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Standalone Read-Later-App that saves items in plaintext

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Simple standalone read-later-app for Alfred. Saves the items in plaintext on your device.


- Use the keyword rl to add the current tab of the frontmost browser to your read-later-list.
- Any item in your reading list also shows up when using the keyword rl. Press ⏎ to open the item in your browser and remove it from your read-later-list.


Items are saved locally

  • The items are saved in a local markdown file on your disk. You can set the location in the workflow configuration.
  • The items formatted in the markdown task syntax.
    • Unread items as open tasks: - [ ] [title](url)
    • Read items as completed tasks: - [x] [title](url)
  • This has several advantages:
    • No dependency on any read-later service.
    • The reading list is available offline.
    • Since Markdown is a widely supported format, you can access your items in many other apps as well, such as Obsidian.
    • Easy backup: Just copypaste the file.
    • Easy sync: Just save the file in a Cloud Drive like iCloud.


➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-read-later



Edited by pseudometa
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  • 2 weeks later...

Feature request if you think more people than me could be interested, I would find it valuable that the date when the url was saved is added to each item (e.g. appending after each item today's date like "(2024-01-14)"), so it is easy to distinguish new links from old links directly from the Alfred search. This could be optional to not frustrate users who have no use for that info.

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1 hour ago, cands said:

Feature request if you think more people than me could be interested, I would find it valuable that the date when the url was saved is added to each item (e.g. appending after each item today's date like "(2024-01-14)"), so it is easy to distinguish new links from old links directly from the Alfred search. This could be optional to not frustrate users who have no use for that info.


Good idea, actually. I added that as opt-out feature: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-read-later/releases/download/1.1.1/alfred-read-later.alfredworkflow

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

great workflow as always, @pseudometa! one request: would it be possible to add a Universal Action that allows any URL to be appended to the Read Later file?


I tried creating one and connecting it to the "get-browser-markdown-link.js" script. The link does get added to the Markdown file, but it doesn't have any formatting.



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  • 2 months later...

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