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Everything posted by raguay.customct

  1. Just added a hotkey (shift-cmd-L) that will copy the current selection, ask for a cleaner from the entire list of cleaners, apply to the selection, and paste it back in place. I have tested it some, but would like to get feedback on how this works. Thanks.
  2. Just added two new commands: "tclean:getcleaners" This is to store a list of cleaners that you have in your copy of TextSoap and save them to a file for use in the next command. "tclfull" Same as the "tclean", but allows searching through the full list of cleaners obtained in the "tclean:getcleaners" command. This was done on request from @apkawel. Let me know if you have a special need as well.
  3. Write a workflow in pearl to parse the information. There are a lot of examples here: http://search.cpan.org/~jmcnamara/Excel-Writer-XLSX/lib/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Examples.pm For Ruby, you can use: http://roo.rubyforge.org/ For Python, you can use this library: https://bitbucket.org/ericgazoni/openpyxl/ For PHP, you can use this library: http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/ So, pick which language you prefer and use the library to access the files any way you want!
  4. Fixed bug about books of the bible that are numbered. Did not parse in the curl lookup link properly. Let me know if you see any bugs as well.
  5. I just added the translation of the English bible books names to Thai in the Thai translation. I did a brute force replacement, nothing eloquent. But, it works. Also added a hotkey to insert both English and Thai translations.
  6. If you need spaces on it, just surround with ". Yea, 2.1 is suppose to have a box for doing automator workflows directly. That will make it like ver 1.
  7. Not really. In the Script block, just type: automator NameOfWorkflow.workflow Where you place the name of your workflow you copied to that directory. That should do it. Therefore, if you workflow was named "dothis", the script would be: automator dothis.workflow Get it?
  8. I actually rarely ever used Version 1. But, hotkeys on version 2 are set up in the workflows. I have a special workflow that I use to setup all of my hotkeys. You can see it here: http://db.tt/xJnBskKT Or, you can just use the hotkey into a "Launch Apps/Files" block and drag and drop the application you want it to open. I first started doing it with Applescript commands and have not switched to the easier format. Alfred has a template for that as well. Look at the "+" at the bottom of the workflow names, the popup entry for "Templates", then the submenu "Files and Apps", and the top entry is "Launch file group from hotkey". Just set your hotkey and the file you want it to activate and you are off! The workflow https://github.com/shawnrice/alfred2-workflow-help will allow you to print a pdf of all hotkeys and keywords in use by Alfred Workflows. Check out this screen casts on how to use hotkeys in Alfred 2: http://technicallysimple.com/screencasts/alfred-2-hotkeys/ I hope this helps.
  9. I am assuming that the REPOS variable is defined in your bashrc file. Try sourcing you .bashrc file first. Many scripts have to do this to work properly.
  10. I use PathFinder with Alfred all the time. Some of the workflows are designed to work with either. If you make a workflow that takes OS selection, it get it from PathFinder just fine. The only thing I keep having to go back to Finder for is the RegExp File Renamer workflow. It does not work with PathFinder at all ;-(
  11. Try out Desk Drawer: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/440-deskdrawer-keep-the-clutter-off-your-desktop-updated-to-14/ That sounds like your workflow idea. If not, it would serve as a good starting base.
  12. Hi, you can do this with some applescripting. I put together an example here: http://db.tt/BpB2x2jc once you import this, then add the "write letter" action to the name contacts actions field. It should look like this: http://db.tt/OSQSz4n0 Remember to have Pages already open with the letter you want to write. You can most likely script that part as well, but I am fairly new to AppleScript. Once this is done, you bring up the contact in Alfred and hit return on the Contact Name. It is that simple ;-) Alternatively, you can change the script to return the address as text and pipe that to a clipboard box. Then just paste it where ever you want. Much easier I think. I hope this helps.
  13. Hi, I just created a new workflow to help me manage my GitHub pages. I am using Octopress and POW to generate the GItHub pages locally. Then I simply tell Octopress to deploy them to GitHub with this workflow. Much easier than using WordPress in a lot of ways. Octopress is a lot of fun. I hope some of you will give it a try! This workflow assumes you have octopuses and pow installed on your computer with each octopress site linked into the ~/.pow directory. The POW workflow (https://github.com/tombeynon/alfred-pow) is a great compliment to this workflow and is called by the preview function. First, set up your editor with "octopow:editor". Then, set you current POW project with "octopow". You can create/edit/delete posts with "octopow:post". You can generate your site and preview it in POW using "octopow:preview". You can then deploy you changes with "octopow:deploy". This workflow assumes you have already setup your Octopress site and POW programs on your system. More to come! version: 1.0 Aug 7, 2013 download: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/OctoPOW.alfredworkflow 2/4/2014 :- I updated the POW workflow that I use to https://github.com/tombeynon/alfred-pow.
  14. This workflow is for keeping track of budgets and notes using the Calca.app. Calca is a great markdown editor with advance inline mathematics ability. You have to try it to really appreciate it. You can set a budget template ("calca:budget" keyword and selecting "Edit Template"), and then create budgets each month ("calca:budget" keyword and selecting "Make from Template"). The "calca:budget" keyword will also show all of the available budget files that you can edit. You can use the "calca:notes" keyword to see available notes to edit or create a new one from scratch giving the title in the Alfred command line. If you hold down the command key while pressing enter, it will paste the contents in the clipboard to the selected file. version: 1.0 Aug 5, 2013 Download: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/CalcaToolKit.alfredworkflow
  15. Hi, I am always trying to cut and paste bible references into my notes. But, there is almost always extra formatting carried over or it did not come out in the format that I wanted. So, I created the workflow to make it easier for me. This workflow will request Bible passages from the "Ephesians 4:14" website: http://www.4-14.org.uk/xml-bible-web-service-api. Access to this API is currently free. This workflow will request the given verse from Alfred edit line or from the current OS X selection, request the verse(s), and return it in the clipboard and a notification. You can then paste it where ever you want. You can always change the "Copy to Clipboard" box to also paste into current application. It currently allows switching between the King James Bible and the Thai King James Bible (the only ones I use.). It is working great with Thai currently, except for the name of the book is still in English. I will be working on that one. I will be adding more functionality to this workflow in the future and eventually have a full Bible study app running and controlled in Alfred. version: 1.3 Aug 17, 2013 Download: https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/AlfredBible.alfredworkflow
  16. My average usage is 120 times a day (averaging days I do not use the computer at all. Yes, there are some!) with my max at 798 times in one day. But, I accidently erased it all. Here's to starting over with even higher goals!
  17. Easy. I do not have 1Pass (I use LastPass-Which would be nice to have in Alfred ;-), but the instructions are here: http://help.agilebits.com/1Password3/oneclick_bookmarks.html Follow the instructions for making a one-click login using FireFox. The url you drag is the url you need to open. Just copy that into a "Open URL" in a workflow and activate it using a hotkey. Presto - a one click password hotkey (OCPH - a new acronym). Try it out. I think it should work. UPDATE: I just downloaded a trial version and this approached worked really well. Maybe I'll switch...
  18. actually, get pushmenu (https://github.com/kalcher/pushmenu) and use this script: on alfred_script(q) tell application "pushmenu" sendmessage q end tell end alfred_script I do not have an iPhone or iPad to test on. This is a modified version of the script on the pushmenu website.
  19. See if you can script it. Use AppleScript Editor and look at the library for ProwlMenu and see what options there are. It might just be a simple AppleScript away from reality!
  20. It could not parse the cache file. I deleted it and it is working. Must of gotten corrupted.
  21. It's back to bombing all the time. Need a way to figure out what the rogue workflow is.
  22. Your easiest fix is to install the Prowl plugin for Growl. Then Growled messages will automatically be sent to your Prowl device. Instructions here: https://www.prowlapp.com/installation.php That way, all workflows will automatically work with Prowl without changing a workflow (as long as that workflow used Growl notifications).
  23. I just added a quick addition to perform the last text cleaner done with "tclean" (after updating the workflow) on the currently selected text and paste it back in. I have done some testing with it, but not much. I mostly work in the clipboard, but this functionality was requested. Please check it out and let me know how it goes.
  24. You take your hotkey block to pass the current selection, pass this into a script block for manipulating the text (I prefer PHP), then pass that to an "Open URL" block. If you just want to attach the text with a pre- or post- fix set of text, just go directly to the "Open URL" and put the text you want in there. Place the placeholder text {query} anywhere you want your selection to be placed. Therefore, you can put the following into the "Open URL" block: http://mywebsite.com/{query}/pictures The selection will replace the {query} text. Richard
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