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Everything posted by Acidham

  1. Thats why I am using Applescript with Alfred. What about when Alfred would provide an Applescript function to create JSON Output? Applescript is most efficient when you need to talk to other Apps. I was fine with XML but bad that it will disappear.
  2. Seems that I have to switch to JavaScript instead. Working with JSON in AppleSript is a pain.
  3. In the past I used XML format for generating output of Script Filter in Applescript. It seems that XML will be depreciated soon and the format for going forward will be JSON output. With Applescript the JSON format is quite cumbersome because when I am using repeat loop to generate icons the comma in between the items cannot be set properly. e.g. {"items": [ {<menu item 1>}, {<menu item 2>} ] } After menu item 1 i need a comma. with xml it was not a problem because i was able to loop and create new items without a comma. Are there any best practices to use the Script JSON format with applescript and especially within repeat loops?
  4. Updated to v 1.1 Some minor improvements with special characters in the title and better search results.
  5. Why not using Evernote as Bookmark Manager? I am constantly saving URLs as bookmarks with the Evernote web clipper but finding it and open it was a bit challenging. Therefore I decided to implement a Alfred WF for searching Evernote notes based on a given tag and search term: Usage: enb <query> - Shift for quicklook url - CMD to copy to clipboard http://www.packal.org/workflow/evernote-bookmarks
  6. I am not using FL3 but get selection only works in Finder. You have to use Alfred for collecting images and use file action command. Does FL3 support any scripts or action command from AppleScript or Bash? If yes I could take a look on how to enhance my WF.
  7. Ok just updated to 1.2, please install new version from packal.org Note: There are two ways on how to trigger Resize Image: 1. Select one or more files in Finder, open Alfred and type rimage plus target width 2. Search png or jpg via Alfred and use File Action Resize Image
  8. did you trigger rimage with Finder selection or from Alfred ?
  9. Thx Vitor! I was playing with Transform Utility but I always tried newline ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ With Trim Whitespace it works.
  10. I was able to fix a bug where last file in the list was not processed due to a newline added by Alfred. In addition I added a file action which allows to choose files within Alfred and process with Resize Images. Version 1.1 is available on packal.org. @ixium please test the new version an let me know if your issue is fixed.
  11. I am not sure if I miss something but when I set a variable after an applescript returns a value the var always contains a newline (\n). I created a test workflow which shows the newline issue: https://db.tt/XmeYCGT5oL Any idea why Alfred adds the \n to the end of the value?
  12. Can you tell me but more when it fails? - How many items in batch? - any specific Filename pattern when it breaks ? - any specific image format? can you provide me with a zip containing batch items?
  13. Great Idea!! Some room for a lot of improvements manageable in Alfred (without touching bitbar) Change font size and add font in bitbar script Change refresh time Ability to add more than one entry Cycle thru more than one entry in bitbar Action to delete and add new items in alfred
  14. Updated to v 1.1: Shows recent files (sorted new to old) in a folder and opens the file, get file actions ,reveal in Finder or share via Dropox (requires WF http://www.packal.org/workflow/drop) custom folders can be set in List Filter relative to home directory e.g. Desktop or Desktop:somefolder Following actions are available: Enter → Opens file ALT → Enters into File Actions CTRL → Share via Dropbox (required Drop WF) CMD → Reveal in Finder http://www.packal.org/workflow/recent-files-folder
  15. Shows recent files in a folder and opens the file, reveal in Finder or share via Dropox (requires WF http://www.packal.org/workflow/drop) Custom folders can be set in List Filter relative to home directory e.g. Desktop or Desktop:somefolder http://www.packal.org/workflow/recent-files-folder
  16. Ok, Thx a lot. I implemented it in my workflows with bash mkdir -p ....
  17. ...and on the other hand you need to add to the scripts a check if directory is available which will be executed every time you use the WF. I think # of directories it not an issue.
  18. This means I need to script my workflow to check if the directory is available if not I need to create the directory? Furthermore I need to know what the bundle ID is or hardcode the directory creation with bundle ID? I expected that the workflow cache dir will be created once Bundle ID was set :/
  19. I tried to use Workflow Data Directory in Applescript combined with Bash (echo $alfred_workflow_cache) but when I use it the directory is not there. Bundle Id was set before. "Who" and/or "How" will the data directory be created? From Alfred automatically when Bundle ID is set or is it required that I have to create it manually/with the script?
  20. resolved: It seems it is caused due to the response delivered from Google Map API is an image which leads to some strange behaviours. I implemented it now in a way were I save the image first and then use it in quicklook. With this workaround the image will be displayed quite fast.
  21. Sry wrong URL and you are right its not the fault of Alfred. You can use any other URL because the one that I am using is an Google API call to Maps with API Key. I tried with <quicklookurl> and &amp; but it works only for the first quicklook call but any other will fail with error Parameter is missing. I need to restart Alfred and then it works again for the first time. any idea?
  22. I am trying to implement script filter with a quick look in XML arg but I always receive a parse error which is caused by ampersand sign. In the forum there is a pointer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328538/how-do-i-escape-ampersands-in-xml-so-they-are-rendered-as-entities-in-html and I already tried to use &amp;amp; and &amp; and the parsing is possible but quicklook cannot open the URL. The URL that needs to get added to XML arg for Quicklook: https://maps.google.de/maps?q=35.6813023,139.7640529&output=embed I am using applescript and use bash with do shell script. Does anyone else had the same problem and know how to work around?
  23. Great WF! One minor issue, seems to be an encoding issue: s4conv 45 F in C → Temperature: 45 &deg;F = 7.2222222 &deg;C
  24. Got following error from :fzyset when changing to find Files only: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <items><item valid="no"><title>Error in workflow 'net.deanishe.alfred-fuzzyfolders'</title><subtitle>'Settings' object has no attribute '_save'</subtitle><icon>/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertStopIcon.icns</icon></item></items>
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