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Everything posted by raguay.customct

  1. Peppermint Toolbox This workflow is for using the Peppermint code editor. You can learn more about Peppermint at http://osxpeppermint.com/. The commands are: p:edit Gets the file in Finder or Pathfinder and opens it in Peppermint editor. HotKey is setup to take the current OS X selection and open it in Peppermint. There are also Alfred browser commands and an external trigger defined for it. Version: 1.0 Packle: http://www.packal.org/workflow/peppermint-toolbox My Website: http://customct.com/alfred-2-workflows
  2. Not sure why it said command not found. That line just uses a "cat"? But, that line was from an old version of the script. I removed it. Please re-download the workflow. The proper order for installing: 1) Install Mjolnir 2) Install this workflow and run "mj:install" 3) Run "mj:find" to find the mjolnir command line util. 4) then have fun. Everything should work. Let me know if you have any other problems. It would be best to move to the Mjolnir thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4889-mjolnir-workflow/?hl=mjolnir
  3. Just added support for tabs in iTerm2 and using the Terminal.app.
  4. Okay, I just updated the workflow to use Terminal.app and iTerm2. The iTerm2 uses a new tab. That fits my workflow okay. Let me know if there is anything else useful.
  5. If this one is dead, try out Mjolnir: http://www.packal.org/workflow/mjolnir-workflow It works much faster and very configurable.
  6. Hi, That is the way I wrote it simply because that fits my workflow! I do not like multiple windows and I can not seem to figure how to make it a new tab instead of a new window. I think I am missing something somewhere. I am planning to add Terminal based keywords. That is coming. The above two comments are for the slap workflow also. Yea, I am not a good graphics guy. Just a coder!
  7. Hi, I finally got down and fixed the bug of not listing contents of directory with only one item. It now works fine.
  8. Okay. I just updated it on Packal to say just for 10.10. Sorry for the confusion. Remember to defrag before and after the update. Many people had problem by not doing that. It saves time!
  9. I guess I should of mentioned that it will only work in OS X 10.10 Yosemite. It is making use of JavaScript for Automation instead of AppleScript. Therefore, you would need to upgrade to 10.10. Sorry. I will look into making it backwards compatible.
  10. MacVim Toolbox This workflow adds commands for working with MacVim. The commands are: vim:editterminal Edit the selected file from Finder or PathFinder in a terminal MacVim in Terminal.app. vim:edititerm Edit the selected file from Finder or PathFinder in a terminal MacVim in iTerm2 in a tab. vim:editgui Edit the selected file from Finder or PathFinder in a gui MacVim It also has commands for the Alfred Browser to edit with MacVim in terminal or gui. There are hotkey you can define as well. Version: 1.2 Date: Jan 5, 2016 Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/macvim-toolkit GitHub: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred My Website: http://customct.com/alfred-2-workflows
  11. Made a quick update to add commands in the Alfred Browser.
  12. These commands are for working with the slap terminal editor easier. You can learn more about slap at https://github.com/slap-editor/slap slap:edititerm Gets the file in Finder, Pathfinder, or Commander One and opens it in iTerm using slap. slap:editterminal Gets the file in Finder, PathFinder, or Commander One and opens it in Terminal.app using slap. slap:install Runs the npm install for slap. It is assumed that node and npm are already installed. The best way to install node is with HomeBrew (http://brew.io). HotKey is setup to take the current OS X selection and open it in slap. Version: 1.3 Date: Jan 5, 2016 You can download the workflow from Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/slap-toolbox or my GitHub account: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred I have it documented on my website: http://customct.com/alfred-2-workflows
  13. Just updated the Copy/Move workflow to allow for directory aliases to make displaying of the directory better.
  14. Hi, Just uploaded two new (old for me) workflows that I find very useful and thought someone else might like them. They are: Copy/Move To Workflow This workflow starts with a "Add Directory to Copy/Move locations..." File Action to create a list of directories to use as targets for a copy/move operation. If actioned on a file, the directory of the file is saved. Once you have a list, you can use "copy to..." or "move to..." file actions to move or copy files to a previously saved directory. The keyword "cm:fav" is used to view saved directories, remove one, go to one in Alfred Browser, open in Finder, or go to in terminal/iTerm depending on your terminal preset in Alfred. Alfred Browser Toolbox Keywords ff It is a way to lookup a folding in the Alfred browser or in Finder. Very handy. ab:newfile Creates a new file in the directory of the topmost Finder, Commander One, or Path Finder window. ab:newdir Creates a new directory in the directory of the topmost Finder, Commander One, or Path Finder window. ab:open Opens the URL, URI, or file given using the Mac OS X open terminal command. This has a hot key as well to open the current selection with "open". This works with Finder, Path Finder, and Commander One. ab:pdf This is a file filter for PDF files. I have many and this really makes finding them easy. ab:cparent This command will get the currently selected file in Finder, Path Finder, or Commander One and copy it to the parent directory. Works on files or directories. This has a Hotkey as well. ab:mparent This command will get the currently selected file in Finder, Path Finder, or Commander One and move it to the parent directory. Works on files or directories. This has a Hotkey as well. ab:cfile This command will copy the contents of the file to the clipboard. You need to be sure it is a text file. This has a Hotkey as well. Alfred Browser Actions Get File Name This gets the name of the file selected in Alfred Browser and puts it into the clipboard. Get File Size This gets the file size of the file selected in the Alfred Browser and puts it into the clipboard. Create a File Simply creates a file in the directory this file action is ran on. It will ask you for the name and then create it. Create a Directory Same as "Create a File", but creates a directory instead. Copy Relative Home Path This file action calculates the relative path from the user’s home directory and copies it to the clipboard. Paste Relative Home Path This file action copies the absolute path to the clipboard. It will then paste the relative path to the topmost application. Copy Absolute Path This file action copies the absolute path to the clipboard. Paste Absolute Path This file action calculates the relative path from the user’s home directory and copies it to the clipboard. It will then paste the relative path to the topmost application. Copy/Move to Parent Directory These two actions will copy/move the selected file to the parent directory. Copy File Contents to Pasteboard This action will copy the contents of the file to the pasteboard. NOTE: Currently this requires OS X 10.10 because I am using JavaScript for Automation that is only in 10.10. Sorry! Version: 1.5 Date: 12/04/2015 You can get them from my Github account: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred or Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/copymove http://www.packal.org/workflow/alfred-browser-toolbox
  15. Hi, I wrote a quick tutorial on how to do this. You can read it here: http://customct.com/posts/tutorials/Alfred/Running-Automator-and-AppleScripts-in-Bash This should help clear up what you do not understand. If you have more questions, just let me know. Richard
  16. Hi, Only km works. kc produces: # Logfile created on 2014-11-11 09:53:45 +0700 by logger.rb/41954 E, [2014-11-11 09:53:45 #65537] ERROR -- me.zhaocai.keylue: A fatal error has occurred. You may seek help in the Alfred supporting site, forum or raise an issue in the bug tracking site. #<Psych::SyntaxError: (<unknown>): control characters are not allowed at line 1 column 1> /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/psych-2.0.6/lib/psych.rb:370:in `parse' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/psych-2.0.6/lib/psych.rb:370:in `parse_stream' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/psych-2.0.6/lib/psych.rb:318:in `parse' /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/psych-2.0.6/lib/psych.rb:245:in `load' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/lib/menu_items.rb:26:in `generate_items' ./main.rb:172:in `generate_menu_feedback' ./main.rb:102:in `on_feedback' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/alfred-workflow-2.0.3/lib/alfred.rb:215:in `block in start_handler' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/alfred-workflow-2.0.3/lib/alfred/handler.rb:126:in `block in each_handler' (eval):53:in `each' (eval):53:in `each' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/alfred-workflow-2.0.3/lib/alfred/handler.rb:125:in `each_handler' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/alfred-workflow-2.0.3/lib/alfred.rb:214:in `start_handler' /Users/raguay/Dropbox (Personal)/Richard/rag/Alfred/Sync/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.A44F1970-1349-4255-B733-69929C2F6F84/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/alfred-workflow-2.0.3/lib/alfred.rb:83:in `with_friendly_error' ./main.rb:332:in `<main>' This is since upgrading to 10.10.
  17. Sorry, the web site I use to pull up the verses does not have the NKJV. They only have versions that are public domain, which the NKJV isn't since it has a copy right.
  18. I use this workflow: http://www.packal.org/workflow/quick-ref Setup cheat sheets for your application and reference them here. Very handy.
  19. Okay, just updated the code and the Alfred Library to use the latest version of Swift in Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d). You can download from Packal or GitHub. Let me know if you have any issues. Notice: Swift is no longer runnable on OS X 10.9! Therefore, this is only a OS X 10.10 workflow. Sorry, complain to Apple!
  20. As is, most likely not. But, since you can create external triggers, a program that listens for hand offs could trigger an external trigger in an Alfred workflow. That is most likely the best case scenario. But, Alfred Remote, coming soon, might!
  21. Okay, I just updated the workflow to Packal and GitHub. If you already installed the old version, re-run "mj:install" to get the changes. Let me know if you find anything else.
  22. Hi, I'm sorry. The owner just recently pulled that module. I will have to remove it from the workflow and reupload. In the meantime, you can open an editor to edit ~/.mjolnir/init.lua and remove the line that says: mjolnir.applescript = require "mjolnir._asm.hydra.applescript" and -- -- Function: applescript -- -- Description: The passed string is parsed as an -- applescript script. -- function applescript(string) flag, result = mjolnir.applescript.applescript(string) return(result) end I will repost here when I get the new version uploaded.
  23. By shuffle, do you mean sort alphabetically or randomize? I believe the Pipe workflow and the Funnel workflow has that ability. http://www.packal.org/workflow/pipe http://www.packal.org/workflow/funnel
  24. To use any of the other commands, you have to first do "mj:install" to get the mjolnir command line program installed and the initialization file installed with the components that the other commands use. Then you have to run "mj:find mjolnir" to find where your command line tool is placed. It should be in the /usr/local/bin, but I have seen it get installed in other areas on some systems. After that, all the other commands should work. The message you see is the other scripts not able to find the command line program. The "mj:find" command stores the path to the command in the data workspace for the workflow in the file mjolnir.txt. You can use the awf workflow (http://www.packal.org/workflow/alfred-workflow-builder-quickref) to open that directory easily. If you did run the above two commands already, let me know which keyword you invoked so I can look at that script in particular.
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