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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. No PHP, just bash and curl domain="{query}"; out=$(curl -s "http://isup.me/$domain" | grep "is up."); if [ -z $out ]; then echo "It's not just you, $domain is down"; else echo "It's just you, $domain is up"; fi Create a keyword, add a Run Script module, drop in that code, attach it to a Notification module, bam. Done.
  2. Interesting that it didn't work.. I downloaded and installed Snagit just to test it. Worked perfectly on my end.. Oh well, as long as you got it going thats great.
  3. I'm willing to help once things slow down a little from the launch. If nobody else steps up and helps or you don't figure something else out, bump this thread and I'll try to help you figure something out.
  4. Alfred never had this function by default. If you had this before, it was more than likely an extension. You could easily create a new workflow (using the Essentials->Keyword to Script template), set your keyword, and then set the script to: dscacheutil -flushcache
  5. That could probably be added. I'll try to get this in ASAP.
  6. No, it currently isn't set up to control the volume. I could probably add that at some point when I get caught up with things. @phpfunk has updated his Spotify extension from Alfred 1 into a workflow for Alfred 2 already. Check it out. Right now, it's not easily done. Currently, Alfred can't show URL based icons. They would have to be individually downloaded and it would end up being kinda slow. It may be possible in the future but for now its more effort than what its worth. When/if Alfred gets the ability to show URL based icons, I'll add it in for sure.
  7. Awesome, post it in the Share Your Workflows area with an appropriate heading so everyone else can find it. I'm sure people are going to love this. Great work.
  8. It does indeed if you have Alfred syncing setup. It's available under the Advanced Prefs area.
  9. 1. Alfred doesn't kill the previous process, it still runs to completion. 2. Keep the variables in memory? No. You could always write them to a local file though. 3. Same applies. Whatever is set in the "arg" for the script filter output is passed to the script and is available as {query} but anything else would have to be written to a local file or something and then read in the next piece.
  10. Until the launch stuff slows down, I'm staying on this pretty regular. I'll check into making it add X new tickets. That should be easy. For the settings, I could make it so that it doesn't write the settings to the workflow folder. Typically, my workflows class I use also creates 2 local folders. One in the ~/Library/Cache folder for volatile data, and one in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/ for non-volatile data. If I write the settings there then, even if you share the workflow via Dropbox, the settings are still saved per user account on the machine so settings wouldn't be overwritten. Make sense?
  11. Awesome question. You can actually still connect the launch app piece to the keyword as well. It will just add a curved line down to it. This would make the two execute at the same time, but that shouldn't be too big of an issue for something like this.
  12. Definitely, using AppleScript. In the workflows area, you would need to create a new workflow (use the Keyword to Script template,its under Essentials). Double click the keyword module, set your keyword 'ss' and the title and such. Double click the script module, set the language to osascript, and enter this in the script area: tell application "Snagit" to activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "C" using {shift down, control down} You may need to change the {shift down, control down} to match yours. I chose this based on the default shortcut for initiating a screenshot.
  13. Pedro, thanks for helping. Surrealroad, sub options are created by using a Script Filter in a workflow. These can be found in Input section when adding modules. Basically, you generate XML that is used to show actionable feedback items in Alfred. See documentation on the XML here. To make them highlight and filter down based on what you are typing, you would have to make your script, filter the XML based on the input. So your Script Filter item would read the user input, then based on that, generate the correct list of XML items to show in Alfred. Those XML items have an argument attached to them that can then be passed to the next item. Let me know if you need any more explanation or help. Thanks
  14. No worries Glad to help. Let me know if you need anything else.
  15. Are you looking to change account settings over and over on a single machine or are you talking about on multiple computers? Those settings are saved inside the workflow folder so, the settings stick to your profile. Login as another user, they would have their own settings. Another computer, would have their own settings. I think you get the point. Yeah we could definitely do that. Sorry I didn't understand the original requirement and thought you were wanting to be able to enter in new tickets with info. We could definitely do it with hardcoded values. We could also make it so that you could enter a number (e.g. 5) and have it create 5 new tickets.
  16. Looks like it may just be the service right now. isup.me is part of downforeveryoneorjustme.com and I can't get either to open right now.
  17. When executing scripts, you are running from that path so you could specify path to the java executable and then just give path to the jar file as ./JavaDisconnect.jar or just JavaDisconnect.jar (that is unless you've cd'd out of that path in the script)
  18. What type of database is it? I would think it opening the database every time wouldn't really matter. I do it for some of my workflows. It happens so fast you don't really even notice it. I use local SQLite databases for some of my workflows..
  19. This should be marked as only a temporary fix. The fix is actually in finding why its not able to read the bundleid from the plist. If I can solve that, I can fix it properly. I need a Snow Leopard machine to test on. I may plug up an old Mac Mini I have and install Snow Leopard on it and see if I can work out what the issue is.
  20. Ok, this is a good starting point. Looking for feedback on whether or not you like this or if you can think of things to improve this. http://cloud.dferg.us/d0e6 After import, run the following 3 commands in Alfred: zduser, zdpass, zddomain. This allows you to store your username, password, and set your ZenDesk subdomain settings. Subdomain would be... when I signed up it gave me https://davidferguson.zendesk.com, davidferguson would be the subdomain. After you have those 3 things set, you can use zdtickets to list available tickets. I have placeholders for marking the status of tickets in that, but they don't work yet. If you use the keyword 'zdadd' that will star the process of creating a new ZenDesk ticket. Asks for subject, comment, provides options for settings priority and type then adds the ticket to the system. Try it out and let me know what you think so far.
  21. Well, technically you can't browse a file, so, that's why it's only available on folder results. You could use the code provided above and disable the default "Browse Folder in Alfred" action and just use this one instead if you wanted to, then it would be available for both files and folders.
  22. Not when you press Enter. Script filters begin firing as soon as you start entering data. So in this case, as soon as you started typing "myquery" it would run the script. Now.. ExtensionUtils was something I created a while back. I have updated it and it is now just called Workflows. The usage for it varies a little but the same basic concepts apply. You could still use extensionutils if you wanted to but my question at this point is, is that php script in your workflow folder? It's not something built into PHP, its a library that I created and included in some of my older workflows.
  23. Which is the file I'm looking for. So for some reason it isn't reading the bundleid, didn't create the folder, and so when it looks in that folder for the plist file, it never finds it. Therefore always thinking that you haven't set a location.. Now the next task is finding out why it isn't reading the bundleid..
  24. I recently purchased CleanMyMac 2 and have had no issues with it so that shouldn't be the issue
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