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Alan He

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  1. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from suliveevil in Easily create inline code in forum postings   
    I think forum editor should support markdown.
  2. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from Stephen_C in Easily create inline code in forum postings   
    I think forum editor should support markdown.
  3. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from chrillek in Easily create inline code in forum postings   
    I think forum editor should support markdown.
  4. Like
    Alan He reacted to Stephen_C in How to exclude folders from search?   
    @Alan He's suggestion is what is recommended by Alfred and is probably the best solution for you but you could also create a file filter workflow excluding the relevant folder.
  5. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in System Settings — Open macOS System Settings Panes   
    Welcome @LeifJP,
    The workflow has icons, more nested prefpanes, and corrects others Ventura broke. You don’t have to use the workflow if you’re not bothered by any of the Ventura changes and don’t need the extra niceties, it exists for those who care about any of that.
  6. Like
    Alan He reacted to Quadratic Circle in Line numbers in Workflow script editor   
    Would be a great help when it comes to debugging. Something like this:

  7. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in Do I need to deactivate my PowerPack license before re-installing OS?   
    @RobertF @suliveevil It's not necessary to deactivate if you're reinstalling the same Mac
    Just be sure to keep your license details handy for reactivating once you've installed Ventura!
  8. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in Alfred cannot find files after installing Dropbox Beta for CloudStorage (Intel)   
    Thank you to those who've been able to give us additional information so far.
    We've put a new Alfred 5.0.4 b2093 out a few moments ago, which includes an easier way to reset your Search Scope to a pre-defined scope.

    For users where Alfred's Default search scope isn't returning the expected files, please click the "Reset..." button in Features > Default Results and select "Reset to Applications and Home".
    If this doesn't work, try the "Reset to Full Disk" scope.
    @AllanN Could you please set your scope to "Reset to Applications and Home" and let me know whether you're seeing the results you expect? Thanks for your help!  
  9. Like
    Alan He reacted to Stephen_C in Workflow Request   
    One possible solution, then, is to try deleting the first two items in my sample workflow, trigger the remainder of the workflow with a hotkey and that should/might work (because the buffer will retain the files you have placed in it).
  10. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in can alfred-work-flow do concurrent task?   
    Open the Debugger and you’ll see the order. The top one executes first.
  11. Like
    Alan He reacted to andy4222 in Show Microsoft Edge bookmarks   
    Thanks. I looked at this, but want a Alfred to show bookmarks as part of the default search, like  it shows for Chrome. Else I have to enter a hotkey or keyword to enter the workflow. 
  12. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Automations Tasks Suggestions   
    We have a really exciting roadmap for Automation Tasks during Alfred 5 and into the future, including improved organisation and searching tasks, so stay tuned  
  13. Like
    Alan He reacted to luckman212 in Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match   
    I'd like to suggest a feature:
    - Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match. This would be better than just "Text" or "URL". My Universal Actions list is pretty long and unwieldy. There are easily 30-40 items when I call up the menu. Yes I know latching brings the most used ones to the top, and I know I can filter them by typing a few letters. But sometimes my brain works at very low capacity. Having it limited by regex would make Universal Actions a lot nicer!
    related tweet: https://twitter.com/luckman212/status/1532802001620414464
  14. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Consulting   
    I suggest describing first what you want. More often than not it ends up being something simple that we can get you up and running with a few objects, teaching you how to make it in the process (you can get very far without a single line of code). Occasionally the request is something not feasible at all, because it depends on controlling another app (or a part of macOS) which has no API.
    By explaining your request first, people will also be able to assess if their knowledge applies (it’s a spectrum, not a hard line).
  15. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in JSON Prettier   
    Quick tips:
    You don’t need to use a Run Script to get the clipboard, you can just add a Arg and Vars Utility with {clipboard} as the argument. Adding a Universal Action Trigger will make this considerably more versatile, because it allows doing the action directly on selected text or from the Clipboard History.

  16. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in key combo count support use variable or query   
    Making the field editable in the object would be pretty specific. You can override the value with a JSON Utility:
    { "alfredworkflow" : { "config" : { "count" : "{query}" } } }  
    Though it’s still capped at 10. You can do it with JXA too:
    function run(argv) { Array.from({length: argv[0]}, () => Application("System Events").keyCode(123, { using: "shift down" })) }  
    Just remember the solution is going to be inherently hacky, whichever way you go about it.
  17. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in any method to control selected text   
    You can try counting the number of characters in the text (there is an Automation Task for that) and pressing ⇧← that many times (Dispatch Key Combo). Or ⌘⇧← for words.
  18. Like
    Alan He reacted to JeremyF in Force off Remote Server Functionality of Alfred 5   
    From security prospective, the ability of using staff's iPhone to connect their Mac is a breach of security. Normally, apps setting can be configurable via enforcing values in the plist files which situate in /Library/Preferences
    However, I believe there is no such setting to enforce the disabling of remote server function.
    That's why I would like to raise it as feature request.
  19. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in How can I remember all the Alfred workflows to use?   
    Alfred does that by default, no need for a Workflow. Plus you can go more generic with ?keywords or ?hotkeys to show all available corresponding triggers. That’s a tip at the top of the Alfred Cheatsheet.
  20. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from xanimus in Run command when Alfred activates/deactivates   
    It is best if the alfred can provide a hook to solve it, currently it is not supported.
  21. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in [SOLVED] Is there a way to change the license email?   
    @tga Drop us an email on our info@ address and we'll help you get that updated
  22. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in What is the "v5 Corporate Powerpack"? 👀   
    @Chris Messina Some of our larger corps use [private] git to manage a shared [version controlled] repository of workflows and snippets, which is automatically rolled out to all of the users. Alfred is perfectly happy to work in this environment, and it gives the managers full control over workflow changes.
    I may do a blog post at some point to cover how this works, as it's simple and clever.
  23. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in What is the "v5 Corporate Powerpack"? 👀   
    @Chris Messina Yes, it's been around for a long time and is intended for companies who want to distribute a single-key license to their team. Many of the companies you're familiar with use that method to share the Alfred love with their team
    All the details are here:
    More specifically, the 5.0.2 update is the first Alfred 5.x that will be suitable for corporate licensing activation, as we roll this out a few weeks after the general 5.0 release, which ensures everything's nicely settled down by the time we distribute to these larger teams. 
  24. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from zeitlings in script filter icon support animated gif   
  25. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Sync Preferences Between Macs Using Sync.com ?   
    As long as the synced preferences are always available locally (i.e. not just stubs to online files), any solution will work. One of the reasons some services are not recommended is they continually boot files out.
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