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LastPass Workflow for Alfred - update v1.4.7 August 19, 2016

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I'm not sure if the worflow is still being used and supported.

I cannot log in, with the error below. When I type "lplogin" nothing happens, there is no notification etc.


I'm on a recent updated Catalina's macbook pro.



15:47:48.506] Logging Started...

[15:48:06.707] LastPass CLI[Keyword] Processing complete

[15:48:06.711] LastPass CLI[Keyword] Passing output '' to Run Script

[15:48:07.000] ERROR: LastPass CLI[Run Script] 2845:2846: syntax error: Oczekiwano: koniec linii. Znaleziono: „"”. (-2741)


Would someone has an idea what's going on?


Thanks a lot!

Edited by fuorviatos
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/18/2020 at 3:50 PM, fuorviatos said:



I'm not sure if the worflow is still being used and supported.

I cannot log in, with the error below. When I type "lplogin" nothing happens, there is no notification etc.


I'm on a recent updated Catalina's macbook pro.



Would someone has an idea what's going on?


Thanks a lot!


I found what was causing the error for me.

When you open the workflow:
- click on the /usr/bin/osascript
- change the last lines from

if ("{query}" = "scriptlocationnotset") then
tell application "Alfred 3" to search "lp "
end if



if ("{query}" = "scriptlocationnotset") then
tell application "Alfred 4" to search "lp "
end if

- then it should work again.

Edited by RKo
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31 minutes ago, RKo said:

tell application "Alfred 4" to search "lp "


Change this to tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search "lp " so it will continue to work with Alfred 5+.


Better yet, if it's appropriate for the workflow, change the workflow to run an External Trigger instead of calling itself by keyword. That's much more reliable (a user might have changed the keyword or be using "lp" for something else as well).


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/8/2020 at 2:34 PM, deanishe said:


Change this to tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search "lp " so it will continue to work with Alfred 5+.


Better yet, if it's appropriate for the workflow, change the workflow to run an External Trigger instead of calling itself by keyword. That's much more reliable (a user might have changed the keyword or be using "lp" for something else as well).



This worked as a charm for me!

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  • 3 months later...

For the newbies like me that faced issues, for using Lastpass workflow within the latest version of Alfred, I merged two solutions pointed by the power users above.


1. the lastpass-cli tool (that supports the workflow) is now simple installed by this command on your terminal:

brew install lastpass-cli


2. in Alfred preferences, replace the penultimate line of lplogin -> /usr/bin/osascript   for the following line.

tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search "lp "


2.1) this will make sure the script will work for all Alfred versions (at least in thesis)

Edited by arthurdapaz
underline fixing
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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

Hello! I'm getting the below error in Terminal when I try to complete the following instruction: "brew install lastpass-cli". I'm intentionally only running "brew install lastpass-cli" instead of "brew install lastpass-cli --with-pinentry --with-doc" because I had this error as well.


Any help would be appreciated!


==> Tapping homebrew/cask

Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'...

remote: Enumerating objects: 602484, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (26/26), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.

remote: Total 602484 (delta 12), reused 22 (delta 8), pack-reused 602458

Receiving objects: 100% (602484/602484), 269.20 MiB | 5.76 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (425946/425946), done.

Tapped 3924 casks (4,005 files, 288.5MB).

Warning: No available formula or cask with the name "lastpass-cli".

==> Searching for similarly named formulae...

Error: No similarly named formulae found.

==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...

Error: No previously deleted formula found.

==> Searching taps on GitHub...

Error: No formulae found in taps.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys.

Brand new user to Mac, and Alfred! I seem to have everything set up as per the instructions (all the terminal commands etc on my M1 Mac Mini).

The last hurdle is the lplogin which i can't get past.


I changed the  "3" to "4" in the last line of the script as i am running Alfred 4.

The first time i tried iplogin, i got a message asking me to "allow", which i did, but since then, now lplogin does nothing, no pop up, so i cannot log in

Can anyone please advise me on what / where i can check?

I've seem this come up in this thread, but i cant find a solution.


Here is the debug log:
[18:12:08.734] LastPass CLI[Keyword] Processing complete
[18:12:08.734] LastPass CLI[Keyword] Passing output '' to Run Script
[18:12:08.966] ERROR: LastPass CLI[Run Script] 2637:2649: execution error: The variable lpass_binary is not defined. (-2753)


Many thanks,


Edited by Rexx Fernandez
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  • 3 months later...

I've just installed this workflow, but any of the initial set up commands to set my email, set timeout, and login do not produce any response (neither an error nor a confirmation).  When I then try to retrieve a password, it says I'm not logged in.


I have lastpass-cli version 1.3.3_1, Alfred 4.6.5, and installed Capture::Tiny using 'lib::local'. I'm on Monterey 12.3.1.


I previously had lastpass-cli installed and working in iTerm.  In case the issue was the install arguments suggested in the setup guide for the workflow, I uninstalled it and tried installing with the arguements, but I was unable to install lastpass cli with the arguments `--with-pinentry --with-doc`, as both generated errors:


Error: invalid option: --with-pinentry

Error: invalid option: --with-doc


I've also tried logging in using the terminal (successfully) and then using the workflow, but it still reports not logged in.



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