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  1. In fact it isn't a firewall issue. I have a custom php.ini (/private/etc/php.ini) in which I uncommented those extensions: extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll This is for working with virtualhosts. Not quite sure why they are blocking the requests of the workflows? So finally I just commented them out and it's working again. Thanks guys for the help!
  2. All of my workflows that are requesting data from external resources don't get response. I think there is nothing wrong with the workflows, since their authors confirm that they're working. Workflows tested are: caniuse v1.3 (https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-workflows#caniuse-download) Fahrplan (https://github.com/josefweibel/Public-Transport-Timetable-Alfred-Workflow | http://www.josefweibel.ch/alfred/fahrplan/) Leo Dictionary (https://github.com/psistorm/alfredapp) openthesaurus (https://github.com/widmr/workflows/tree/master/openthesaurus) Package Managers v1.25 (https://github.com/willfarrell/alfred-workflows#package-managers-download) At the time of writing, I redownloaded the latest version from all of them. When I type the shortcut for one of the workflows, for a very short time there's a loading indication ("Updating database...", "Retrieving data from..." or similar) but as soon as I'm typing my request it stops and looks like this: Is it possible to get an error log or something which could help me understand what's going on? Or does somebody has another clue? - Alfred v2.3 (264) - Mac OS X 10.9.3
  3. Just found a workflow on github. Click on the workflow and on the next page "View Raw" to download it.
  4. For those who searched for http://www.openthesaurus.de/ - just found a workflow on github. Click on the workflow and on the next page "View Raw" to download it.
  5. For those who searched for the german version http://www.openthesaurus.de/ - just found a workflow on github. Click on the workflow and on the next page "View Raw" to download it.
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