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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. Another solution, which for me would be even better is to allow a new modifier action for 'contact searches'. So for example I search for a contact name like so : Pressing on it with no modifiers will bring the minified contact viewer like it does now. But pressing on the contact with a modifier key like control + return, would open that contact page in contacts for editing. This would save me a lot of time as currently if I want to edit something, I have to go to contacts app, search for the contact and only then can I edit it. This would allow me to go and edit the contact's info instantaneously. Thank you. I hope this would be possible to do and add.
  2. I want to make a Contacts custom action that when activated on notes of the user (arrow below) : I wish it would go instantly to the contact profile of that user. This one : This would be incredibly useful for me. Thank you a lot for any help.
  3. Updated it. It was mostly bad as I use Safari myself. But now both Chrome and Chrome Canary also work. Thank you.
  4. Imgur album -> Desktop This is a simple workflow I often use to download Imgur albums. Download Here is a Github page of it and here is the download. Hope you find it useful.
  5. Hey Dean, If you will be rewriting this workflow in the future. Aside from Quora addition, which would be wonderful to have. Would it be possible to also add Twitter search with autosuggestions? Something like this : https://twitter.com/search-home But from Alfred.
  6. Yes, I guess I can do that. But that would take quite some time especially if you consider doing it for all workflows I will be updating. I just hope that this would be possible to do and something Andrew can agree to implement. It just gives so much freedom to the user to customise his collection without spending time in maintaining the structure of it.
  7. I love to prefix and lowercase all workflows in Alfred. So for example I prefix my workflows with a: (as can be seen below) I also like to lowercase all the workflows (my personal preference). I also wish I could prefix other people's workflows according to their category. As I have over 200 workflows and it will ease searching for them greatly. The problem with this however is that when I update any one of these workflows, which name I changed, it will restore the workflow's name to what the original author had (not lowercase and without my prefix). Would it be possible to add a way to preserve the custom name the users give to the externally downloaded workflows. So if I decide to rename a workflow like so : And then the author has updated the workflow, I want to get all the changes, but keep the name I gave to the workflow. I think it should be possible as it is only the title. The bundle id will be unique to the author. I doubt many people do decide to change names of workflows when they download them but I really wish to use prefixes and keep my own names of workflows. I hope you can understand what I mean and this would be possible to do. It would save me a lot of time and would allow me to customise my collection of workflows more nicely.
  8. Well it was a general question of calling external triggers with text selection in mind thus I didn't open it on on the official workflow forum thread. Since I call all my workflows from Karabiner now, I wanted to also move text selection triggers to an external trigger if I can. I think I can simulate cmd + c copy in applescript, save it to variable, and pass it to argument of the script. Perhaps there is another way to do it though.
  9. There is one workflow I often use, this one. Is it possible to create an external trigger for it somehow so it will work? If I do this for example :
  10. I am curious though, when Workflow author updates his workflow, would my external triggers will need to be changed?
  11. Never mind, silly me. This had everything I need.
  12. Hey all and happy new year ? I've read through this but it doesn't really specify how I can actually do what I want to do. What I want is to be able to call an Alfred script filter from applescript similar to how I can call Keyboard Maestro macros with this : osascript -e tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine" do script ... -- where the name of the script goes end tell
  13. I really love the progress bar implementation. It's such a well made idea. Thank you for sharing this.
  14. You can view some of the top workflows I use here and all of my hotkey triggered ones here. As for fantastical, you can try this workflow. Although I just use the normal quick add menu that comes with Fantastical itself. You can also use Alfred's text expansion capabilities to make some really useful expansions to help with your event creation. I wrote an article on it recently.
  15. I use this and love it to solve this problem. Perhaps it is what you are looking for.
  16. So I guess this is not possible to do? Perhaps there can be some other way I can do this. Essentially I want to create a list filter with websites to make my web searches, when clicking on the site, I will be presented with new alfred prompt that will remember the site I want to search for, I enter my text and it will open a webpage with that search. It would be really really awesome to have. Thank you for any help.
  17. I have updated my description of how I use Karabiner in combination with different workflows and keyboard maestro macros. I think it's insanely powerful in combination. Perhaps some will find this idea interesting and would like to implement something like that too on their machines, the only current requirement is being on El Captain as this software is being rewritten for Sierra still and is thus not compatible. The most amazing thing though is that there really is no longer a barrier to adding a new hotkey. I don't have to twist my hands. I don't have to try and remember the shortcuts as first, I use them daily, and secondly, I can map my hotkeys naturally into their appropriate sections. Ultimately I am always two keypresses away from everything that I can dream of doing. And if you don't find this idea interesting, you can just see what workflows I personally use and love and there are many of them. P.S. I hope it is okay that I share links to the workflows like that, if any author takes offence in how I present this information, I am willing to take down the links. I am also currently in process of trying to understand how to use either awgo or alfred-workflow library to write a goodreads and quora search with autosuggestions workflows so I hope I can share those some time later.
  18. I would like to extend my idea of having a big list filter that I have done here. But extend it for searching websites. I have difficulty trying to remember the different triggers I have set for various web searches and I don't want to pollute my global keyword scope in Alfred as I have a lot of web searches and I also have a lot of contacts with prefixes. What I want is something similar to what I have done with opening different web pages. But now I want a list filter of different sites like so : But when clicked, instead of going to the web page directly, it would open an empty alfred window where I can type my search query and then press return to go to the webpage with that search query. I have tried setting it up in Alfred but I have no idea idea how I can open up an empty alfred search whose result will go to to the website with my search query. Can such a thing be done easily? It would really save me a lot of time as right now I use so many various phonetic keywords like 'rs' for 'search reddit' and they are quite hard to really memorise especially when the number of web searches increases.
  19. Thank you for the tool, it's really useful. I have updated my description now.
  20. This is my first ever workflow that I shared with people. It is a simple list filter with a lot of different links to various websites for asking questions on stack overflow, creating threads on reddit and few more. Here is the repository with it and here is the download link. Description : a simple list filter for various online web submissions including asking questions on stack overflow creating threads on various subreddits on reddit asking questions on certain forums creating github repo / gist and any other web submission I personally use It all goes into one list filter and from there on you can filter with a set of prefixes. More specifically : s: prefix will filter for asking questions on any one of stack exchange sites. r: prefix will filter for creating new threads on various reddit subreddits f: prefix will filter for asking questions on various forums like Alfred Forum g: prefix will currently allow you to quickly create new repository or new gist w: prefix is for all other websites like creating new hacker news thread or new codepen I kind of wish that list filter would allow the same fuzzy matching that file filters provide. That is in file filter, this matches : That is I can kind of skip the dot and go straight to what comes after. Same with semicolons. In List Filter, this doesn't work. That is if I have these few entries prefixed with w : I can't do this : Nothing gets matched. Aside from this, I am pretty happy with the workflow, hope some of you will find some use out of it too.
  21. I would like to create a keyword to a keyword object and since I will attach it to a hotkey I don't need the text in the 'Text' field, it is redundant and off putting for me. Is there any way to avoid this?
  22. Wow. I kind of never used file actions before but will certainly use them now. Thank you a lot @vitor. ♥
  23. That is I select some files like these : Press a hotkey and a file filter search opens scoped to folders and I can start typing the folder I want to move the files to like so : I can then just press return and the files will be successfully transferred there. This would save me a lot of time as I do this copying of files very often. I have tried making it myself and I can write the applescript to get the files selected copied to a variable, something like this : tell application "Finder" set finderSelectionList to the selection as alias list end tell I assume it would work as I use a similar script to lowercase all selected files : use framework "Foundation" tell application "Finder" set finderSelectionList to the selection as alias list -- most important change (faster than Finder references) repeat with theItem in finderSelectionList set name of theItem to (lowercaseString() of (current application's NSString's stringWithString:(theItem's name))) as text -- improve clarity of what is coerced to text end repeat end tell I would appreciate any help I can get on how I can make a workflow like this because it would ultimately save me and perhaps any other person who has a similar problem lots of time. Thank you for any help.
  24. Would it be possible to create a workflow that would list the current Finder tags the user has and fuzzy match search for them and then display them? Alfred gives an option to view these tags : But when you run it, it gives no list of what tags you have : You have to remember what tags you have that you want to search for. It would be awesome if one can type a trigger like 'tags' or use some keyboard shortcut to display all the tags that a user has in their Finder and then you can either arrow up / down to select the one you need or start typing the tag you want and it will match the relevant tags for you. You can also give some contextual info for the tags like number of items that are tagged with this tag as subtext to the tags. Where can I start looking to try and make something like this? It would be extremely useful for me as I have Hazel automatically choose certain tags for some files in a smart way but I don't have an easy way to view these tags and work with them well. This workflow would fix this for me. Thank you for any help.
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