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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Interesting.. All that is doing is trying to read the workflow bundle id so it can create a matching folder for that workflow in the cache and workflows data folder. The workflows data folder is where the info on the default location is stored. So, if it can't read that, it can't build the path to the workflows data folder, so it may never actually be creating the settings file.... Can you check something for me? /Users/ronaldgold/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/jdfwarrior.weather/settings.plist Does that file or the jdfwarrior.weather folder even exist?
  2. You could use something like this: temp="{query}"; if [ -d $temp ]; then osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 2\" to search \"$temp\"" else folder=$(dirname "$temp") osascript -e "tell application \"Alfred 2\" to search \"$folder\"" fi Create a file action, name it appropriately, set file type or leave it blank.. make it attach to a Run Script module with this code. If the passed data is a folder, it browses that folder in Alfred (which btw, there is already a "Browse Folder in Alfred" action for folders"), if the passed data is a file, it gets the path to the file and browses that path in Alfred. Is that what you were looking for?
  3. You could use the pbpaste command from to grab clipboard content, or you could use AppleScript to grab the contents as well
  4. In order to generate results that show in Alfred and action them you don't use a keyword, you use a Script Filter. That could be one thing that's tripping you up. Also, once something is actioned, you can't generate more results to be shown. Things like this may come in the future but you can only use one Script Filter right now unless you create a separate one and use AppleScript to loop back to it.
  5. You are correct. I have a few things I need to update on it but have been stretched out lately trying to keep up with support stuff. I'll add it to my notes and try to get an update pushed out soon. Thanks
  6. Things like this have been noted as potential features in the future. For now, you could fake things like this by naming the second step (keyword) and then using AppleScript in the last piece of the first step to make Alfred show again with the keyword and whatever arguments already populated. Let me know if you have any questions on how to do this. Thanks
  7. You could definitely do what you are saying. Create multiple script filters that all have the same keyword. Have them titled appropriately for what you want to do and then just pass the argument to it and make it not fire until there is a space or some delimiter as the final character so it knows its safe to run.
  8. Yikes, um.. I'll have to look into that and see if there is a way to repair the default PHP installation. I would have thought most of that stuff would have had permissions set appropriately to keep you from messing anything up. Let me look into this a bit and get back with you if that's ok? Thank's for helping troubleshoot it
  9. Ok I know this is going to seem like a series of stupid questions, I apologize, but I'm just trying to eliminate simple things first because several of these workflows do extremely basic things and shouldn't be causing issues. The Lipsum workflow especially is extremely simple. We can start with the lipsum workflow first. 1. Did you have an internet connection at the time of trying this? This one grabs lipsum text from lipsum.com 2. Are you using some form of proxy that may would block this workflow from accessing that site? 3. Can you verify that curl is working by running the following command from the terminal? curl http://lipsum.com/feed/json -d what=paras -d amount=3 -d start=no That should return a json encoded string back to you with 3 paragraphs in it. 4. Can you verify that PHP is installed and working? Try something similar from terminal like... php -r 'echo "PHP seems to be working ok from the command line";' It should print back out that PHP seems to be working. Let me know your findings from these few things and we'll try to get to the bottom of your issues. Thanks
  10. Not sure on this one but you could always try AlfredTweet for shooting out quick tweets and many other things.
  11. yeah sorry guys I've been a bit busy lately with the launch and preparing for it and running support. Gimme a few more days and I'll try to get something figured out. I made a note to go back and check this out.
  12. If you don't, give me a few days and let things settle down from the launch and I'll try to help a little more. Just remind me. Something like this would require a little more time than I have to dedicate to one thing right this sec. Trying to keep up with all the support requests and questions right this sec.
  13. This could be created but its going to take a little more time than I currently have to dedicate to one thing. With the launch, I'm crazy busy trying to keep up with supporting everyone right now. This would be done by using a file filter (allowing multiple files so you could use the file buffer), then make it zip all those up and get the link. I know that doesn't help you a whole lot right now but, if someone else doesn't step in and help you in a few days, hit me up again and I'll see if I can get it created for you.
  14. Is the script getting hung in a loop or something?
  15. Using PHP... get my workflows class off my blog. http://dferg.us. If you include it in your project (see the amazon suggest because its mine too), you can see exactly how to use it (plus I have usage examples on the blog). You will see how to iterate through the items, use the result() function to create a new feedback result, and then use the toxml() function to send it back to Alfred. If there's anything I can help you with on it, let me know.
  16. tell application "System Events" set activeApp to item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is true) if activeApp = "Finder" then tell application "Alfred 2" to search "~" end if end tell Try that and let me know if it meets your needs.
  17. You could always try using a regular expression to match the full input string. Make sure that a full url or ip, plus the ending "mx". That way, it begins to execute the script but sees that the input isn't complete so it doesn't actually do anything yet. Once it sees that the input matches the regular expression and therefore the entire input is there, then execute and produce XML Just a thought..
  18. Awesome idea. Essentially replacing 1Password ha. Sorry it took me a bi to get back to you, I'm trying to catch up on a ton of posts. Let me know if you need any more help
  19. The scripts usually don't import your profile so they don't know what ~ in a path is. You could try doing something like.. myhome=$(printf "$HOME"); cd "$myhome/Sites"; I haven't tested that, but I think that's probably the issue. Let me know if that resolves the issue. If not I help you keep poking at it until we find the problem.
  20. This wasn't an extension for Alfred 1, it was just a custom search so this is something that can easily be recreated for Alfred 2. Popup Alfred and press Cmd+, to get to the preferences. In the Features tab, click the Web Search option on the left side. You should now be seeing a list of available custom searches for Alfred 2. Click the button in the bottom right to Add Custom Search. In the popup box: Search URL: sticky-notifications://note?message={query} Title: Sticky Notification Keyword: sn Then save. You should be set up and going again. Let me know if you have any issues or need help.
  21. Of course man, go ahead. Having libraries available makes it easier for everyone to create workflows.
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