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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Alfred 5 is officially supported on macOS 10.14+, and Alfred 4 on 10.11+ (see minimum requirements). Yosemite is below both thresholds, and officially unsupported by Apple since 2017. From Alfred 5.0.1, you should see a startup dialog if your macOS version is bellow the supported requirements.
  2. There is. You don’t need code, use the Launch Apps and Files Action. The correct version of your code would be tell application "Finder" to open POSIX file "/Users/okn/LC3b/From ScreenMaster pics". Zsh is even simpler: open '/Users/okn/LC3b/From ScreenMaster pics'. You haven’t specified what you want to do with Spaces. But Apple doesn’t provide APIs to interact with those programatically, so whatever interaction you want would be hacky.
  3. It is not recommended to sync your preferences to an external hard drive, as the volume may not be ready when Alfred starts up and needs to access the files. Are you sure the file system on the external hard drive is one macOS can read and write to?
  4. @Stephen_C Indeed. Fixed (same URL). Thank you.
  5. Are you syncing your preferences? Which service are you using? And (especially if it’s Google Drive), what’s the location on your file system?
  6. Welcome @jern, It’s not yet clear wether that will work. ~ represents your home folder. So (e.g.) /Users/jern/Library/CloudStorage. But you might not yet be on that version of Google Drive. If you need help with the Workflow, please state exactly what’s happening and provide the diagnostic.
  7. Yes. The Bundle ID of the app is exactly what is being returned by every object which connects directly to the green object (just updated the Workflow; same link). You can, for example, use an Argument and Variables Utility to catch the bundle ID to a variable (but also pass it along in the argument) and use it later in the Copy to Clipboard Output.
  8. Thank you for the details, @drpbier. For anyone coming later and needing the same result, you can do it with this line: [[ "$(stat -f '%u' ~/.config)" -eq 0 ]] && sudo chown "$(whoami)" ~/.config You can copy it as is and execute in the Terminal. It will correct the ownership of the folder to your username if the current owner is root.
  9. Not with the default feature, but you can do it with a Workflow. By clicking the circle in the middle of a connection, you can tell Alfred to not close when actioning a result.
  10. It’s not because of Alfred 5, but because you’re on macOS Monterey 12.3 (or above), which removed Python 2. With the Automation Tasks and Running Apps Filter from Alfred 5, it’s simpler to rewrite and expand this one than fix the old version. You can filter for the app in a bunch of different ways. Here’s a Workflow. As for the alternatives methods (all the ⌘ and ⌥ branches), I’ll leave to you to remake as you like. For future questions about Workflows not working, please be sure to include the debugger output so we can better identify what’s going on.
  11. It is not. Alfred respects your choices. It depends on what’s causing it to reopen. That’s what we have to find out. Have you installed or updated any Workflow recently? Also, would you mind sharing the names of the files in your ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder? (~ represents your home).
  12. Welcome @Karjala, Only you can answer that question, because it’s subjective. The best solution is the one which fits your usage best. That said, I would try #2 first. #1 needs extra setup (which #2 doesn’t), and #2 is by a regular contributor on the forum.
  13. Yes, you did it right. Some redundant steps (no need to uninstall v5), but the end result is what you wanted. Regarding the cause, as per the Onboarding & Migration to Alfred 5 documentation:
  14. Unless there’s another one with the same name that I’m not aware of, that is not possible. DownMedia doesn’t use PHP or any deprecated language. Try brew update-reset and see if that fixes it.
  15. Uploaded the icons where, to what goal? Do you just mean you added them to the Workflow? It’s likely you have a retina screen, so you need to make icons at least twice the size than they will display in for them to look crisp. Alfred’s own icons are drawn with code, they’re not images.
  16. “Optimise Image Colour for Sharing” compresses the image. A Workflow like TinyPNG also does compression, but through an API and with more size reduction. I see the value in these as automation tasks. Most require using external tools (e.g. to convert video you’d use ffmpeg, which does not ship with macOS) so they require a different type of consideration. Thank you for the request.
  17. You’ll notice it’s not quite immediate, it takes a beat and flashes Alfred. A way to achieve the behaviour would be to check if the script input ends in /, and if it does call Alfred via AppleScript with the previous text, which was saved after the first ↩. That would explain why the Script Filter has an Inbound Configuration. So it is not autocompleting. Rather, it is reinvoking Alfred with different text, which it also understands. You can “trick it” (Unicode Workflow) by selecting the space and / and deleting both at once. Yes. See autocomplete and mods in the Script Filter JSON Format documentation. No. The user’s theme is independent from Workflows. There’s no official API. See alfred-cal for a Workflow which does something like that by checking the font’s width.
  18. @gul-iMac Whatever happens in Safari is between it and the 1Password browser extension. The Workflow doesn’t affect that at all.
  19. Add a Conditional Utility. Leave it with the default of if {query} is equal to which translates to “if input is equal to <empty>”. Then connect the top output to an Argument and Variables Utility with {clipboard} as the argument. Like so. Keep in mind that when nothing is selected, it’ll still work but you’ll hear a sound. That’s unavoidable, as it’s coming from macOS erroring when you can’t copy the selection.
  20. Thank you as well for keeping at it and being so quick with debugging feedback.
  21. As I said: In which that won’t happen. It’s described above: That’s just it. Delete two objects; put a new one in their place. The learning process involves reading instructions and trying to replicate them.
  22. For image conversion and other manipulations, there are several ready-made Automation Tasks. They use sips under the hood.
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