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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. Thanks for this workflow! It's pretty incredible and very comprehensive! Wow!
  2. You clearly marketed it well Vero. Chomping at the bit I was! 😃
  3. I've been using Alfred since the olden times, so long ago the Alfred forum was hosted elsewhere! The Powerpack from 2010 below! 😮
  4. HoudahSpot just updated to version 6.0 which re-instates mail search via their own Mail.app plug in. Bit clunky but once installed works perfectly. It also now has an instant search bar à la spotlight/alfred but can't be pre-configured to search mail as far as I could see so would require 'mouse fiddlin' every search. Could Alfred have a Mail.app plug in possibly?
  5. I'm on Big Sur and I can still search for notes and when I hit return it opens notes.app at the correct note. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. You can access the results at any time in your notification centre.
  7. Thanks for this, couldn't get it to work for the UK though (worked everywhere else I checked)
  8. I completely uninstalled it then reinstalled and set it up from scratch. Working now! I wondered if the location I had set had something to do with it. i.e. I had changed the default location from desktop to another folder. Then updated macOS (obviously including new file system) then it broke. Anyway it works now (with the previous location change).
  9. Anyone on High Sierra (GM) using this workflow? Mine has stopped working. I use it every day as well The report just states: FILE: /Users/me/Documents/Temp/test4.png Problem downloading test4_shrink.png
  10. How terribly lazy of me but thanks all the same for all of the googling. I can confirm that fix worked for me. Cheers!
  11. I wonder if anyone can help with this. Since yesterday any Alfred workflow using PHP has stopped working, I'm on OS X 10.10.5. The workflow comes up with this error or similar on all the affected workflows: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 5: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libnetsnmp.25.dylib Referenced from: /usr/bin/php Reason: image not found Where the frack did my PHPs go yo? How is the best way to re-install those libraries if they have become broken? Cheers
  12. Just a heads up for others. I had a problem where every time I launched Alfred remote after the first connection it couldn't connect to my Mac until I disabled then re-enabled the Alfred remote server. It would then connect fine, 9 times out of 10. On my Mac I have two network interfaces on and connected at the same time, one ethernet and one wifi (I prefer our company's wired network but leave wifi on for OS X/iOS hand off). The ethernet was set at the top of the order in OS X network settings. I changed the order to wifi first and this fixed the issue. Hope this helps.
  13. Full of blurry goodness here. Thank you!
  14. Works fine for me thanks. (using FoldingText)
  15. I love the clean simplicity of apps like the awesome Folding Text, iA Writer etc. Here is Alfred in his plane paper mode: http://cl.ly/image/0J3o2h1j0P04 Edit: Here is a download: iA Writer theme
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