { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = Finder; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Handler can\U2019t handle objects of this class."; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Finder got an error: Handler can\U2019t handle objects of this class."; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-10010"; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {230, 14}"; } - [alt]+[return] to open attached pdf in your favorite viewer works fine, but the debugger displays a message: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Exited with error code but no message - [shift]+[return] to copy the citekey to clipboard works fine, but the debugger displays a message: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Exited with error code but no message - [ctrl]+[return] to copy a citation string works fine, but the debugger displays a message: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: Exited with error code but no message In fact, on trying this a few times, the Code 1 error message is coming before I hit any of the modifier keys. Which would make sense since it refers to the script filer.
  16. Hmm...I installed this and now Alfred displays the message Incompatible Workflow This workflow was created with a newer version of Alfred Please upgrade Alfred to the latest version (or pre-release) to use this workflow I am running Alfred 2.2 b243 which is the newest....I can't find a link to download a newer Alfred beta. The old version seems to be active, though, or the new one has issues - return, shift and alt options work; cmd and ctrl don't.
  17. Have you seen this? http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2180-case-converter-including-title-case/
  18. The path isn't the issue. The error message in the copy to clipboard script is because there's a hard-coded template name "abbrvTemplate" which isn't one of the BibDesk defaults. set theResult to (templated text using "abbrvTemplate" for thePub) When I change that to a text template (Jim Harrison's "plainTemplateNonNumbered" that comes with CiteInPages) that I have installed on my machine it works. Not sure what's up with the reveal in Finder script.
  19. This is excellent. I also figured out that it will resolve aliases, as long as the alias is renamed e.g. from myscript.applescript alias to myscript.applescript which is great, since I have a lot of scripting project that I keep in their own directories (which I sync from one machine to another) rather than in the Library (which I don't sync).
  20. This is great, but I have at least one app that stores its scripts in ~/Library/Application Support/appname/Scripts Would it easily be possible to have the workflow search here as well>?
  21. The readme doesn't actually match the commands in the workflow. The actual commands are, if I read correctly: - [return] to open in Bibdesk - [ctrl]+[return] to copy the citation to the clipboard - [alt]+[return] to open an attached pdf in your favorite viewer - [shift]+[return] to copy a citation string ("abbrvTemplate") - [command]+[return] to reveal linked file in Finder But at this point, besides return, only alt-return and shift-return work - these both rely on bash scripts. The other two rely on Applescripts which don't work on my machine.
  22. Updated for Keynote 6.2
  23. I like the option to categorize workflows in Alfred 2.2. But how do you create a category besides the three defaults?
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