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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @luckman212 I've managed to replicate this; Do you have scroll bars set to always show in the macOS General preferences? Andrew will be taking a look at this soon, but if you could just confirm this disappears if you return the macOS General scroll bar preferences to the default "Automatically based on mouse or trackpad" option, it'd be helpful Cheers, Vero
  2. Alfred uses the macOS metadata index for file search, he doesn't create or maintain his own index of your Mac's files. When using the "Rebuild macOS metadata" button in Alfred's advanced preferences, Alfred instructs macOS to rebuild its index. Do keep in mind that Big Sur has just been released and while it's been far more reliable than Catalina was last year, it remains a very new OS and unless you've done a completely fresh install of Big Sur, it's possible that there are hangups or corruption from the OS upgrade. If you haven't done so yet, look back up a few posts for the steps and do a full reindex, including granting Terminal full disk access and clearing the Spotlight-V100, which is how Jay above resolved his indexing issues. This will give macOS the best possible change to rebuild its index and remove anything corrupted from the index it uses to provide Alfred (and many other apps) with results. We keep a very close eye on threads like this one to see if there's anything we can do to improve the situation for the handful of folks who are having Big Sur / Catalina indexing issues. Cheers, Vero
  3. @jayelevy The fact that apps are found by Spotlight right now isn't an all-conclusive guarantee that the index is correct, complete or otherwise free from corruption; It just means that Spotlight's current caching contains those apps. Does Alfred find other, non-app files on your Mac? E.g. in your Documents or Downloads? When you have a moment, could you please open System Preferences to the Security & Privacy > Privacy tab, and drag Terminal into the Full Disk Access permissions. Once you've done this, go to Alfred's Advanced preferences, rebuild the macOS metadata and check the Delete Spotlight-V100 box. Pay close attention to any error messages shown in Terminal when typing your admin password and shortly thereafter. You'll then need to wait an hour or so, then once it's completed, type "reload" into Alfred, then search again. Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  4. @boutwell As we don't use any of the Microsoft apps suite or that particular workflow, it's very tricky for us to make any suggestions beyond this. Hopefully other Outlook users will pop in and be able to provide more pointers.
  5. @jayelevy @verypleasant Could you please try using Alfred's file search to find the files? Press the spacebar first, which will show the "Open File..." prompt, then type the name of your app. This will allow you to establish whether the apps are indeed indexed correctly by macOS, in which case it should show up in the File Search mode. Next, can you both please create a new user account on your Mac temporarily, and run Alfred (don't need to activate your Powerpack) in the same File Search mode, then again with no prefix. Do your apps appear in File Search? Do they appear in a normal app search? This will help narrow down whether there's an issue on your primary user profile, or more broadly on your Mac as a whole. Something doesn't ring right that you're both seeing very similar issues with very similar apps, while no one else has reported this particular issue. The more narrowing down can be done and the more information you can provide, the more likely we'll work out what's happening. Just to be clear, Alfred does not maintain his own index of your Applications; He uses the data provided by macOS's metadata index, which is why we're asking you to work out at what point the issue occurs.
  6. "Automatically expand snippets" in the top right is the global feature switch-on/switch-off, while "Auto expansion allowed" is on an individual basis. You may want to use the expansion feature, but not for all. I have entire collections of snippets saved which I don't intend to learn the auto-expansion keyword for, and just refer to via the Snippets Viewer. Prefixes and suffixes are completely optional: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/snippets/collections/#affix You can choose a prefix for an entire collection, or set them on an individual basis. I'll move this thread to Discussion & Help as this was not a bug. Cheers, Vero
  7. @agilefalcon If you've never synced your preferences, and use Time Machine, it should be very straightforward First pop Time Machine open, and go to the following location in your user directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfredl/ Within this folder, you'll find the Alfred.alfredpreferences file. Quit Alfred and restore this file. When you relaunch Alfred, you may need to re-enter your Powerpack license details (drop us an email if you need help finding your Powerpack license details - though it sounds like you've got that in hand) and your preferences will be reinstated. With regards to your Powerpack being disabled, did you use an App Cleaner / uninstaller / app zapper or any other app that claims to clear caches and make your Mac faster? These apps can be overzealous and remove files that are essential. If that's the case, please make sure that you don't allow these to touch Alfred's files, as it could have been the source of the issue. Let me know how you get on
  8. @jayelevy Moving the file around causes macOS to reindex them. This just confirms that the issue was caused by macOS not correctly indexing the files. @verypleasant Take a look at how @jayelevy resolved his issue above. Just move the apps to desktop and back, forcing macOS to reindex them. Let me know if that solves the issue for you too. (You might also want to type "reload" into Alfred afterwards to ensure Alfred's cache is as up to date as can be)
  9. @Gordon Firemark Which version of Alfred are you using? And which version of macOS? Have you taken a look at the File Troubleshooting tool? Ensuring you're using Alfred 4.2.1, go to Alfred's preferences > Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Search Troubleshooting, dragging in some of the files you can't locate. This will give you more information on whether the metadata for these files is complete, and if they're correctly included in Alfred's index. This will help you establish what might be happening on your Mac.
  10. @boutwell Does Outlook still make this information accessible to third-parties in Big Sur? Also, it may be worth checking where the messages library is stored in Big Sur vs the workflow's set search scope. It may be that Outlook messages have moved and you (or the workflow creator) to update the search scope.
  11. @jayelevy Looking back a few posts, you said that the app was found when moved the Desktop. Can I just confirm, was it then not-found again when returned to the Applications folder? If you move the app to be directly in the Applications folder rather than within the enclosing app's own named folder, what happens? Adobe have their own way of doing things, and I'm scratching my head at what non-standard setup could cause this behaviour.
  12. @agilefalcon Welcome to the forum Could you provide more details so I can help you further? Which version of Alfred are you using? Which version of macOS are you using? Did you recently update to Big Sur? Do you sync your Alfred preferences, and if so, which service have you been using? Do you use Time Machine to back up your Mac? Is this on a new Mac, or on a Mac where you've had everything installed for a while? Alfred updates don't modify the preferences, so your preferences wouldn't have disappeared because of an Alfred update. However, if you're syncing your preferences and your Alfred.alfredpreferences file has been moved (e.g. by moving or renaming your Dropbox folder, by using iCloud to sync with Optimised Storage enabled), the preferences may have been pulled from under Alfred's feet. If you let me know which service you use, I'll help you ensure that this doesn't happen again and that your settings are correct. Provided you can locate a backup, it'll be easy to reinstate your preferences Cheers, Vero
  13. @jayelevy @verypleasant It strikes me as very odd that you're both having the same issue with Adobe apps specifically. Could you please check the Adobe folder within the Applications folder and see whether the apps are indeed stored there? Or whether there's some funky symlinking going on, with the app actually being stored somewhere else? If the apps are symlinked, establish where the app is really stored and add that path to your Alfred search scope, so that Alfred knows to include it in your apps results. Let us know how you get on, as this will likely be helpful for other users in the future Cheers, Vero
  14. Cmd + arrows navigates in and out of File Navigation, and Alt + arrows is used for the File Buffer, so those combos are very much in use already in Alfred. It's not just a case of what's comfortable, but also what's practical without affecting existing hotkeys and habits, so quite a bit of consideration and thought has gone into this.
  15. @apndavies Which version of macOS are you using? There was a direct link to the workflow higher up in this thread (which I've now removed, and added the caveat), so I'm guessing you haven't seen the notice in the original post here: Unfortunately, this workflow is only suitable for macOS Mojave and older, as Apple have removed access to Mail content for third-party apps from Catalina onwards. As such, if you're on Catalina or Big Sur, you won't see any results returned. Cheers, Vero
  16. @ordonezcrissss Alfred hasn't changed with regards to plain vs rich text snippets, so the best place to start is working out what has changed. Make sure your snippets are definitely set to rich text when you go into Alfred's snippets If you test this using TextEdit (a simple, native app) set to rich text on Big Sur, what behaviour do you see? Try a different text field in Chrome, other than your work website Try your work website in Safari This should allow you to narrow down where the issue lies, and make it easier to work out what's happening. If your snippets are being pasted normally as rich text in Text Edit, then it's out of Alfred's hands what either your work website or Chrome are doing to manipulate the content as it's being pasted. Cheers, Vero
  17. @GrimlocK Alfred 4 on Big Sur works very well with 1Password. You can take a look at the setup steps for the 1Password 1Click bookmarks integration here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/1password/ If you're having any issues, the best place to start is the Troubleshooting page here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/1password/ If you still can't get the 1Password integration working, please provide more details and we'll be happy to help Cheers, Vero
  18. @AshR Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile first, as the 1Password feature is a Powerpack-specific feature? Once you've done this, please provide the preferences details we asked for from the user above; Your Features > 1PW prefs (feel free to crop out the content of your 1PW bookmarks, but let us know whether your bookmarks are showing correctly there) Exactly what you're typing into Alfred Cheers, Vero
  19. Also, feel free to share your new themes taking advantage of the Visual Effect here - we'd love to see them! If you share them as individual threads, please make sure that you mention that they require 4.3+ Cheers, Vero
  20. Vero

    macOS Big Sur

    Take a look at Alfred 4.3 and this thread for lovely updates on Big Sur theming: Cheers, Vero
  21. Take a look at Alfred 4.3 pre-release and this thread for Big Sur theming updates Cheers, Vero
  22. Take a look at the Alfred 4.3 pre-release and this thread for a lovely update on theming in Big Sur: Cheers, Vero
  23. Alfred 4.3 is now in pre-release with gorgeous improvements to theming. We've added the ability to choose a native macOS Visual Effect view to back Alfred's window, which makes it easy to create native-looking themes, as well as more control over rounded corners. We've created a couple of themes as examples, but I'm sure you'll create some fabulous themes too! Light Experimental theme Dark Experimental theme Below are the key things to check out when creating themes in 4.3. Please read all the way to the end of this post for a few important notes! 1. Set your base Visual Effect to light or dark under the Window Blur icon in the top left of the theme preview This will define the base of your theme to be brighter or darker. The macOS Visual Effect view is designed to be used with no additional colour, however you can still set your theme's background colour, so you can get some really interesting tints. Your best bet to get a colour tint is to set the window colour, and turn down the opacity. In the included themes, the dark version has a low opacity black background set. The light theme has a low opacity white background set. An opacity of 30-35% seems to give the best readability in most situations. 2. Rounded corners can be tweaked for the whole window, the search box and the selected result Hover over any corner of the field you're interested in and drag to set the corner roundness. 3. A few important notes This feature is still in development, so there may be some more or less visible changes over the next little while The "Share on alfredapp.com" feature isn't yet suitable for these themes, as the site isn't set up to understand the new theme settings If you want to share your theme with a friend, use the "Export as file..." option instead. As usual, check out the change log in the Update tab of the preferences to see the full list of changes in this pre-release And now for some pretty pictures, here are the two themes in their full glory! Cheers, Vero
  24. Un-toggling and re-toggling won't have any effect. As I said, you need to remove and re-add Alfred by following these steps: - Quit Alfred 4 - Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility - Ensure the padlock in the bottom left is unlocked and you've authenticated with your password - Select Alfred 4, then click the minus button - Either use the + button to re-add Alfred 4 to the list - Relaunch Alfred 4 Cheers, Vero
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