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Everything posted by paulw

  1. I'm trying to use a non-dropbox folder with this workflow. Is it possible? Each time I try to take a screenshot, it takes me through setup, I select the folder I want to use for screenshots, and press return through the short-url options. The workflow never takes a screenshot, though.
  2. If you go to Alfred Preferences, click on the Workflows icon, then at the bottom of the list of workflows, click the "+" sign, then choose Templates > Clipboard > Paste as plain text from hotkey
  3. How do you tag multiple files at once? Whether using Alfred's buffer, or selecting multiple files in Finder, the action "Manage Tags" doesn't display for me. Edit: I see it works with the hotkey. Is it possible to get the "Manage Tags" action working for multiple files as well?
  4. Thanks, deanishe. Would multiple word queries work in my script filter with some kind of quoting? I can't seem to get multiple words to work with your built-in workflow, either though. Can you give an example?
  5. This is great, thanks. Especially since the WordReference workflow won't work for those of us who didn't get an API. I added another script filter to let me just type in the three-letter language codes myself, if I want, with keyword ".trans" and script: python translate.py {query} So I can just type ".trans eng fra word" and get an output.
  6. I'm wondering what folks are using this workflow vs using the built-in workflow template "Paste as plain text from hotkey"? (In Templates > Clipboard)
  7. I'd like to use this workflow as well. Please repost (or post on Packal.org)!
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