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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. While I haven't completely ruled out hotkey scopes, it adds significant complexity to the implementation of hotkeys and as such, will make Alfred much more active at idle. I do have a ticket to consider this. Cheers, Andrew
  2. Do you only have one version 1Password 4 installed? Or are you also using the beta version, as this can affect the bookmarks-default.json which Alfred is using. If you could open Terminal.app and let me know the output of the following 3 commands: ls -la Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper/Data/Library/3rd\ Party\ Integration/ ls -la Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/3rd\ Party\ Integration/ ls -la ~/Library/Application\ Support/1Password\ 4/3rd\ Party\ Integration/ This will let us know where the currently updated 3rd party integration exists and is being used. Cheers, Andrew
  3. Hi there, This is currently a limitation imposed by 1Password 4 - Alfred shows all the data in the 3rd party integration database (bookmarks-default.json). They are great chaps at AgileBits though, so I'm sure there will be further integration in the future Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  4. Do you have the 'Enable integration with 3rd party apps' enabled in 1Password's Advanced prefs? If not, Alfred may be trying to load your legacy 1Password bookmarks from the keychain. Cheers, Andrew
  5. Thanks for buying! There are plenty of ways of splitting args, and this is dependent on the script language you use. Here is a nice simple example workflow of splitting arguments and opening a url using bash: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Kitten%20Image.alfredworkflow Let me know if you need any help modifying this for your purpose Cheers, Andrew
  6. If the workflow is dynamically updating its plist, this may be making Alfred's prefs reload the workflow and the debugger would close at this point. I'll take a look and make sure it's a bit more resilient against this.
  7. Alfred cleared the cache once during the 2.2 upgrade. Once the cache has been repopulated, there will no delay for any of the apps you have already search and found. It might also be worth you reindexing if the initial search is slow too, as even without the cache, there should be almost no delay. There is a shortcut for reindexing in Alfred's Advanced prefs. [moving to help sub-forum] Cheers, Andrew
  8. Alfred is designed to only find a subset of items for the default results (defined in Alfred's Features > Default Results, then you use the 'open' keyword for the file search mode. Alternatively, you can prefix file searches with spacebar, e.g. Show Alfred and type: [spacebar]haldouglas
  9. I'm really not sure what's going on here... pop an email to info@alfredapp com and we can get logging turned on for Alfred so we can find at which point it's getting stuck! Cheers, Andrew
  10. This is entirely possible with the Powerpack - you can split arguments any way you like and formulate URLs. I actually have a few nice examples of doing just this, so let me know if you buy the Powerpack and I'll share them with you Cheers, Andrew
  11. Alfred cleared his app cache in 2.2, so there may be an indexing issue on your Mac. The applications option is greyed out because it's always on and can't be deselected. Could you first check that the Features > Default Results > Search Scope has /Applications in it. If so, you may need to reindex. There is a shortcut for this in Alfred's Advanced preferences "Rebuild OS X Metadata" Cheers, Andrew
  12. Pop an email to our info@alfredapp com address and I'll take a deeper look - those settings seem correct. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this for you Cheers, Andrew
  13. Could you check that /Applications is listed in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope?
  14. Could you drag the sound preference pane into the metadata tool so I can see the response: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip Cheers, Andrew
  15. Please try downloading again, this should now work. As for apps not being found, Alfred cleared his app cache in this release, so if apps aren't being found, there may be an indexing issue in OS X. Try the reindex shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs, and this should fix things up as well as make your file search faster too Let me know how you get on!
  16. If you could capture any of the requested info above, that could help identify how to fix this on your Mac
  17. I've looked on Apple's dev forums and it appears to be (a hopefully temporary) issue with Gatekeeper affecting more than just Alfred, even though he is correctly signed and identified. Please try downloading or updating again. I have changed the method in which Alfred is signed and deployed to see if it can work through this issue. If you temporarily switch off Gatekeeper in OS X's Security & Privacy > General preferences, change the setting to Allow apps downloaded from "Anywhere". Once you have installed Alfred, switch the setting back to "Mac App Store and identified developers" Why only less than 10 people have seen this issue out of tens out thousands of people who downloaded or updated b243 so far, I don't know. I will report the issue to Apple. Cheers, Andrew
  18. Alfred uses this combo for the clipboard history viewer. You can change this hotkey (or remove it) in Alfred's Features > Clipboard preferences. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll pop you a screenshot Cheers. Andrew
  19. I've not heard this being reported before and just had a play for 5 minutes and have been unable to reproduce it. I'm going to move it into the help sub-forum to see if anybody else has seen this issue or can find a better reproducible case. Cheers, Andrew
  20. That sounds likely! Glad things are sorted now
  21. This is a great little workflow which outputs information about all your installed workflows: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1653-workflows-help-workflow/ Cheers, Andrew
  22. This should now be fixed in Alfred 2.2 pre-release b242, thanks
  23. Alfred's file search uses OS X's metadata server for searching which doesn't support this style of searching, but you could try this workflow: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4042-fuzzy-folders/ Cheers, Andrew
  24. Alfred simply passes the URL off to OS X to open in your default browser, so this is going to be a bug in Firefox not Alfred. If Firefox is quit and you click a link in e.g an email, you'll likely get the same behaviour. My guess is that if Firefox is running with other webpages showing, it will just open a new tab as expected. Cheers, Andrew [moving to the help sub-forum]
  25. Hi there, Sorry about the slow reply! The web search for searching gmail which is built into Alfred searches your main gmail account. It would only take a few simple mods to create a workflow which could search the gmail account of your choosing. I've just taken a look and it also looks like mailplane has url scheme support too: http://behemoth.mailplaneapp.com/features/entry/mailplane_urls/ ... so you could easily build a nice workflow to integrate into Mailplane Cheers, Andrew
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