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Everything posted by raguay.customct

  1. Okay. Those files were there and I deleted that directory. It is now working. Thanks.
  2. I downloaded it and had to disable it. It is just constantly saying that it is loaded, again and again and again.... I had to disable the plugin to get it to quit. The error and log directory in the data area is empty.
  3. Maybe have a selector to what to search. IE: search only names, search only authors, etc. That would make each search more recognizable and simpler, but complicates the interface with a dropdown of search by criteria.
  4. Before pre2.3, I was able to search by my name "Richard" and it would show all the workflows that I created. That no longer happens. Could we get this back?
  5. Fixed. I was actually able to simplify the code some too. Give this a try. I have my path now with spaces and parentheses and it seems to be working. I went through all the functions. If you are on the command line, there is another package that works with TaskPaper. It is a Ruby gem. It is installed by: gem install doing and you can get a list of functions by: doing -h You can then access your doing.txt journal file using the command line or my workflow. Just setup the configuration doing to point to the doing.txt journal you create. The doing format is different than my format for using TaskPaper, but they can live together some. I use my workflow mostly for a medical journal and a projects journal and make the doing journal just using the doing gem. I am alway experimenting with new ways to work. If you see a feature you would like to have, but I do not seem to have it, just let me know. I might be able to use it also and it will help both of us. I have my todo folder on Dropbox and it syncs automatically between all my systems (we have 7 computers in our house). It works great. I keep track of my time with my workflow Alfred Timekeeper and sync the timesheets the same way. Works great! Thanks so much for the feedback.
  6. Fixed! Most of my directory structures do not have spacing. So, did not over check. But, two scripts did not have quotes around file names, so the problem was there. Thanks for telling me. Many just don't use it and I never know why. There is the beginnings of a new feature in this one, but it is not finished. I am adding the ability to make dated todos with a repeatability pattern. Just recently added the catching up of todos that was missed. Please try out everything and let me know what you see is a problem or omission. If anyone does not have TaskPaper, there is a Sublime package that highlights TaskPaper todo list and make working with them easy.
  7. The hack around getting the results would work. Especially if you use a predefined directory for such files and have watchman watching the directory. Then the calling app would simply subscribe to the watchman list and be notified when it is ready. I would then use a Hazel definition to clean up old results. I just recently found watchman and it is nice. You can install it with "brew install watchman". Really, if your workflow is designed with this in mind, you would not need the extra parameter. Simply pipe the script to Alfred and tee it into the results file. That way, the workflow is always doing both and can easily have the tee removed without affecting code. No rewrite needed when the full functionality is available.
  8. Actually, the two are not mutually exclusive. If no callback is defined, then the redirect STDOUT would be done. Otherwise, the callback route would be done. The callback gives the flexibility of just calling a command line program with set parameters as well and not a full script. It is amazing what you can put in one command line! If you did not want the output at all, then the callback could just do nothing. That way the AppleScript would not have to wait for completion to continue doing things.
  9. yea, I thought you might have a log file after I deleted it the first time . But, since it is now working, I bet your surmise is correct. I have been having weird site blockages from my ISP that do not make any sense (in Thailand and they monitor net traffic a lot). You might add the sub-title of "Loading resources..." to help people to be patient. Doesn't always work, but worth a try.
  10. I would prefer the call back approach since the external trigger could take an undetermined amount of time. Much more like the JavaScript programming paradigm that I am used to. Internally, I believe the callback approach would be less taxing on Alfred as well. Truthfully, the less I have to do in AppleScript the better!
  11. I am exploring many ways to use this great new feature. Some cases, I would need feedback from the trigger call. Could you add a call-back function to define a callback shell script? I am adding ways for my custom web server written in go to interact with Alfred, but I need the callback to make a complete solution. Maybe extend the AppleScript to: tell application "Alfred 2" to run trigger "timer" in workflow "com.customct.Timer" with argument "test" with callback "~/bin/callback {query}" The {query} macro would get expanded with what the final stage of the external trigger produced. Therefore, if the external trigger connected to a Run Script block, the result of that block would get returned to the callback in the {query} macro.
  12. You can use it to make your own website running monitor using Alfred scripts. That is what I am making to use it with.
  13. I got it working. I had to uninstall and reinstall twice. Not sure what the problem was. I let the prompt show for 15 minutes while I ate lunch and it still did not work until re-installing the workflow.
  14. No problem. It is a very handy workflow that works on terminal as well. Since I am always going between the two, it saves me a lot of typing and trying to remember things. I use it to keep current locations handy without having to make an alias for everything. Lots of ways to use it.
  15. Well, it doesn't work for me at all. It just sits there. No output and nothing on the debugger. Just quiet.... Weird.
  16. Get TaskPaper and use my Todo Alfred Workflow. It is easy to use, cheap, and flexible to anyone's needs. http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3560-todo-workflow/?hl=%2Btodo+%2Bworkflow
  17. Hi, I just updated with some more bug fixes and new functionality. If you do not create your todo list for a few days, it will not pickup those that were forgotten about. Still working on specific date todos with repeatability. That will be coming as soon as I can get it. If there is a function you need, but do not see it here, just let me know. I most likely did not think about it. Richard
  18. I just updated the Todo Workflow to be more inclusive of dates not seen yet. You can get the latest version from my web site at customct.com or on Packal.org.
  19. Just here. People leave suggestions here and if someone knows the stuff for it, sometimes produces the needed workflow. Sounds like a nice workflow, but I do not have the time right now. If no one tackles it, I might have time in the near future.
  20. That does not work for hotkey workflows that open specific sites. All of the locations that I map this way are behind a login, something that search engine can not find! Editing a single block is fast than pulling up the code for the Script Filter to find the one address to change. Some of these change quite often (dev addresses) and the block structure does make it easier. The Evernote workflow would also benefit from a feature like this. You have quite a large list of blocks that you have to sort through to get to a particular block to make an edit. Not all workflows can be compressed to a one page list of blocks, unless you allowed for scaling of everything. Then you could zoom out, find your location, and zoom in. But even that would be limited as words would be unreadable zoomed out.
  21. Hi, With a very large workflow, it would be nice to be able to search the keywords and have it scroll to the one that matches. I have a workflow for shortcuts to websites that has over 50 keywords. Finding one in the entire list is vey hard. If next to the debug icon there was a search box that would allow searching for keywords would be nice. Also, if those icons at the top would stay in place while scrolling would be nice too!
  22. Just fixed a problem with Alfred sorting cleaners by location in list and number of times used. Now, even if you add or remove cleaners from your list, it sorts by the number of times that cleaner is used. The ID is now based solely on the cleaner's name and not position in the list of cleaners.
  23. It is doable, but would take working with the Google API. I have no experience with that API, but I am sure someone does.
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