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Everything posted by Acidham

  1. Do you have a Reminder List "Inbox"? If not, what is your standard list to create Reminders?
  2. Can you try to run following apple script in Script Editor (copy&paste): set theDate to date string of ((current date) + (1 * days)) set DueDate to date (theDate) set time of DueDate to 60 * 60 * 9 tell application "Reminders" tell list "Inbox" make new reminder with properties {name:"Test", remind me date:DueDate} end tell end tell What is the output and/or result? Which Mac OS X version is in use? In addition please also run the script with Alfred Preferences → Debug Mode
  3. Safirechrome provides the ability to open an URL from current browser window in Safari, Chrome,Firefox or Opera. Only installed browsers will be listed as target browser. Update v 1.2: Opera added Only installed browsers will be listed Ability to type and search for a target browser
  4. Create quoted or boxed HTML text for using in e.g. Gmail Usesage: select a text → keyboard shortcut → paste to preferred app e.g Gmail Example, created with Quote Workflow: Quote goes here... and the Box goes here... Download: http://www.packal.org/workflow/quote
  5. Interesting, I am on el capt beta. Means apple changed something on date and time handling. I assume you fixed the WF yourself?
  6. on which version of Mac OS are you? it seems that reminder does not accept the due date. Could you please try this applescript code: set queryTime to "14:00" set theDate to date string of ((current date) + (1 * days)) set DueDate to date (theDate & " " & queryTime) tell application "Reminders" tell list "Inbox" make new reminder with properties {name:"Test", remind me date:DueDate} end tell end tell
  7. Adds reminders to Apples Reminders Inbox Syntax: rm <Title>;<due day>;<time> Following options: due day and time are empty: due day will be set to today with 3 hours from now time is empty: Reminder will be set to date provided at given time accepted date format: <day>.<months> or <day>.<months>.<year> or tomorrow, next week or <weekday> weekday e.g. "Wednesday": Reminder will be set to the next weekday accepted time format: <hours> or <hours>:<minutes> rmhelp opens quick help in Large Type http://www.packal.org/workflow/apple-reminders
  8. Update to v 1.1 Source browser windows will be closed after URL will be send to target browser. http://t.cn/RG6GcCG
  9. How to get new Lists created?
  10. Resize an image, selected in Finder, to a target width by respecting image ratio. Usage Select an image in Finder, open Alfred and enter rimage and enter a value for the target width, e.g. rimage 300. The image will be resized to target width by respecting ratio. Works with .jpg and .png. http://t.cn/R42PAI2
  11. Is there a config option to show all open tabs when entering the keyword or hotkey? maybe to separate two options eg. typing tabs shows all open tabs and fav all favorites websites?
  12. Done, change line 111 in percent.py from wf.add_item(title=results, subtitle=subtitle) to wf.add_item(arg=results,valid=True,title=results, subtitle=subtitle) and add WF step "Copy to Clipboard"
  13. Hide Desktop hide and unhide desktop content e.g. when sharing the screen during a meeting. Enter dhide to hide the desktop and dunhide to show Desktop content. http://www.packal.org/workflow/stealth-desktop
  14. Would be great to copy it to the clipboard on enter. I tried to add "copy to clipboard" Output to the WF but result will not be copied.
  15. My favorite outdoor activity is geocaching and when navigating all geocachers a familiar with Geo-Coordinates. Therefore I created a simple workflow which can translate an address to Geo-Coords. Geocoder requires two AppleScript helper apps: JSON Helper Location Helper In case one of those are not installed Geocoder copies the URL to the clipboard http://t.cn/RUgrPTL
  16. Open time.is comparison with 2 or more locations and/or Time zones. Locations and Time zones needs to be separated by comma e.g. San Francisco,Berlin,London http://www.packal.org/workflow/timeis
  17. Safirechrome provides the ability to open an URL from current browser window in Safari, Chrome or Firefox. When URL is entered in Alfred Safirechrome uses the new URL. http://www.packal.org/workflow/safirechrome
  18. Issue when creating notes from Safari URL. "enn :Test the west" always create note where the URL is in the title. My title is lost. Running EN Version 6.2 (452688 Direct). Any ideas on how to fix it?
  19. Update to version 1.2: Added the ability to press CMD to get the result formatted like 1'000.00
  20. Thx thetadogfish for the suggestions. I implemented item counter. Not sure for the thousands separator because I need to use that number for further calculation and don't like to have the separators in the number. Discard entries which aren't numbers would be a trade off: In case a term contains a string and removing the string would mean to loose the ability to enter e.g sqrt(2). Therefore I recommend to avoid adding senseless strings to the function but still have the ability to enter other math functions in a number series. Make sense?
  21. Sum-up a series of numbers separated by spaces. For some keyboard layouts is combersome to type + sign after entering a number. Sum-Up uses spaces instead which can be typed easier.
  22. On Mac OS X 10.11.1 Beta (15B22c) newly added (after I installed Keyword-help) workflows are not available when searching. Is there a way to trigger manual update?
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