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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. You can configure this in Alfred's Features > Calculator preferences - thousand separators should be ignored by default depending on your OS X locale setup, but you can force this to commas too. Cheers, Andrew
  2. I think making a request in the workflow help sub-forum would be a better place to start than in this sub-forum as you will get plenty more eyes on this issue... in many cases, you will indeed have somebody help create the workflow.
  3. Have you tried simply creating a workflow to run that script directly? Workflows have a different deactivation mode to the default results. Cheers, Andrew
  4. For one of the files which isn't being found, can you pop it into this tool so we can see the data: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip If you are having a file search issue, it's likely to be a misconfiguration or corruption in your OS X metadata and not a bug in Alfred, as file search is core to Alfred's inners and is essentially unchanged since launch so very established. I'm sure we'll be able to work out what's going on for you though Cheers, Andrew
  5. You can customise Alfred's terminal AppleScript or even create new workflow actions to perform specific actions such as this... it might be worth asking in the workflow help sub-forum instead of the bugs/investigating sub-forum as I'm sure some other users are already doing this By default, Alfred takes the most robust / predictable approach by opening a brand new window each time as that way, you can guarantee the state of the window rather than running a command in an unpredictable window.
  6. This was also just posted in another thread by user Vassi1995 and seems relevant:
  7. Could you try manually adding in the path to the preference panes to the search scope... /System/Library/PreferencePanes/
  8. Alfred 2's window / focus subsystem were changed by design so there isn't a bug in this area. If you had the Powerpack, you have better control over this and would be able to yield the focus differently. Cheers, Andrew
  9. Whenever you see any unreliability in file filters, a reindex of your OS X metadata will almost certainly fix it. There is a shortcut to rebuild the metadata index in Alfred's Advanced prefs. Alfred crafts queries differently to Spotlight, so you may see different results in Alfred and Spotlight if there is any corruption in the metadata index. Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  10. Snippets will definitely get an overhaul in the future, I'm aware that it feels a bit clunky at the moment. Not quite yet though as there are many great Alfred things in development which are taking priority
  11. Alfred limits the typefaces to the available OS X themes as this brings the most predictability / consistency, especially when sharing the themes. This may change in the future thought, allowing for more arbitrary fonts.
  12. The renaming categories issue is definitely a bug, I'll get that fixed in the next release. As for changing the category in the workflow edit sheet, this is by design as it makes sure the workflow you are editing remains selected when you hit save. The only guaranteed way of doing this is by resetting the search if the category has been changed - so I'm going to leave this behaviour as is. As you have spotted, you can use the popup menu for categorising en-masse. Cheers, Andrew
  13. Thanks for the clarification / steps, I'll do a bit of analysis in this area and see what I can fix and improve
  14. I'm going to move this to 'investigating' as I've yet to be able to reproduce these - if you could provide more information, I'd appreciate it thanks!
  15. Apple seems to sometimes stop recognising certain apps in this bundle (you'll find Spotlight doesn't find them either), so it's better to just use an Alfred workflow. With the Powerpack, you could use this workflow to launch those apps. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Xcode%20Applications.alfredworkflow If some preference panels aren't being found, you'll want to try first resetting Alfred's search scope in the Features > Default Results preferences, then reindexing OS X from the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  16. Alfred actually has very little control over this, so it may just be a quirk of Notification Centre with the image to the right hand side. I'll move this to "noted" and if I get a moment, see if there is anything I can do to avoid this situation! Cheers, Andrew
  17. it's actually just hard coded to Mail.app, but I agree that this isn't good. I'll pop in a ticket to make this dynamic to the default mail client
  18. Apps is greyed out as it's always ticked (Apps included) and you can't untick it... could I see a bigger screenshot to see the search scope too? Could you also drop one of the apps which isn't being found into the metadata tool I mentioned: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip Cheers, Andrew
  19. Alfred simply passes a URL to OS X to open so it could be one of a few things... Are you using 1Password beta? In which case, Alfred and 1Password will need to be sharing the same data You can test this by adding a new login in 1Password and ensure it shows up in Alfred's 1Password integration automatically (within 10 seconds or so). The Chrome 1Password plugin may be acting up, try reinstalling the chrome browser plugin. Is it working fine in Safari? Cheers, Andrew
  20. Moving to closed as this isn't a bug... For other users, follow instructions above if you are having an issue after the Alfred 2.2 upgrade cleared his app cache. Also see this: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:indexing
  21. Ah, checking /Applications was the first thing I replied to you and you said search scope was fine! You shouldn't need to drag a prefPane file in as that would be automatically included when Preference is ticked. Cheers, Andrew
  22. I can't reproduce this either, but it sounds like something is broken with your categories in general. Do you have syncing setup, and if so, are all of your instances of Alfred 2 up to date?
  23. I can't reproduce this... the search doesn't reset and the item disappears as expected. Could you provide a bit more info? Cheers, Andrew
  24. The metadata for Tweetbot looks ok... To rule out a metadata issue, could you create a new user account on your Mac, switch to that user and try from there?
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