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Posts posted by xilopaint

  1. 1 hour ago, Acidham said:

    I doubt that this is good practice.


    All official workflows from Alfred Team that I know of use this practice in User Configuration. The configuration panel is intended to be the place where the user can configure the workflow, not the editor. Some workflows have tons of objects and is not easy to find the proper object to change a keyword.


    1 hour ago, Acidham said:

    You can do that by just changing the shortcut, right?


    Sure, but before I did that I've struggled a lot trying to remember your keyword because it doesn't make any sense to me. That's why I asked you what it stands for. My suggestion was to make life easier for the user.

  2. @Acidham, I think you should use the keyword for history search with Argument Optional. Most of the time I just want to search my recent history without typing anything. Using Argument Required makes harder to find what I want if I don’t recall the proper query.


    Also, it’s a good practice to include an option to change the keywords in the user configuration panel. I think it’s something @vitor could suggest to developers when reviewing the workflows submitted to the Gallery. I can’t understand why you adopted bh for history. What does bh stand for? If it’s “browser history” you should use something like bb for the bookmarks to make it consistant. Personally, I would adopt hi and bm as default.

  3. 1 hour ago, vitor said:

    Alfred’s Terminal support can take arbitrary AppleScript. That’s how the iTerm support works. You can open arbitrary URLs using open location in AppleScript.


    Yes, that’s what I thought. However, if I got this thread right, their URI scheme isn’t enough to have a reliable integration since we don’t have an option to send text as we can do in iTerm via the write command. Am I correct?

  4. On 6/29/2023 at 7:11 AM, Andrew said:

    @Stacks in the current 5.1.2 pre-release, I added the --no-rcs flag when selecting the /bin/zsh script language in a Script Filter or Run Script. This change is to prevent something in a .zshenv file from breaking the expected output in a script.



    This is mentioned here: https://www.alfredapp.com/changelog/ but not yet expanded upon as we are still in the pre-release. If this change sticks through to the 5.1.2 general release, we will create a KB article to detail this change.


    Having said that, this change should not affect your workflow if you're using External Script as the script language.


    Would it be possible to share the workflow so we could take a look at why you're seeing a difference? Are you using a .zshenv file, if so, could we see the contents?





    This is a cool feature. I'll be updating my workflows with this as soon as 5.1.2 gets stable.

  5. @zeitlings, the workflow is broken for me:

    [21:00:20.969] OCR[Universal Action] Processing complete
    [21:00:20.987] OCR[Universal Action] Passing output '/Users/xxx/Desktop/sample.pdf' to Arg and Vars
    [21:00:20.989] OCR[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [21:00:20.990] OCR[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script
    [21:00:21.014] OCR[Run Script] Processing complete
    [21:00:21.016] OCR[Run Script] Passing output 'OCR Failure: Recognizer init failure (ocr)
    ' to Conditional
    [21:00:21.017] OCR[Conditional] Processing complete
    [21:00:21.017] OCR[Conditional] Passing output 'OCR Failure: Recognizer init failure (ocr)
    ' to Debug
    [21:00:21.018] OCR[Debug] 'OCR Failure: Recognizer init failure (ocr)
    ', {
      compress = "0"
      DEV = ""
      export_path = "/Users/xxx/Desktop"
      export_strategy = "exp.same"
      gristle = "nl"
      key = "ocr"
      languages = "en-US, de-DE, fr-FR"
      open_pdf = "1"
      pdf_path = "/Users/xxx/Desktop/sample.pdf"
      revision = "3"
    [21:00:21.019] OCR[Debug] Processing complete
    [21:00:21.019] OCR[Debug] Passing output 'OCR Failure: Recognizer init failure (ocr)
    ' to Play Sound
  6. 18 minutes ago, vitor said:

    Worth noting, as a note on the note, that Alfred includes both Homebrew paths in its PATH. This allows you to use the name of the tool without the full path and not have to worry about that distinction, meaning less things to worry about as a creator and less configuration for users to do.


    I tried without /opt/homebrew/bin/ and it didn’t work with this workflow.

  7. 6 hours ago, godbout said:

    * added the `cli` in Configuration Sheet.


    Just a minor note: /usr/local/bin is the Homebrew path for Intel Macs which are mostly vintage nowadays. Apple silicon uses /opt/homebrew/bin so a more up-to-date placeholder would be /opt/homebrew/bin/transmission-remote -a {magnet}.

  8. 1 hour ago, godbout said:

    * configuration done in the Configuration Sheet


    You forgot to add configuration to the CLI.

  9. On 7/7/2023 at 9:01 PM, vitor said:

    Nothing has changed in quite a while, and I use it every day with zero issues. I also don’t have any other problem reports from anyone else. A debugger output is necessary to start determining what could be happening, as well as the macOS and Alfred versions. No doubt the cause will be external (e.g. a faulty version of multimarkdown) since the workflow hasn’t changed.


    The issue is intermittent so when I face it I don't have the debugger activated. If I find something useful I'll bring it here, but it's likely related to my environment.

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