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Hello everyone! I wanted to attempt to create a workflow that does the following: Open a specific Google Chrome profile, wether or not google chrome is already open or not.


I have tried this just in a bash script and never got the results I wanted..... This is what I was working off of:


open -a Google\ Chrome --args --"profile-directory"="Profile 1


also tried


/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --profile-directory=Default

So has anyone done this before, or have any ideas on how to create this into an alfred workflow?
Thank you!
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Hello everyone! I wanted to attempt to create a workflow that does the following: Open a specific Google Chrome profile, wether or not google chrome is already open or not.


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  • 4 years later...
  • 10 months later...

I found a workaround for global 12keyboard shortcuts, combining a number of tricks I found online.


1. Give each profile a unique name, so they appear differently in the People menu (screenshot https://prnt.sc/qrasm0 )

2. Add an app keyboard shortcut for each profile in System Preferences (screenshot https://prnt.sc/qrasyp ). These only work if you're already focused on a Chrome window, so...

3. Add an Alfred workflow to use a different key combo to launch Chrome and then Dispatch the Key Combos you set in System Preferences (Under Outputs) (screenshot https://prnt.sc/qratzw )


E.g. Option + Shift + 1 triggers the first workflow. The workflow launches Chrome, and then triggers the App keyboard shortcut to switch to the profile called Corey.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

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