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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Yep, I can definitely add some font size options in the Text View config. The Font menu on the popup shouldn't be there (as it's plain text), I'll remove that in the next build.
  2. The Grid View is a brand new paradigm, and completely separate view in Alfred. Using a keyword<space> e.g. "gif<space>query" can't take you out of the default result context automatically, as this would wreak havoc when there could be multiple unrelated default result matches. It'll become second nature before you know it... keyword<space> = stay in context keyword<enter> = new context
  3. The next build will have both ⌘; and an option in the Text View config to enable continuous spell checking by default (when the text view is set to Editable).
  4. Thanks for spotting ctrl+n/p is missing, I'll get this fixed up in the next build
  5. Are you going to submit the update to the gallery? Your workflow seems to be so perfectly suited to the grid view!
  6. @rknightuk Where is the extra keypress? You mean a ↩︎ instead of space? You could always connect up a hotkey directly to the grid view to get to it directly.
  7. @rknightuk The grid view is a separate view to the default results, so you'll need to configure a keyword (with no arg) connected to a grid view. This way, you'll access it using e.g. "gif↩︎searchterm" instead of "gif searchterm". The Grid View uses practically the same JSON, so transferring this from a Script Filter to the Grid View should be relatively seamless.
  8. Just use the forum as usual, the Beta period won't be a long one, just be clear you're referring to 5.5 if there is a bug or something specific. It is called a Beta this time as there is a much deeper range of features which need validating before we can make this generally available, but really, treat it like a normal pre-release.
  9. I'll pop in a ticket to consider shortcuts / making this easier to access
  10. Spell checking should work in editing mode, right click and you'll get a whole bunch of built-in macOS options: Is this what you were looking for?
  11. @sepulchra thank you very much for the kind words, and going above and beyond with your Legendary+ support
  12. @TDube Sent some bits and bobs back via email, let me know how you get on!
  13. @Jaydeez are you using Alfred's file search mode ([spacebar] prefix, or open keyword)? Can you give an example of what you're typing into Alfred to find this file?
  14. @TDube pop the diagnostics to our info@ address, and if you're using ⌘Space, take a look at this page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/cmd-space/ Next time Alfred is hanging, grab a Sample Process from Activity Monitor, as this will tell me what is holding Alfred up in macOS. Cheers, Andrew
  15. @luckman212 DING... fresh out the oven: https://www.alfredapp.com/whats-new/
  16. Hangs are extremely rare in Alfred, and when there are hangs, this is due to issues on a specific Mac. As such, we have to treat these on a case by case basis, and in every case, we manage to work out what is happening on a user's Mac causing the hang. Have you tried resetting the hotkeys as I asked? If you have reset the hotkeys (Spotlight to ⌘Space, and Alfred to his default ⌥Space) and you're still getting the hangs happening, could you export a diagnostics from Alfred by typing ?diagnostics into him. Also, during a hang, open Activity Monitor, select Alfred and then Sample Process from the view menu. If you could email both of these to our info@ address, I'll take a look to see what could be causing the issue. Please be as open as possible with me trying to provide you with support, the more information you can provide, and the more you try my suggestions, the faster we can get to the bottom of this. Thanks, Andrew
  17. Alfred does prevent ⌘Q from being used as a hotkey (for obvious reasons), however, there is no prohibition of ⇧⌃⌥⌘Q. I can see when this combo event is pressed, the macOS key event isn't even making it into Alfred's Preferences. I can see other combinations of modifier and Q work fine, so there must be something special (reserved?) about ⇧⌃⌥⌘Q.
  18. Alfred isn't changing any priorities, so I couldn't tell you why it's resetting to 0.
  19. @luciano you can also make connections between objects by hovering over an object, then dragging from the little teal coloured connection on the right hand side of the object to the object you want to connect to. Objects which accept an incoming connection will highlight as you start to drag.
  20. *checks oven*... nearly ready... and it's looking delicious! If there is anything Alfred specific which hasn't already been reported in the bugs forum, now is the time to tell us there.
  21. Just to clarify, Alfred doesn't hard code paths. What you're selecting in the popup is the language you want to use, and Alfred will go off and find it in one of the following locations: /usr/bin/ /opt/homebrew/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ /opt/local/bin/ For example, I have php installed via Homebrew, so my dropdown looks like this: If one of these default languages doesn't suit you, then ultimately you should be using External Script. For advanced users, I always recommend using External Script regardless (with the script saved in the workflow's folder), as this allows you to more easily use version control on your scripts, limitless control over desired script language, and script environment. You mention in your first reply that you're seeing /usr/bin/php - do you see this, or do you see /usr/bin/php [not installed]? If it's the latter, then Alfred hasn't found php in one of the paths above, otherwise you may have a broken version of php in /usr/bin/php. Where do you have php installed? In this case, you should be using External Script as your selected language. Thanks, Andrew
  22. @MM00 Here is a Stack Exchange response of how to disable the index, delete the .Spotlight-V100 folder, then re-enable the index: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/437252 This is very similar to the commands Alfred is running internally to request macOS to rebuild its metadata index. IMPORTANT: Please note that manually using sudo commands to remove files folders is a brute force action in macOS. While I'm pointing to this forum post, it's your responsibility to carefully read and understand what you're doing here, and make sure any copy and paste into Terminal is done correctly.
  23. @brunns what display setup do you have? Could you try changing Alfred to the default "Show Alfred on: Default Screen" option (second screenshot to the right).
  24. To reiterate what Vero said, Alfred uses the macOS metadata index for file search. Alfred's reindexing tool requests this index to rebuild, which in all but the most rare cases will fix any issues in both Spotlight and Alfred. If this isn't working, there may be an underlying error in your macOS metadata index. Could you open Apple's Terminal.app and type the following: mdutil -s / Once I see the output, I can provide some more commands to manually rebuild this index. Thanks, Andrew
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