Thank you, I understand the nature of the questions. Some answers.
1. I had to google this, but believe you're asking if Dropbox (or the Alfred folder on it) is an alias vs really on my HD. It's really on my HD. Dropbox files are copied to my HD (and synced regularly).
2. It's probably happening each restart (I just don't restart often at all).
3. Only here on the laptop (used about 5x more than other computer) - no idea why. But breakthrough: I was looking through my chat history here and I had something similar last year (which I had utterly forgotten about!!) which I went back & forth with Support on, which worked back then and I performed it now and it also worked! Pasting it in here to help any poor souls who have the same. The theory is that it was a permissions issue: [The following is from Alfred Support]
Thanks for your email and apologies for the slow reply. I wanted to consult my colleague as this is an unusual issue, which points to possible permissions issues on your Mac.
Please quit Alfred and follow the steps below and let me know how you get on:
1. Navigate to your Dropbox folder and back up your Alfred.alfredpreferences somewhere safe first to ensure you don't lose your preferences during this process.
2. Copy the Alfred.alfredpreferences to the default preferences location, which is:
~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/
You will be overwriting the Alfred.alfredpreferences in that location, which is fine.
3. Delete the prefs.json file from the folder above
4. Relaunch Alfred.
You will now be using the default location for your preferences rather than your Dropbox location. Try setting your global hotkey, restarting, etc and seeing what behaviour you're getting.
Once you're satisfied that your preferences are being saved correctly, you can set a new Dropbox sync location (or delete the old one before re-creating it). Again, please ensure that this folder is set to always store files locally with SmartSync disabled for it.
Let me know how you get on