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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @rodarmor Taking a look at @deanishe's response, he's covered quite thoroughly why workflows in default results isn't a very good solution, and warnings are never enough. Having said that, just in case you hadn't spotted it, did you see that you can add your workflow with a workflow trigger as a fallback search result? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/triggers/fallback-search/ While it's not the same as including workflow results into your default results, it's a great way to bounce over to your workflow if you forgot to prefix your search with the workflow keyword or hotkey combo. Cheers, Vero
  2. @Sunny Could you please provide more details on what your settings are on your MBP 13"? Have you switched your display to the largest text size? Alfred's preferences can fit with space to spare on a 13" even when selecting a display scaled to one level larger than default. When choosing the largest text size scaling, macOS notifies the user that apps may not fit entirely on the screen. As Andrew said in 2020, the whole preferences would need to be redesigned to allow the window to scale beyond what it already accommodates, so we'll keep this in mind as preferences are updated over time. We also still recognise the corner case of having a small portrait orientation display in the original post. Cheers, Vero
  3. @zzzrx Welcome to the forum. Could you take a look at whether Smart Sync is enabled in Dropbox? https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/sync-uploads/smart-sync This is a feature where files aren't stored locally, and the local "files" are just markers for the cloud-stored files. If this is enabled, I can see why these results wouldn't be found as their metadata will be patchy. When the files are stored locally using Dropbox, they should have complete metadata. Cheers, Vero
  4. @Howon You can remove Alfred 1.2 and install Alfred 4 from alfredapp.com, so that you're using the most current version. Apple have moved certain apps in recent macOS updates, and Alfred 4 is aware of these new paths Cheers, Vero
  5. @Avatar Provided the Mega Supporter license is used on Macs that are for your use, and not shared workstations, our licensing system gives a little more flexibility. If you hit an activation limit and are unable to activate any more, contact us and we'll be happy to help you Fundamentally, with both license types, the key point is that the license is for one individual, not for sharing. Cheers, Vero
  6. @bo123x I do apologise that between 11:37pm on Saturday night and 9:52pm on Sunday night, I didn't reply to your email. Please keep in mind that everyone here is only human. Kind people like @vitor, and people like Andrew and I who work our hardest to support users. We're not machines and do occasionally attempt to have a few hours at a time where we don't look at the support inbox. Cheers, Vero
  7. @Guillaumbzig Welcome to the forum Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile if you're a Powerpack user? Cheers, Vero
  8. @Alan He If you take a look at the subtext for Airdrop, it says "Open Airdrop in Finder", rather than jut the path as it would for Safari, etc. This is because Airdrop, like Finder, isn't listed there as an app, but added to Alfred's results by us. As such, results like Airdrop and Finder can't be removed by excluding from the macOS index. There's no way to remove them, but we'll keep this in mind. Cheers, Vero
  9. @jdavyd Ok so what I can gauge from this is that you installed 1Password 7 at some stage, and enabled the third-party integration feature which created the file, but then switched back to 1Password 6. Possible? Alfred looks for the most recent version of 1Password, and the legacy file from your foray into using 1PW 7 is still there. Before making any of the changes below, please back up your 1Password data, then: - Disable 1Password integration in 1PW 6's Advanced preferences, in other words, doing the opposite of step 1 here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/1password/ - Delete the entire "com.agilebits.onepassword7" folder from the /Library/Containers/ path you provided - Open your 1PW 6 and re-enable the 1Password integration - Open Alfred's preferences to the 1Password > Advanced > Discover Automatically and uncheck/recheck if needed. Alfred will now be able to pick the 1Password file for 1PW 6, as the more-recent-version 1PW 7 third-party integration file will be gone.
  10. @Guy Welcome to the forum Could you share with us what you want to achieve? There are numerous templates to perform different tasks. If we know a little more, we might be able to guide you in the right direction, provided what you have in mind is possible. Cheers, Vero
  11. @jdavyd I should've also asked, what path is shown for the Discover Automatically? Does it match the 1PW version you're using?
  12. @jdavyd It's very difficult to help given how little information you've provided. Which version of 1Password are you using? Is it from the App Store, from 1PW's website? Are you using iCloud sync, Dropbox sync, etc? Which version of macOS and Alfred are you using? The more information you can provide, the more likely we can help Cheers, Vero
  13. @bergmul Andrew has already replied to your question by email, but for the benefit of others, here's the answer Cheers, Vero
  14. If you update to the pre-release, the text is actually different to the screenshot The dropdown only contains browsers, not other apps. If you want to do even more advanced URL handling, then a Run Script object is what you should be using. Cheers, Vero
  15. I've just checked our site analytics before responding to make sure there hadn't been a significant shift in recent times, and currently, Safari and Chrome represent nearly 95% of Alfred's user base. Both of these browsers provide a reliable way to present bookmarks in the results. If and when Edge, Brave or any browser, takes prevalence on macOS, we will consider supporting it, provided a legitimate, supported way to search bookmarks is available for the browser. For transparency's sake, I posted this same answer in the Edge browser thread, as the argument is much the same: We love our users and want to make you happy. As such, it's also our responsibility to make sure that Alfred doesn't become bloated with features that become obsolete due to third-party changes, or are unsuitably niche. Workflows excel at filling the gap for features that are more fleeting or less stable, as users can continue to evolve their workflows to support changing apps or private APIs that could be taken away at any time. Cheers, Vero
  16. I've just checked our site analytics before responding to make sure there hadn't been a significant shift in recent times, and currently, Safari and Chrome represent nearly 95% of Alfred's user base. Both of these browsers provide a reliable way to present bookmarks in the results. If and when Edge, Brave or any browser, takes prevalence on macOS, we will consider supporting it, provided a legitimate, supported way to search bookmarks is available for the browser. Alfred has been around for over 10 years now, and this isn't how we work. We assess features we add to Alfred's core very carefully, so that users can trust Alfred to be reliable, stable and consistent. For transparency's sake, I'm posting this same answer in the Brave browser thread, as the argument is much the same: We love our users and want to make you happy. As such, it's also our responsibility to make sure that Alfred doesn't become bloated with features that become obsolete due to third-party changes, or are unsuitably niche. Workflows excel at filling the gap for features that are more fleeting or less stable, as users can continue to evolve their workflows to support changing apps or private APIs that could be taken away at any time. Cheers, Vero
  17. Cmd + Enter is now a secondary hotkey combo to add a clipboard item as a snippet. However, as you don't have a snippet collection yet, you'll see this error message. If you did intend to save the clipboard item as a snippet, just create a collection first To paste from the Clipboard Viewer as plain text, you can just press return, no need for any other modifiers. Cheers, Vero
  18. @jdavyd Did you have previous versions of 1PW installed? If so, you might need to remove some old 1PW data from your Mac. Open Alfred's 1PW preferences, click Advanced and take a look at the Discover Automatically URL. Is it the correct version of 1Password? If it isn't the right version of 1Password, navigate to that location, delete the file and uncheck/recheck the Discover Automatically, so that Alfred can attempt to find the correct version of the data. Cheers, Vero
  19. @Kalaschnik Given Alfred's primarily intended to be used from the keyboard, a hover-over would require moving from the keyboard, grabbing the mouse and hovering over the particular results. Perhaps in your case, as you're not using the text auto-expansion feature, something like a List Filter workflow instead of snippets might be better suited. You can then have a title and subtext, and then have that paste text. Here's how List Filters work: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/list-filter/ Then connect a Copy to Clipboard utility to paste your argument to the frontmost app. Let me know if you need more help... Cheers, Vero
  20. @Alan He The word "file" starts at a word boundary, so it's a relevant result. Beyond that, Alfred uses a bunch of other factors, such as your knowledge (files you've opened before), so if you open the "typings" file a few times, Alfred will learn you're keener to have that file come up in the results at the top for that search term Cheers, Vero
  21. @Kalaschnik While it's not necessarily possible to show the full title, a wider theme will be a helpful first step. Here's a dark theme that is wider than the one you're currently using - you could make it even wider if you like. https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/theme/NGpVNyZgWp/ Cheers, Vero
  22. @Takuro Well spotted, oops! I've passed it on to Andrew, and it'll be fixed in the next pre-release build Cheers, Vero
  23. @Abhishek Jain How are you searching for files? Are you prefixing your search with the spacebar as I assume your general files aren't (and shouldn't be) in your default results? I believe characters after a dash should be treated as a new word boundary by the macOS index (certainly seems to be in Big Sur) Might be worth familiarising yourself with the spacebar shortcut: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/spacebar-trick/ Next, if you're still looking for a word that isn't the start of a word boundary, you can prefix the characters with a wildcard star, e.g. "[spacebar]*file". Cheers, Vero
  24. @peegeebee If by workflow, you're referring to the default web search for Google Translate, the URL structure was changed by Google a couple of days ago. If you update to the Alfred 4.3.2 pre-release (by going to the Update tab, choosing "pre-releases" from the dropdown menu at the bottom and updating), you'll see that this URL has already been updated to reflect Google's change Cheers, Vero
  25. @mangotango If you're referring to apps still showing in Alfred after being added to the Spotlight Privacy tab, type "reload" into Alfred to clear the app cache. Cheers, Vero
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