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Everything posted by Carlos-Sz

  1. Unfortunately Evernote didn’t add AppleScript commands to handle Reminders yet. Anyway, it is my plan to add support to Reminders when it is possible. Great! Thank you for your feedback!
  2. Here is a build to test: Download
  3. Thank you for your feedback. I’ll add it sooner or later.
  4. Great. I was able to reproduce the error by typing the notebook name not considering the case. I have a notebook named Code but if I type in Alfred only code then I get the error. The build below tries to get the proper case even if the user type it incorrectly: Download Thank you.
  5. Thank you. Here is a new beta that fixes the title. Download In my tests here everything is working. Please, make sure to use the latest Evernote app version from evernote.com (that is important). Finally, inside the workflow folder there is a en_addnote_test.scpt that you can open in AppleScript Editor, select files in Finder then Run the script. At this point AppleScript Editor will show the error. If you are not familiar with such test I can send you a message later with a step by step.
  6. Can you please write the exact command that is not working? E.g. enn My Title#My tag#My notebook
  7. Thank you for your suggestion. I’ll probably add it after some tests. Regarding your second question: Recent Expressions The workflow saves the last regular expressions you have used. To add a Recent expression to Presets just type plus symbol followed by the preset name: +For My Videos While in Presets just type minus symbol “-“ to remove from Presets.
  8. The name procedure was not changed but it should be different now. I made several tests with notes with more than on file and it seems to be working. Here is a new beta: download Code updated. New beta: download Thank you all!
  9. Can you please test this version? Download now
  10. Good point. I’ll see if I can make some tweaks later today. I’ll let you know. Thank you. Can you please test the new beta? Download now Thank you.
  11. Yes. The workflow creates one note per file. Would be one note for all selected files a better approach?
  12. Here is a beta version of the workflow that also saves emails attachments: download It seems to be working properly.
  13. It seems you are using an older version of the workflow. Please, go to the initial post and download version 7.1 of the workflow. Note that the new keyword is enn instead of ennew I just made a test here and it worked. Finally, make sure to use Evernote from evernote.com due some MAS version sandbox limitations.
  14. Can you send me a .tex file? Email: carlos.sz at gmail dot com I’d like to make some tests. Thank you.
  15. Thank you. Right now it is not possible to import attached files but I’ll see what can be done about it.
  16. You can check if AI is the top most application using the code below then execute the script if appName is AI. tell application "System Events" to set appName to item 1 of (get name of processes whose frontmost is true)
  17. Great! I’ll see if I can add just link to the clipboard if the file is from Dropbox Public folder (source = destination).
  18. If you don’t want that a file inside Dropbox is moved or copied to the Public folder you can add this line before tell application “Finder": set sCheck to thefile as string if scheck contains "Dropbox" then return "File is from Dropbox" I didn’t test it but that’s a possible way to do that.
  19. 1. I think it is up to the user whether he wants or not to move/copy files within his Dropbox account, much like what happens in Finder itself; anyway, thank you for your feedback. 2. The current link, even for images, is a direct link that you can use in this forum for example. I use it all the time. What kind of link are you getting? Did you change the workflow?
  20. Here is a small change to handle files with AppleScript: set text item delimiters to tab set filePaths to text items of q set text item delimiters to "" repeat with filepath in filePaths set theFile to POSIX file filepath as alias --do stuff end repeat It is a good practice to set the text item delimiter to its default value.
  21. Try this code: set filelist to “{query}" set text item delimiters to tab set theArray to every text item of filelist set text item delimiters to "" repeat with eachitem in theArray set a to POSIX file (eachitem) set b to POSIX file ("/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/Temp") tell application "Finder" to move a to b end repeat
  22. I’ve added similar feature but with a different approach in two of my workflows (the first one is also a feature in the second one): Default Folder Recent Finder Items
  23. Please, reconfigure the workflow: 1. bring Alfred and type setup 2. select Setup To Dropbox and hit return key 3. hit return key to set the Dropbox Public folder 4. type public in order to easily find the Public folder inside the Dropbox main folder: Remember that you can enable this special Dropbox folder if you don’t have it. 5. In the next step make sure to type your Public ID number correctly (you can right click a file in your Dropbox Public folder and then select Copy Public Link in order to find out yours): I hope it helps.
  24. Can you please try the version below? It won’t consider a number as a valid plain-text extension so the date pasted by TextExpander will not be cropped. Make sure to use the latest Alfred 2 version because this workflow version is also adding some of the new Alfred features for workflows. Downalod now
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